A Famous Recovery Journey
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Kristin Davis is most well-known for her iconic role as Charlotte in the hit HBO series “Sex and the City.” When she’s not in character, Davis is a global ambassador for Oxfam International, who has worked tirelessly fighting for better lives for women and children in need. Kristen was once a woman in a desperate situation.
In an interview with James Andrew Miller for his podcast Origins, Davis and her fellow Sex and the City performers revealed many of their stories and secrets. Unlike her co-star Sarah Jessica Parker, who refers to herself as being quite “prudish” when it comes to drugs and alcohol, Davis was not shy when it came to discussing how she struggled with alcoholism for years and fought hard to find a way out.
“I’m a recovering alcoholic,” said Davis, 43. “I’ve never hid it, but I’ve been sober the whole time I’ve been famous, so it wasn’t like I had to go to rehab publicly.” It’s caused a lot of confusion out in the world. I get sent many a Cosmo! I never drink them. I believe [alcoholism] is a disease. I don’t think you can mess with it. There was a time when people who didn’t know me well would say, ‘Couldn’t you just have one glass of champagne?’ And I would say, ‘No.’ I’m doing well. I still have occasional bad days. Why risk it?”
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Kristin Davis and Her Struggle With Alcohol Addiction
Kristin Davis grew up in South Carolina right on the Bible belt. Her Mom was a university data analyst. Her Dad was a professor of psychology. Kristin had three step-sisters on her Dad’s side from his first marriage. She visited them every summer, but she states that her childhood felt more like “an only child” like existence.
“I have always been fine alone, which suits my current life. I’m alone a lot, working, traveling, doing a lot of things alone because I have to.” For a short time in her teenage years, she wanted to be an upper-class young woman. Her liberal parents rejected expensive clothing items and private education due to some of their beliefs.
“In the South, a lot of the private schools are based on possibly, not the right theories.” She states that segregation was part of her schooling. ‘Yeah. There was no way my parents were going to support that and I agreed with them.’ She says that her school was a bit “wild” and that there was a lot going on. ‘To the outside world, I was a good girl. But I drank a lot, which was rebellious because my parents didn’t drink at all. In the South, pretty much everybody drinks. There was always lots of alcohol, lots of access to alcohol, people sitting around every night with a Mint Julep, or whatever.”
When asked about how she began drinking in high school the “Sex and the City” star said,“ We’d all be behind the gym drinking, about 20 people passing around bourbon or whatever.” Kirstin Davis never struggled with any hard drugs like cocaine and heroin as a teenager, but alcohol slowly took its toll on her. After years of drinking from a very young age, Kristin Davis noticed that drinking daily and waking up hungover was very counterproductive to her long-term goals. Along with her acting program and busy life schedule, trying to pursue her passion without being sober just wasn’t working anymore.
“Acting is very difficult in weird ways. You’d have to get to class by 8 am, work all day, rehearse all night, and it’s not really good to do when you’re hungover. I’d wanted to be an actress my whole life, that was my goal, and that was all I cared about. Something had to go, so I chose drinking to go. Sometimes it would be nice to just have some red wine with dinner, but it’s not worth the risk. I have a great life, a great situation. Why would I want to risk self-destructive behavior like alcoholism? Even though I might not, I might, do you know what I’m saying? You just never know.”
Alcoholism: Not Hitting a Bottom
Not everyone who is clean and sober had to hit a rock bottom to come to their senses and realize the destructive toll their substance use was having on their life. Some people like Kristin Davis realized that alcohol (or drugs) were causing a problem in their lives. She decided that in order to have the life she wanted she needed to put down the bottle and start working on herself.
Not everyone needs to become homeless and jobless to see that what they’re doing is causing problems. At the end of the day, if you want to quit drinking and get a better life, the only person stopping you is yourself. It is possible to achieve sobriety and stop using for good. With the right tools and resources, you can recover from your alcohol addiction and finally feel alive again.
How to Recognize When Your Drinking Habits Are Becoming a Problem
Alcohol is a widely socially accepted drink, and having the occasional wild night out is, for many people, considered to be normal. However, drinking too much or binge drinking can become extremely detrimental to your health both in the short and long term.
Recognizing when your alcohol consumption has become an issue can be tricky, but some signs you can look out for include:
- Drinking more often or in larger quantities than originally intended.
- Spending a lot of time and money buying, drinking, or recovering from alcohol.
- Hiding your drinking habits from your friends and family.
- Drinking at inappropriate times or in risky situations, such as while at work, school, or driving.
- Continuing to drink despite this having negative side effects.
- Developing withdrawal symptoms when attempting to stop or limit drinking.
If you recognize any of the behaviors listed above in yourself or a loved one, then it may be time to get help for your drinking. While life may seem dull without the effects of alcohol, it is this addictive substance that is really responsible for making your life harder and bleaker. Seeking professional treatment can help you overcome the struggles of your addiction and give you the resources needed to learn how to stop drinking for good.
Getting Treatment for Your Alcohol Addiction
When treating addiction, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to helping people put down the bottle. Addiction is a very personal disease, meaning it will require an equally personal plan of action when you are being treated for this condition.
Fortunately, there are many levels of care available to help you overcome your alcohol abuse and stay sober. If you are struggling with alcohol abuse and want to get sober, help is available. You can call the Find Addiction Rehabs 24/7 hotline today to get answers to all of your recovery questions and find treatment programs nationwide that will help you overcome your addiction.
FAQs on Kristin Davis’ Alcoholic Past
Is There a Connection Between Fame and Addiction?
While becoming an actor or actress can seem like a dream job, it is not always glitz and glam. In reality, many stars face extreme pressure while on the road to fame. For many actors, a single interview or audition can make or break their careers, and many will even spend decades trying to make a career out of acting.
Unfortunately, when trying to get into the spotlight, there is no room to be shy. No matter how many acting classes or experience a person may have, many famous individuals chalk up their big breaks to them getting “lucky.” Making connections and getting in “good” with the higher-ranking actors can be an up-and-coming star’s big chance.
Both the pressure of making it big and that felt from wanting to fit in can push many actors to dabble in activities they may otherwise avoid; including, of course, drug and alcohol abuse. Even after they have made it big, the stress and pressure that comes with constantly being in public view can push many stars to engage in substance abuse.
What Causes Addiction for Celebrities?
While there is no direct cause of addiction, even for those with the stressors of fame, there are several risk factors that can increase a person’s likelihood of developing substance abuse habits. Having a family history of addiction, for starters, can make a person more susceptible to becoming dependent on drugs or alcohol.
Having an unstable or stressful home, work, or school environment can also push people towards substance abuse as a method of coping with their circumstances. Furthermore, those with mental health conditions may be more likely to use drugs or alcohol as a way of self-medicating their symptoms.
Ultimately, anyone can develop a substance addiction, but knowing the risks of developing these habits can help you stay aware and resist the urge to participate in potentially dangerous or habit-forming behaviors.
Are You or a Loved One Struggling?
Are you or a loved one struggling with drug addiction or alcoholism? If you or someone you love is suffering from alcohol or drug addiction and want to get help, call us at today. At Find Addiction Rehabs our team is ready to help.
We give you the jump start to recovery you need, with facilities matched to your needs across the country. For a confidential consult and to get options for recovery now, reach out today!