Alcohol Abuse

The Great Obsession of an Abnormal Drinker

What is the Obsession of Most Abnormal Drinkers?Table of ContentsWhat is the Obsession of Most Abnormal Drinkers?More About the Mental Obsession of AlcoholismWhy Is This the Obsession of Every Abnormal Drinker?The Danger Behind the ObsessionThe Irony of the Great Obsession of Every AlcoholicWhy Alcoholics Want to Drink “Normally”A Personal Story of an Abnormal DrinkerThe Progress […]

What is the Obsession of Most Abnormal Drinkers?

Many people who come into the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous struggle with the same common issue: actually classifying themselves as alcoholics. Even though there is often a tremendous amount of evidence backing up the idea that they have an issue with alcohol, it can still be difficult for them to wrap their minds around the fact that they are abnormal drinkers.

In fact, most alcoholics have, at some point, found themselves obsessing over a particular illusion. Thus, this begs the question of, just what is the great obsession of every abnormal drinker? The answer is quite simple.

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Many problem drinkers, they are consumed by the idea that somehow, someday, they will be able to go back to being a ‘normal drinker.’ Unfortunately, for individuals who are determined to pursue this illusion, it is only a short time before they find themselves crossing the line between problem drinking and addiction.

In part, this is due to the fact that alcoholism is, like other addictions, known as a ‘disease of more.’

Keep reading to learn more about AA and the approach it takes to overcome this obsession now!

More About the Mental Obsession of Alcoholism

If you’re struggling with alcoholism, you may feel like you’re in a constant battle with your own mind. Your thoughts may be consumed with alcohol – when you can drink, how much you can drink, where you can get alcohol, etc. This preoccupation with drinking can make it hard to focus on anything else.

You may find that your work or school performance starts to suffer. You may start to neglect your hobbies and interests. You may even start to distance yourself from your friends and family members who don’t drink.

This obsessiveness is one of the key symptoms of alcoholism. And it’s one of the main reasons quitting can be so difficult. If you feel like you’re always thinking about alcohol, it can be hard to break the cycle and focus on something else.

But it’s important to remember that you are in control of your own thoughts and emotions. Just because you’re thinking about drinking doesn’t mean that you have to give in to the urge.

Why Is This the Obsession of Every Abnormal Drinker?

Unfortunately, alcoholism is a progressive illness that often uses an individual’s denial against them. It is part of the mental peculiarity that comes along with being an abnormal drinker. As such, it causes many individuals to believe that they will one day be able to regain control of their drinking and return back to a time when alcohol did not rule their lives.

For many problem drinkers and alcoholics, the excuse that their drinking habits have gotten out of hand due to external forces allows them to maintain the belief that this behavior is temporary. However, this shared illusion is astonishing in the way that it sets the foundation for these individuals to continue drinking.

After all, they are blinded by the persistence of the idea that some imaginable remedy for their habits exists in the future. This thought feeds the small sliver of hope that maybe they are not “a real alcoholic,” and with enough willpower and determination, they can manage their drinking and live life as a normal drinker.

The Danger Behind the Obsession

As a progressive illness, this inability to fully concede to their addiction only further serves to worsen these individuals’ alcoholic condition. This is because alcoholism is not an illness of the will, but rather it is an obsession of the mind and a physical allergy of the body.

In other words, in the case of an alcoholic, their body’s dependency on alcohol essentially forces them to continue to drink; even if they do not actually wish to. Thus, an individual who suffers from alcoholism will never be able to one day drink like a normal person, even if it may be their deepest desire to do so.

In order to truly overcome an alcohol addiction, an individual’s first step must be to leave behind the idea that somehow, someday they will have control over their habits. Once they have overcome this great obsession, these individuals can then begin to seek out the addiction help they need.

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The Irony of the Great Obsession of Every Alcoholic

Here’s the irony of the obsession to drink normally: Alcoholics are obsessed with drinking normally, but they don’t actually want to drink normally. They want to feel drunk and numb. This may seem like a contradiction, but it’s actually a very common symptom of addiction.

Why Alcoholics Want to Drink “Normally”

Most alcoholics know, deep down, that their drinking is a problem. They may not be ready to admit it yet, but they know that their drinking is out of control. As a result, they may start to fixate on the idea of drinking like a “normal” person. They see other people around them drinking without any problems and they want that for themselves. They want to be able to have a couple of drinks and then stop.

The truth is, if alcoholics could drink like normal people, they would never do it. Most of us who are alcoholics drink because we want to get drunk. We want to forget our problems and numb out from the world. Drinking normally would never give us that feeling because we would never drink enough to achieve it.

The fact that addicts want to both drink normally and get drunk is just one example of the many contradictions that exist within addiction.

A Personal Story of an Abnormal Drinker

When I first started my treatment process, I was sure that I did not have an issue with alcohol or drugs. I mean, maybe I knew that my cocaine and heroin habit might have gotten a little out of hand- which, by the way, is a typical thought for an abnormal drinker or drug user- but I certainly did not think I needed to stop drinking.

Complete abstinence just sounded crazy to me at the time. I could not figure out why I had to give up all substances. Of course, I eventually realized this was because I was not yet ready to come to terms with the fact that it was, in fact, the drugs and alcohol that had ruined my life.

Today, I am grateful to say that the idea of abstinence no longer sounds crazy to me; I understand now that, as an abnormal drinker, I cannot put any mood or mind-altering substances into my body.

The Progress of My Disease

Now, I did not get to this point overnight. In fact, I spent the whole first year of my recovery chasing the same great obsession of every abnormal drinker that we discussed before. I thought that I could figure out a way to drink like a normal person. I tried every combination, drinking only on weekends, drinking only wine, not drinking at all; but nothing ever worked, and I kept relapsing. The persistence of this illusion in my head only continued to keep me lost.

I ended up blacking out almost every time I tried to drink, and pretty quickly, I began spending all of my money on cocaine. So I kept picking up white chips and kept feeling worse and worse every time I relapsed. No matter what combination, rules, or limitations I tried to give myself, I could not stop once I had started, and I could not control how much I used or drank.

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When I Reached a Rock Bottom to Call My Own

I was reaching the brink of insanity, lost on a roller coaster of guilt, shame, and lack of control. I knew that I could always go back to receiving treatment, but I was determined to see if I could master this controlled drinking thing. Turns out, it was controlling me more than I ever controlled it.

Finally, while sitting in an old-timers meeting that my friend dragged me to, I heard something that almost made me laugh out loud. The meeting was opened with a prayer, the preamble, and then a reading from the chapter More About Alcoholism from the Big Book, Alcoholics Anonymous’ basic text on their recovery program:

“No person likes to think he is bodily and mentally different from his fellows. Therefore, it is not surprising that our drinking careers have been characterized by countless vain attempts to prove that somehow, someday he will control and enjoy his drinking. This is the great obsession of every abnormal drinker. The persistence of this illusion is astonishing. Many pursue it into the gates of insanity or death.”

The Myth of Normalcy for Alcoholics

At that moment, I realized I am not normal, I will never be normal, and this is just something I have to come to terms with. Since making that discovery, I learned that I had taken the First Step to recovery: I had decided to fully concede to my drinking problem. Upon continuing with a sponsor, I learned that not only was I abnormal (something I am quite grateful for today), but I could live a life that was better than anything I have ever known.

So long as I was willing to continue working with the Twelve Steps, and be willing to believe in a Higher Power of my own understanding, I could one day accomplish overcoming the spiritual, emotional, and physical torture that I had been enduring throughout my life.

The Clarity that Comes with Recovery

Today, I know that the great obsession of every abnormal drinker was once my own. However, this is now just a distant memory. With the help of my sponsor, my God, the people in the rooms of my fellowship, and the words from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous that changed my life, I know that being abnormal is what sets me apart.

Call it cheesy, but today I think that I am abnormal because I choose to accept a higher purpose. Not only this, but I choose to utilize my knowledge and experience to discover my innermost self from the trials I have been through, to be of service to those who feel as I once felt, and inspire them to discover their innermost selves.

Today I am grateful for my abnormal, previously alcoholic, and drug-addicted mind because I can help people who need it. I can live by a set of spiritual principles, and try to be the best person I can be, knowing that my time being controlled by alcoholism and substance use is truly over.

4 Tips for Overcoming the Mental Obsession of Alcoholism

If you’re struggling with alcoholism, you may feel like you’re in a never-ending battle with your own mind. The mental obsession with alcoholism is a very real and very powerful thing. But the good news is that it’s possible to overcome it. Here are four tips to help you get started.

1. Realize You’re Not Alone

The first step in overcoming the mental obsession of addiction is to realize that you are not alone. Millions of other people are struggling with the same issue. There are people who want to be there for you and who can help you overcome your addiction. Reach out to a friend, family member, therapist, or doctor for support.

2. Understand the Nature of the Obsession

The next step to overcoming the mental obsession with alcoholism is to understand what it is and how it works. The mental obsession is basically a way for your brain to rationalize your drinking. It tells you that you need alcohol to cope with life, that you can’t function without it, and that you’re not an alcoholic. Of course, none of this is true. But when you’re in the throes of addiction, it can be very difficult to see things clearly. Understanding that your thinking is often faulty can be helpful in the beginning. Not everything you believe is true.

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3. Identify Your Triggers

One of the best ways to overcome the mental obsession of alcoholism is to identify your triggers—those things that make you want to drink even when you know you shouldn’t. Common triggers include stress, anxiety, boredom, and social situations. Once you know what your triggers are, you can start to develop coping mechanisms for dealing with them without resorting to alcohol.

4. Seek Professional Help

If you’re struggling to overcome the mental obsession on your own, seek professional help. There are many resources available—from inpatient treatment centers to 12-step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous—that can give you the support and guidance you need to get sober and stay sober for good.

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is one of the most well-known and respected programs for overcoming alcoholism. AA meetings provide support and guidance from other recovering alcoholics who have been through what you are going through.

The mental obsession with alcoholism can be a daunting thing to overcome. But with understanding, awareness, and professional help, it is possible to break free from its grip and live a healthy, sober life.

More Options for Treating Alcoholism

When it comes to treating alcohol abuse, this form of addiction is very rarely a one-size-fits-all situation. While organizations such as Alcoholics Anonymous that utilize a Twelve-Step approach to recovery may work for some, these religious / spiritually based twelve traditions may not be suitable for others.

In fact, most non-religious individuals who have struggled with alcoholism agree that twelve-step alternatives are more effective in helping them to get sober. Here are three of the most popular options.

SMART Recovery

SMART Recovery is an alternative to Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12-step programs. It’s a science-based program that focuses on self-empowerment and taking responsibility for your own recovery. SMART Recovery helps you to identify your triggers, develop coping mechanisms, and set realistic goals for your recovery. One of the best things about SMART Recovery is that it’s flexible; you can tailor the program to fit your specific needs.

Refuge Recovery

Reguge Recovery is based on the Buddhist principle of mindfulness. The program focuses on helping you to become more aware of your thoughts and feelings so that you can make better choices and stay present at the moment. Refuge Recovery also emphasizes the importance of connecting with others who are on the same journey as you. This sense of community can be incredibly helpful in times of need.

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Moderation Management (MM)

Moderation Management is a harm reduction approach to problem drinking. It’s based on the principle that some people can learn to drink alcohol in a moderate, safe manner. MM provides tools and resources to help members make informed choices about their drinking. It’s not a “quit or die” program; rather, it’s a flexible approach that recognizes that different people will have different goals when it comes to drinking.

Overcoming Alcohol with a Foundation of Rehab

Of course, these should always be done in combination with or as aftercare programs to more professionally and/or medically supervised treatment methods.

Alcohol withdrawal can be an incredibly difficult process with dangerous side effects, which can result in death if not handled properly. Furthermore, a recovering alcoholic may remain in rehab for a considerable period of time, depending on the severity of their addiction.

Thus, receiving regular professional care and supervision can help ensure these individuals are as safe and healthy as possible. This may include participating in inpatient or outpatient recovery programs or undergoing a medical detox process, amongst other options.

For those who are just beginning their recovery process, getting a doctor’s opinion may be beneficial for determining what addiction recovery options will work best for them.

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Achieve Freedom from Drinking

While it may be tempting to remain blinded by the great obsession of every abnormal drinker, if you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol abuse, the persistence of this illusion is only causing further harm. Here at Rehabs Of Armerica, we understand how hard life can be when it feels like you can not control your drinking; but it doesn’t have to feel this way.

With our hotline being available 24/7, our team of representatives is dedicated to providing you with the support and help you need to overcome alcoholism. Taking that first step can be scary, but it is by no means impossible.

Take back control of your life, and get connected with addiction treatment programs and rehabilitative centers that are dedicated to serving your personal care needs. Just by calling us today, you can get started on your path to recovery, and discover a happier, healthier, sober you!

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