The Wisdom of Holistic Recovery Methods
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In the flurry and chaos of today’s treatment center uprising, it can be easy to get lost amid the forests of the thousands of different centers in which to start (or end) your treatment journey.However, quality sobriety comes from a solid groundwork of recovery, which is what Find Addiction Rehabs strives to provide. Unlike most of the drug and alcohol recovery centers in the area, holistic centers use a comprehensive in the fight against addiction, alongside the most effective modern treatment modalities.
The Goal of Long Lasting Sobriety
It is known that South Florida is one of the most populated areas for recovery in the country. With that being said, the industry has since become flooded with companies who are in the business for all the wrong reasons. There are really only a handful of centers that not only treat the physical aspect of addiction, but also the mental and spiritual well-being of the user.
The disease of addiction is one of the most difficult and troublesome illnesses on the planet, as it manifests primarily in the mind. While other life-threatening illnesses do have an effect on the family members and loved ones of the sufferer, addiction is a parasite on the emotional, physical, financial, and mental well-being of an addict and those who love them. It can be frustrating, lonely, and confusing to watch an addict self-destruct, and holistic recovery provides users with an entirely different approach to getting and staying sober.
The treatment process is a crucial stepping stone for a solid recovery. Holistic recovery methods allow the addict to be separate from the people, places, and things that could trigger their use and provides them with a network of supportive staff, around-the-clock monitoring, and therapeutic outlets to promote spiritual, emotional, and physical healing.
What Sets Find Addiction Rehabs Apart?
Individualized Treatment Plans
Many centers assume that one route will work for every addict, however, holistic methods recognize that each person is different, and may require a special plan of action for long term recovery. It is certain that addiction can manifest in unique ways throughout every individual, so in order to tackle each person, therapists and case managers will take into consideration the varying backgrounds, drugs of choice, mental and medical conditions, and the presence of substance abuse within the family to create a completely specialized program of recovery for an individual.
Yoga, Acupuncture, and Pet Therapy
As with any illness, there will need to be a level of physical and emotional healing that will come along with treatment. Yoga and Acupuncture provide the patient with a gentle and meditative method of getting the body back into alignment with the mind. Both methods also allow patients to focus on breathing, calming the mind, and reducing anxiety and depression. Pet therapy, on the other hand, allows patients to remember the unconditional bond between living things.
Animals provide a non-judgmental understanding that resonates deeply with recovering addicts. Studies show that animal therapy has been a useful technique to get through to patients with deep-rooted guilt and abandonment issues.
Life Skills Training
One of the most challenging aspects of recovery is the reintroduction into the “real world.” Many addicts have been largely unsuccessful at handling life on life’s terms, and in turn, could use a real tune-up when it comes to finances, occupation, communication, and day-to-day routines. The life skills training that treatment centers provide will create each person with a specialized routine based on their individualized treatment program that will lead to the greatest possible benefit for the life of each patient.
Life Skills training can vary from creating a budget to cooking classes, to employment assistance, and even school and education aid. The primary goal is to help those who are recovering, feel confident in their abilities to go back out and start their lives over fresh.
Art Therapy
Studies show that the way a person perceives and creates something is very descriptive of their mental state. Art therapy has become an increasingly useful tool for therapists to assess and promote creativity and self-expression in patients. By applying a hands-on approach, holistic therapy encourages patients to create art for the sake of creating, which provides a therapeutic window into the subconscious and allows for uncovering hidden truths and emotions that can then be discussed openly.
Relapse Prevention
There is always a period of decline before the actual event of a relapse, and many people have heard the phrase “relapse mode.” This signifies the downward progression and loss of a program that addicts go through before they finally go out, and preventing relapse techniques allows patients to identify and combat the early warning signs that precede relapse.
It will show patients how to identify triggers that can lead to using, techniques for dealing with unsafe people or situations, how to develop a support group so you don’t become isolated and healthy ways to deal with confrontation or other high-stress situations. In addition, it will show patients how to develop a plan of action when they are feeling like they want to use, it and how to manage stress and feelings without turning to substances.
Long-lasting sobriety stems from a solid groundwork for recovery, which is provided individually and with specialized care for each patient that walks through the doors of the Find Addiction Rehabs. On the whole, holistic recovery methods see drug and alcohol treatment as a multifaceted disease, and the program they work on is aimed toward treating each level of the disease specifically. If you are looking for the highest quality treatment and proven results, Find Addiction Rehabs is your best bet for overcoming your addiction and starting a new life.
Freedom From Addiction
If you have found yourself or a loved one suffering from alcoholism or addiction, you are not alone! If you are ready to change your life and live free of addiction, then Find Addiction Rehabs can help. We give you the jump start to recovery you need. Find a holistic program unique to your needs in that it doesn’t just treat the addiction, it treats the whole person. For more information on such programs, call our team today.
Edward lives and works in South Florida and has been a part of its recovery community for many years. With a B.A. in English Literature from the University of Massachusetts, he works to help Find Addiction Rehabs as both a writer and marketer. Edward loves to share his passion for the field through writing about addiction topics, effective treatment for addiction, and behavioral health as a whole. Alongside personal experience, Edward has deep connections to the mental health treatment industry, having worked as a medical office manager for a psychiatric consortium for many years.