What is Klonopin?

Klonopin (Clonazepam) is a medication commonly used to treat anxiety, panic disorder, seizure disorders, and insomnia. It falls into the benzodiazepine drug class, which directly affects the central nervous system (CNS).

However, this calming sensation is also what makes Klonopin particularly prone to substance abuse. According to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), benzodiazepines such as Klonopin are currently classified as Schedule IV controlled substances, due to both their recognized medical use and high risk for abuse and Klonopin addiction.

Keep reading to find out more about dependence on Klonopin and how to find effective forms of treatment!

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How Addictive is Klonopin?

Some people may develop a Klonopin addiction in as little as a few weeks after they begin taking this medication. This includes those who are even taking Klonopin in their prescribed doses.

As a long-acting benzodiazepine, Klonopin works by increasing the levels of gamma-amino-butyric acid (GABA) in your brain, which can produce a calming and sedative effect. This makes the drug particularly effective for relieving panic attacks, as well as convulsions and inducing sleep.

How Addictive is Klonopin

This is because Klonopin blocks GABA receptors in the brain, helping to reduce anxiety and stress. However, over time, taking this drug will cause you to build a tolerance to, and eventual dependence on this drug. While dependence may not be, strictly speaking, drug abuse, it can lead to some of the same issues as an outright addiction.

Once this happens, you will no longer be able to feel relaxed without using Klonopin. This can make it extremely difficult to quit this drug, as you will likely experience Klonopin withdrawal. This will occur as a side effect of their body no longer being able to function without the drug.

If your substance addiction has developed to the point where you are experiencing withdrawal, you will need to seek out professional treatment providers and programs in order to successfully and safely stop abusing Klonopin.

How to Recognize the Signs of Klonopin Addiction

Accepting that you or a loved one may be struggling with an addiction to Klonopin, or any other benzodiazepines for that matter can be a difficult and painful thing to do. However, taking this step is absolutely crucial to being able to overcome these self-destructive habits.

There are several warning signs that you can look out for when determining if you or someone you know is struggling with Klonopin addiction, including:

  • Having different prescriptions with multiple doctors, or “doctor shopping,” for Klonopin.
  • Having constant cravings for Klonopin.
  • Continuing to use Klonopin despite this having negative consequences personally, physically, mentally, and/or socially.
  • Having a desire to quit but being unable to do so on one’s own.
  • Losing interest in social or professional obligations due to Klonopin use.
  • Developing legal or financial issues as a result of Klonopin use.

In addition to these signs and symptoms, one of the most significant indicators of a Klonopin addiction is the development of withdrawal symptoms when attempting to drastically reduce or entirely stop the use of this drug.

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Klonopin Withdrawal Symptoms

When attempting to stop using addictive substances, such as Klonopin, after having abused them for a long period of time, you will most likely develop a number of uncomfortable side effects.

This is because a person’s body will become physically dependent on an abused drug, requiring its continued use in order to be able to function properly. So, when it is removed from the system, the body will have an intensely negative reaction.

There are several withdrawal symptoms that you may experience when stopping your use of this long-acting benzo. This includes feelings of overwhelming anxiety, irritation, insomnia, and flu-like symptoms.

Of course, each person going through Klonopin withdrawal may not experience the same effects. The severity of and length of time these symptoms last can vary based on a number of factors, including the amount of Klonopin you normally take, how long you have been using it, and whether you are combining this drug with other substances.

Because of how intense these withdrawal symptoms can be, you will likely need significant physical and psychological support from a professional treatment provider in order to be able to successfully and safely overcome your Klonopin addiction.

Speaking with a certified addiction professional, such as the Find Addiction Rehabs representatives, can help you find addiction treatment programs and recovery options that will best support your personal care needs.

What are the Side Effects of Klonopin Abuse?

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While Klonopin can be very effective in treating severe medical issues, this does not mean it is not a serious addiction risk. This is even more true for those struggling with mental illness, who may be using this or other medications to help combat difficult thoughts and feelings.

There are several risk factors associated with abusing Klonopin, especially over extended periods of time or when taking the drug in higher doses than recommended or necessary. These include:

  • Dizziness
  • Vertigo
  • Fainting
  • Numbness
  • Impaired cognition
  • Confusion
  • Reduced reaction times
  • Impaired judgment and decision-making abilities
  • Reduced libido

In cases where someone has taken too high a dose of Klonopin, or mixed this drug with other dangerous drugs, they may be at an increased risk of overdose. Signs of a Klonopin overdose include:

  • Slurred speech
  • Low blood pressure
  • Extreme drowsiness
  • Unstable movement
  • Reduced attention span
  • Memory impairment
  • Lack of coordination

There is also the fact that, when someone abuses Klonopin over long periods of time, they may begin to experience the opposite effects of what the drug is designed to do. This means that, instead of Klonopin serving as an anti-anxiety or sleeping medication, it will instead increase their anxiety, agitation, and inability to sleep.

Understanding the Klonopin Addiction Treatment Process

Rivotril - Anxiety, panic disorder medication

There are many different types of drug rehabilitation programs. Each person’s experience with addiction, whether to Klonopin or any other addictive substances, will vary based on their own personal habits of use and underlying medical history.

This means that the addiction process often relies on personalized treatment plans in order to help people overcome their abusive habits. With that being said, there are several main forms of addiction treatment programs, including:

Determining what treatment options will work best for you can be difficult. Speaking with your medical provider or an addiction specialist can help you find a specific treatment provider and recovery plan that will best support your healthcare needs.

Medical Detox Programs

If you are experiencing more severe withdrawal symptoms, your treatment process will likely start with participating in a medical detox treatment program. This level of care may be offered through an inpatient or outpatient treatment facility, or as a stand-alone treatment service.

When you receive treatment at a detox center, you will be gradually weaned off of Klonopin while under constant medical care and supervision. This can help manage and prevent uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms, as well as reduce your risk of relapse.

Once your detox process has been completed, it will typically be recommended that you receive continuing care through other drug rehab programs, the most common of which include inpatient and outpatient rehab options, depending on the severity of your drug addiction.

Inpatient/Residential Programs

Inpatient treatment is a type of addiction program that requires you to live at your specific treatment center throughout the duration of your recovery process, as this allows you to receive the most structured and intensive care possible.

Recovering at inpatient treatment centers will typically provide you with access to a combination of substance abuse and mental health services, as well as various holistic recovery techniques. Similarly, residential treatment centers offer 24-hour, although these facilities typically offer less hospital-like and more comfortable recovery environments.

Those requiring inpatient or residential care typically have more severe addictions, or are suffering from co-occurring disorders. This does, however, mean these treatment centers may also be more expensive. If you are looking for a more affordable and flexible addiction treatment program, outpatient services may best suit your needs.

Outpatient Programs

Outpatient treatment programs session

Outpatient treatment programs are a less intensive, but more flexible and affordable addiction treatment option. Unlike inpatient rehab, recovering from your addiction to Klonopin through an outpatient treatment program will not require you to live at your specific treatment center.

Instead, you will most likely attend sober support group sessions and addiction recovery meetings, such as through Narcotics Anonymous (NA). These will typically be held several times a week at an outpatient treatment facility, and can provide you with access to addiction education and recovery resources.

Like with inpatient and residential options, this level of care may also offer various holistic and therapeutic treatment services. Outpatient centers can provide you with effective and affordable treatment during the day, usually at scheduled times, once to a few times a week.

You may come and go from your treatment center as you please, but will be expected to make your designated appointments. These programs can also be blended together to create a program that is more suited to your needs. Not all rehab programs are the same, so there are many options available to you.

Frequently Asked Questions on Klonopin:

Does Insurance Cover Klonopin Addiction Treatment?

Generally, many types of health insurance are required to cover alcohol and drug rehab, as well as treatment services for various mental health conditions that may be a contributing factor to your substance abuse habits. With that being said, the extent to which your specific insurance provider will cover the costs of rehab depends upon many factors, including:

  • Your policy’s particular behavioral and essential health benefit options.
  • Your specific rehab center and treatment provider.
  • Your personal addiction recovery care needs.

Any questions regarding, ‘What does my insurance cover?’ can also be quickly and confidentially answered by a call to the recovery representatives at Find Addiction Rehabs. Within minutes they can answer your questions about insurance and the treatment process as a whole, and provide you with your costs alongside nationwide options for rehabs.

What Type of Rehab Program is Best for Treating Klonopin Addiction?

As discussed, which treatment options will work best for you will depend on your specific care needs. What recovery methods will best serve you can vary based on the severity of your addiction, as well as any personal or financial obligations that may limit your treatment options.

If you are unsure of which treatment providers and programs will be best for you, reach out to the 24/7 Find Addiction Rehabs helpline today, and we will help you determine a treatment approach and recovery options that will serve all of your needs.

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Find Klonopin Treatment Options Now!

If you or someone you know needs help with substance abuse, the compassionate team of representatives at Find Addiction Rehabs is here to help. We can provide you with professional treatment advice and recovery information, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

We can help you overcome your addiction and take the first step on your path to recovery by helping you find addiction treatment options that work for you. Your call is confidential and there is no obligation involved, so please give yourself a break and reach out now!