Finding an Addiction Rehab In Louisiana

Louisiana has a major problem with drug and alcohol addiction. The death rates from opioid and alcohol abuse have become very alarming and have prompted the authorities to bring new policies and ways of battling addiction. Many drug rehab centers in Louisiana have been built to get help for people struggling with addiction.

Statistics have shown that Louisiana’s substance abuse has risen by 60% since 2011, with 1,004 deaths in 2016 more than in 2011. More facilities, including mental health facilities, have also been built to battle this problem. As things have only gotten worse in the past decade, the need for effective Louisiana alcohol and drug rehab centers has never been more urgent.

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The Rise of Drug and Alcohol Abuse in Louisiana

Finding an addiction rehab in Louisiana made easy

With the rapid spread of the opioid epidemic and mental health crisis currently wracking the United States, drug overdose rates have been increasing at alarming rates throughout the nation.

While the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that every state in the U.S. saw an increase in overdose deaths within the year 2020, Louisiana was amongst those that saw the largest spikes in these numbers. On average, the Bayou State recorded 20,000 more drug overdoses in 2020 than it had the previous year.

This equates to a staggering 48% increase in drug-related fatalities within only a 12-month-period. In light of these rising overdose rates, Louisiana has taken several steps to increase awareness and education on substance abuse, including the recognition of July 28 as Opioid Crisis Awareness Day, and August 31 as Overdose Awareness Day.

This also includes increasing the amount of and state-wide access to addiction rehab centers in Louisiana, so that those struggling with drug or alcohol abuse are able to receive the professional help they will absolutely need to achieve and maintain their sobriety.

Whether you live in the state and need help, or are willing to travel to find addiction treatment services that best suit your needs, Find Addiction Rehabs can connect you with all of the recovery resources you need, today.

Addiction Treatment In Louisiana

What are Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers?

For many individuals who are struggling with addiction, it can be extremely difficult to overcome their habits of substance abuse on their own. This is why there are various forms of addiction and behavioral health services available to those with these kinds of disorders.

Whether struggling with a mild or severe form of addiction, receiving professional external recovery support can make all the difference in a person’s ability to successfully get sober.

Amongst the various substance abuse treatment services that are available today, alcohol and drug rehab centers are amongst the most commonly sought out. These treatment centers help individuals overcome their addictions through various means, including:

  • Providing extensive clinical and emotional recovery support.
  • Offering relapse prevention services.
  • Providing sober-living training and support services.
  • Providing addiction education and prevention resources.

Determining What Type of Addiction Recovery Center Works For You

Everyone will have their own unique experience with addiction, meaning the type of recovery center that will best fit their needs will vary based on several factors, including their specific form of substance abuse, the severity of their addiction, and their medical history, amongst others.

The process of finding alcohol and drug rehab programs that will best fit your care needs can be overwhelming. That’s why Find Addiction Rehabs offers 24/7 addiction recovery support services, so that you can find treatment providers and programs that will cover all of your bases, anytime you need them.

If for any reason you are unable to call, FAR also offers a fast and free drug and alcohol rehab locator that lets you browse rehab centers that will best fit your treatment requirements in an area nearby, or wherever you are looking to recover.

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The Different Levels of Care in Addiction Treatment

Addiction treatment Louisiana as shown by group therapy session

When seeking addiction treatment, this process can become incredibly overwhelming when trying to determine which treatment options will best serve an individual’s personal care needs. Of course, it is important to understand that addiction is a highly complicated disease.

Because of this, individuals will likely need to integrate various treatment practices into their recovery process in order to be able to successfully overcome their addiction. This is why many individuals will follow a continuum of care in their treatment approach.

Depending on what form of substance abuse they are struggling with and the severity of this addiction, individuals may choose to progress through various levels of care throughout their recovery journey. The most common of these include:

  • Medically supervised detox
  • Inpatient and/or residential treatment
  • Outpatient treatment

Medically Supervised Detox Programs

For those with particularly severe addictions, such as those involving opioids, benzodiazepines, or alcohol, completing a medically-supervised alcohol or drug detox program will likely be their first treatment option.

This is because, over time, chronic alcohol or drug abuse will cause the body to become physically or psychologically dependent on these substances. With this reliance, a person will be unable to properly function should they drastically reduce or completely stop this usage.

As a result, they may begin to experience uncomfortable, and potentially even life-threatening cognitive and physical side effects, also known as withdrawal symptoms. In these cases, medical detox can help these individuals to be gradually weaned off an abused substance.

This will be done under the constant supervision of licensed clinical professionals at a drug detox center, which will help manage and even prevent many withdrawal symptoms, as well as allow for the provision of proper medical support and treatment in the event of an emergency.

Furthermore, these programs may also offer medication-assisted treatment options, which can help to significantly reduce drug cravings, as well as the recovering individual’s risk of relapsing back into old habits.

Inpatient and Residential Treatment Centers

Therapy for addiction in Louisiana shown

There are two main forms of drug and alcohol addiction treatment that recovering individuals will typically participate in. These are inpatient and outpatient programs, both of which have their own unique approaches to treating addiction and supporting sobriety.

Inpatient drug rehab programs offer more intensive treatment than most other levels of care, requiring their clients to live at a recovery center throughout their treatment process. This ensures that these individuals are able to recover in a safe and highly-structured environment in which they can overcome their addiction, free of the stress and temptations of the outside world.

A residential treatment facility may offer similar support, differing from inpatient treatment primarily in its ability to provide a more comfortable and homey environment than the highly clinical structure of an inpatient recovery center.

When receiving residential or inpatient treatment, these programs will likely also provide various other treatment methods that are commonly used within the behavioral health industry. These may include services such as:

  • Therapeutic treatment services
  • Medication management
  • Addiction education programs
  • Vocational and social skill training programs
  • Nutritional counseling services

Outpatient Treatment Programs

While less intensive than inpatient treatment, outpatient programs offer a more flexible and affordable approach to addiction recovery. These are usually a more accessible treatment option for those with unavoidable time or financial constraints.

Some may also step down to outpatient programs after completing other, more intensive levels of care. When recovering through an outpatient treatment provider, individuals commonly participate in sober support groups, including Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).

They may also gain access to various recovery tools and resources, as well as therapeutic treatment options and relapse prevention services, which can both better support their ability to maintain independent sober living.

Intensive Outpatient and Partial Hospitalization Programs

For those requiring more extensive care but are unable to commit to inpatient treatment, there are additional outpatient rehab options available to them. This includes participating in an intensive outpatient program (IOP) or partial hospitalization program (PHP).

IOPs require individuals to visit an outpatient rehab center more often than a regular outpatient treatment program would, and offers a more in-depth focus on evaluating and addressing the causes of a person’s substance addiction.

PHPs, like intensive outpatient care, offer more structured treatment to those who are limited by external factors. These programs allow recovering individuals to live at a treatment facility for part of the day, while leaving to attend to their work or personal obligations for the rest of it.

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Understanding the Relationship Between Mental Health Disorders and Substance Abuse

Addiction treatment for Louisiana as shown by group therapy

According to the Louisiana Department of Health, an estimated 4.2 million adults living in the Bayou State fit the criteria for having both a serious mental illness and substance use disorder within the year 2003; a trend that has since only increased.

These co-occurring disorders, unfortunately, are not uncommon. This is because those with mental health conditions often attempt to self-medicate the negative thoughts and feelings caused by their mental illness by abusing drugs or alcohol.

There are also cases where a person’s substance use can alter the chemical make-up of their brain, causing their mental disorders to become significantly worse, or leading to the development of new ones.

The most commonly reported co-occurring mental disorders with addiction are depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), amongst several others.

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA), the integration of cognitive and behavioral therapies into addiction treatment can significantly increase a recovering individual’s chances of achieving and maintaining sobriety.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

To overcome drug addiction, it is essential to determine the root cause of the addiction to understand better how to fight it.

Mental facilities should be given more importance and allow patients to take a trip there—confirm whether the origin of a patient’s addiction is from a mental condition.

Dual diagnosis home sessions and facility-based sessions are offered in Louisiana. The patient may stay at home with a nurse to monitor their movements 24/7 or be admitted and allowed visitors or not depending on the severity of the addiction

If someone is struggling with co-occurring disorders, their successful recovery will most likely require seeking out healthcare providers that offer both substance abuse and mental health treatment services.

This is referred to as dual diagnosis treatment, and can be incredibly effective for helping these individuals address both their addiction itself, as well as its underlying causes. A dual diagnosis rehab center may offer several drug treatment and mental health services, including:

  • Individual and group therapy sessions
  • Family therapy sessions
  • Behavioral therapy options
  • Motivational interviewing
  • Medication management

Additional Substance Abuse Treatment Options and Addiction Services for Louisiana

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There is a multitude of treatment practices and recovery models that offer high-quality behavioral healthcare in addition to the above-mentioned main levels of care. These may include medication-assisted treatment options and aftercare programs.

Medication-Assisted Treatment

Many alcohol and drug rehab centers will utilize medication-assisted treatment, or medication management, to help combat withdrawal symptoms and reduce drug cravings as a part of their addiction recovery approach.

These medications may also be provided as a stand-alone interventive or preventative measure for alcohol and drug abuse, particularly in cases where someone is unable to seek out more extensive treatment programs.

Regardless of how a person participates in medication-assisted treatment, this service can not only help to significantly reduce their risk of relapse, but it can also serve as an additional level of support for independent sober living.

Aftercare Programs

Many individuals will feel as though they require continuing external support in their recovery from addiction, even after successfully completing one or multiple more extensive levels of care. In these cases, it can be helpful to explore additional treatment options.

One of these is participating in aftercare programs, as these can offer continuous growth opportunities to newly-sober individuals, as well as help them to stay motivated and committed to maintaining abstinence.

Aftercare programs may include various behavioral health and community outreach services, as well as a person’s participation in traditional 12-step recovery programs, or their non-12 step alternative treatment options, such as LifeRing Secular Recovery and SMART Recovery.

Why Should I Seek Out Addiction Rehab Centers in Louisiana?

Map of LA shows the promise of Louisiana drug and alcohol rehab centers

Now that you have established an understanding of what alcohol and drug rehab centers are, you may be wondering what makes Louisiana your ideal addiction recovery destination.

When choosing to overcome your addiction in Louisiana, you gain the opportunity to recover in one of the most culturally rich and festive states in the nation. The Bayou State offers various treatment programs and recovery services that are capable of meeting all of your care needs.

Whether you are struggling with a drug addiction or alcohol abuse, the addiction treatment centers in Louisiana are some of the top recovery programs available within the behavioral health industry today.

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Finding Addiction Rehab Centers in Louisiana

Promise of rehabs in LA shown by welcome to Louisiana signage

Choosing the right recovery center in Louisiana may seem like a relatively straightforward process. However, there are a few important factors that may go into this decision. The first, of which, is understanding your personal recovery goals.

All treatment centers will have their own treatment specializations and recovery approaches. Finding one that fits your specific care needs can make all the difference in your ability to successfully achieve and maintain sobriety.

Once this recovery foundation has been established, you can begin to look more in-depth into a specific facility’s various treatment options and services. Some tips to keep in mind when looking for a specific rehab center in Louisiana that will best serve your needs are:

  • Seek out individuals who are capable of rendering medical advice when deciding what level of care will be necessary for your addiction treatment processes, such as professional healthcare providers or addiction treatment specialists.

  • Do extensive research and check out multiple addiction treatment programs and their recovery services before making a final decision, rather than choosing the first option to present itself.

  • Stick to addiction rehab centers that offer dual diagnosis treatment or medical detox programs if you are struggling with underlying physical or mental health conditions, which can make recovery far more difficult without proper support.

What are the Signs of a Good Addiction Treatment Program?

When looking for specific alcohol and drug rehab centers in Louisiana that can serve all of your personal care needs, it can be difficult to know how to recognize what signs characterize a top-quality treatment program.

Fortunately, there are many signs that you can look out for when searching for a treatment provider that will provide exceptional recovery care. Many of the best treatment centers in Louisiana, and any other state, will have these characteristics:

  • Individualized treatment approach
  • Certifications and accreditations
  • Low client-to-staff ratio
  • Aftercare services

Individualized Treatment

Everyone has a different experience with addiction, and the same will apply to their specific treatment process. This is why a top rehab center in Louisiana will prioritize offering each of their clients’ personalized treatment plans.

Upon arriving at their specific rehab center, a recovering individual will work with their treatment provider in assessing their personal health information and history of substance abuse in order to create their own highly individualized recovery plan.

This will likely include the incorporation of various addiction and other behavioral health treatment practices into their plan, such as individual counseling sessions, medication management, and various other clinical, holistic, or therapeutic services.

Certifications and Accreditations

One of the easiest ways to verify that a treatment center follows exceptional quality care standards is if they have received any sort of certifications or accreditations from highly trusted sources.

The Joint Commission, for example, is one of the most reliable certifiers of high quality behavioral healthcare within this industry. Most of the top addiction treatment facilities in the nation will have this organization’s seal of approval.

The Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) is another highly trusted certifier for exceptional quality care standards. A treatment facility that has been accredited by this organization is guaranteed to offer top-notch mental health and addiction services.

Low Client-to-Staff Ratio

Recovering from a substance addiction often requires extensive and constant support in order to comfortably get through this process. It is for this reason that many top rehab centers throughout the nation prioritize low client-to-staff ratios.

This ensures that both the client and the treatment specialist in charge of their care are able to have enough time to properly attend to and support a recovering individual’s treatment process, as well as form a mutual level of trust and commitment.

A low client-to-staff ratio also allows for the proper and timely addressing of any possible medical emergencies that may occur while an individual is recovering, as their treatment providers are not overwhelmed with having to care for multiple different people.

Depending on the treatment center, this ratio may fall anywhere between 1:3 and 1:10. Those being treated for co-occurring disorders – and who will likely require more extensive care – will likely want to seek out a treatment center that falls on the lower end of this spectrum.

Aftercare Services

Aftercare or transitional treatment programs often play a critical role in helping individuals remain committed to their sobriety once they have finished receiving treatment through more intensive levels of care.

This is why a high quality treatment center will often offer aftercare services as a part of its approach to addiction recovery. These services may be offered at the facility itself, or they may be held at a different location.

Regardless of where these aftercare programs take place, they will generally offer a number of continuing care services, including sober support groups, community outreach activities, and other holistic and recreational methods of supporting abstinence.

Up to 100% of Costs Covered by Insurance

Does Health Insurance Cover Addiction Rehab Centers in Louisiana?

how much does insurance cover for rehab in LA

Many individuals avoid seeking addiction treatment due to an inability to afford the potentially high costs of these services. Fortunately, many private health insurance companies will cover some or all of the costs of drug and alcohol addiction treatment.

This may include treatment received at an inpatient treatment facility or outpatient treatment center. Of course, the level of insurance coverage a person may be able to receive can vary based on their specific insurance provider and policy.

In the event that someone’s addiction has been deemed a medical emergency, they may be able to receive greater payment assistance from their private insurance provider, as professional treatment will be considered medically necessary.

If you are unsure of what level of insurance coverage you may be able to receive, you can find out today just by using the Find Addiction Rehabs fast, free, and private insurance verification tool; or contact a Find Addiction Rehab representative directly by calling our 24/7 hotline.

Finding Free Addiction Services in Louisiana

For those who do not have insurance, there are other ways for these individuals to still get the help they need. When looking for free alcohol and drug rehab centers, Louisiana offers a variety of state-funded mental health and addiction services, with other facilities available in Mississippi as well.

While the treatment services offered at these facilities may not be as extensive as those available through private rehab facilities, they can still offer the necessary foundation and professional support a recovering individual will need to achieve sobriety.

You can find state-funded addiction treatment options and behavioral health services in the Bayou State by visiting the Louisiana Department of Health website, here. Or, you can use the FAR’s free alcohol and drug rehab directory.

Finding Addiction Rehab Centers and Other Substance Abuse Treatment Options in Louisiana

A beautiful Louisiana sunrise shows the promise of rehabs in the state

If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol or drug addiction, this can be an incredibly difficult thing to handle on one’s own. However, it is important to know that you can overcome your habits of substance abuse, and help is available.

At Find Addiction Rehabs, we are dedicated to connecting you or your loved one with substance abuse treatment providers and addiction rehab facilities that are capable of providing all of your personal care needs.

Whether you are looking for specific alcohol or drug rehab centers, or want to explore additional treatment options, our hotline is available 24/7 to provide you with the recovery resources you need, anytime you need them.

Louisiana’s addiction treatment centers are designed to provide a private and convenient solution for all of your substance abuse problems. So don’t wait; call now, and let us help you get started on your road to recovery, and achieving a happy, healthy, and sober you, today!