What is Ativan?

Lorazepam, brand name Ativan, is a medication that is commonly prescribed to treat people with a seizure or anxiety disorder. However, in most cases, prescribing doctors will only recommend Ativan use for a short period of time, due to its risk for addiction.

Ativan is currently classified as a Schedule IV controlled substance by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). This medication belongs to a drug class called benzodiazepines. These act on the brain and central nervous system (CNS), producing a calming effect.

While this can be effective for sedation, it also means that benzodiazepine abuse is quite common, especially when these drugs are not used as prescribed. Without a legitimate prescription for benzodiazepines like Ativan, this addiction may only set in faster.

Keep reading to find out the signs of Ativan addiction and what treatment methods can help!


How Does Ativan Work?

Ativan has a rapid effect on the central nervous system, increasing gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors in the brain. This chemical acts as a calming agent as it produces feelings of tranquility within the mind and body.

Taking Ativan slows activity within the brain and nerve cells, directly affecting the user’s physical functions and responses. This helps to also stop painful muscle spasms and prevent serious seizures, so long as it is being used correctly.

This is why doctors prescribe Ativan to treat panic attacks, acute anxiety disorders and other mental disorders, such as manic bipolar disorder. However, this calming factor is also what gives it such a significant physical dependence risk.

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Why is Ativan Abused?

At first mention, Ativan may sound mild compared to some of the drugs people can become addicted to. For many, it is simply an effective anti-anxiety medication that can bring relief from chronic or acute situational anxiety.

It can also be used in medical situations to treat severe alcohol withdrawal. However, Ativan, like other prescribed medications can be abused and can lead to an addiction. That is why it is important to know the signs of Ativan addiction.

Used incorrectly, Ativan addiction potential is high. Unfortunately, society’s relatively casual attitude toward this drug can increase the likelihood of problems with abuse. It also makes it less likely for the problem to be recognized until Ativan addiction symptoms are extremely obvious in the user.

How Long Does It Take To Become Addicted To Ativan?

There is currently no clearly defined length of time in which it takes for someone to form an addiction to Ativan. Generally, however, a person’s likelihood of forming a dependency increases when the drug is used for longer periods of time or in higher doses than is prescribed.

As discussed, Ativan is a highly addictive substance, with its effects becoming gradually reduced over time as one develops a tolerance to the drug. This means that, eventually, it will be necessary to increase the dosage of Ativan taken in order to achieve its usual calming effect.

As this dosage increases, however, so do the risks that this drug poses to the user. The more of this drug they take, and the more regularly they abuse Ativan, the more likely they will be to form an addiction; one that will, unfortunately, likely have serious health consequences.

Furthermore, those who abuse benzodiazepines like Ativan will also be at an increased risk of abusing other drugs. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), an Ativan addiction alone is currently ranked as a mild substance use disorder.

Over time, however, this mild form of addiction can lead users to abuse other benzodiazepines and additional forms of polydrug abuse. Once this occurs, the user will likely need extensive drug abuse treatment in order to overcome these habits.

How Can I Recognize Ativan Abuse?

Managing Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms

Someone who is abusing Ativan will likely present numerous signs of addiction. One of the most common tells of this addiction is if someone is spending significant amounts of time and energy to obtain and consume Ativan.

This behavior will have various negative impacts not just on their physical health, but on their everyday lives, as well. These include increased work-related issues, as well as breakdowns within personal relationships, and a declined interest in previously enjoyable activities.

With these, there are various other warning signs of this substance abuse that can serve as a good indication that you or a loved one should start seeking out a professional addiction treatment and drug rehab services.

Some of the more specific signs of Ativan abusers or those who misuse any other prescription drugs will include desperate or sneaky attempts to acquire and use these substances. These may include:

  • Using without an immediate need or outside of a person’s prescription guidelines for Ativan
  • Feigning symptoms in order to get an Ativan prescription
  • Sourcing Ativan from those who already have prescriptions for this drug
  • Visiting multiple physicians, or “doctor shopping,” to get several different Ativan prescriptions, ultimately increases their supply

General Indicators of Prescription Drug Abuse

Unfortunately, most cases of Ativan misuse occur in people who have a prescription for this drug. In the circumstances of specific prescription drug abuse, this behavior will have more specific warning signs of misuse, including:

  • Prescription bottles are evident in a person’s environment, particularly if there are multiple empty bottles present
  • Multiple prescription bottles with overlapping months, indicating several separate prescriptions, as doctors prescribe Ativan only once a month, usually for no longer than four months
  • Filling medications at different pharmacies in order to avoid being detected for having multiple different Ativan prescriptions

There are also identifiable physical signs of Ativan addiction. In many cases, the side effects of taking high doses of benzodiazepines can be particularly helpful for identifying someone’s sedative use disorder.

Ativan Side Effects: An Overview

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Ativan (or Lorazepam) is one of several benzodiazepines classed as a short-acting sedative. It is often prescribed to treat stress or chronic anxiety. When used at a higher dose, however, it can cause a sense of euphoria.

For this reason, it is tempting for susceptible individuals to misuse the drug. With that being said, however, there are also several unpleasant side effects that can occur with Ativan misuse and abuse.

Common Side Effects of Lorazepam

Some of the more common physical Ativan abuse symptoms negative that can be looked out for as warning signs of drug abuse include:

  • Drowsiness
  • Headache
  • Blurred Vision
  • Nausea
  • Decreased Focus
  • Changes in appetite
  • Dizziness
  • Muscle Weakness
  • Loss of Coordination
  • Skin Rash
  • Constipation

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Ativan Adverse Side Effects: Short Term and Long Term

Some of the side effects listed above occur with many prescription medicines, but users also experience many more Ativan adverse effects when it is used at these higher doses. In the short term, it can cause extreme sedation and inebriation, characterized by slurred speech, drowsiness, poor motor coordination, poor memory, and blackouts.

Some of the long-term side effects of Ativan include inappropriate behavior and unstable mood. Similar to alcohol, some people may become more hostile or aggressive. At even higher doses, breathing can be impaired as respiration is physically slowed by the drug. This can result in a coma or even death.

There are also additional undesirable side effects of the drug. In some cases of long-term use of benzodiazepines (such as Ativan), there exists a possibility of cognitive decline. Decreased memory and overall decreased cognition during substance use may be another long-term side effect attributable to Ativan.

Some recent research indicates it may even contribute to the development of actual dementia even after the drug is stopped. This is why those who are struggling with Ativan dependence are highly recommended to seek out professional substance abuse and mental health recovery services before their habits have the chance to cause irreversible damage.

Ativan Side Effects in The Elderly

Ativan side effects in the elderly can be more intense than in a younger person. The tendency toward sedation and memory loss is greater in an elderly patient. The sedative effects can also make an older person more likely to fall, resulting in injuries.

In addition, while Ativan is sometimes prescribed for insomnia, in the long run, it can be paradoxically detrimental to sleep patterns and sleep quality. This can place older individuals who abuse Ativan at an even higher risk of experiencing adverse side effects from these habits.

The Search for More: One of the Most Common Symptoms of Ativan Addiction

One of the biggest signs that someone taking Ativan may be developing a problem is the tendency to increase their dose by taking more than what is prescribed. This is done in an attempt to overcome the tolerance that is developing and get the euphoric response from the medication.

Ativan Addiction Signs Symptoms

Because of this, they may run out of medication before it is time to refill it, and then show serious withdrawal symptoms from going without the medication. They may also start asking friends and family members who also take Ativan or a similar benzodiazepine for some of their medication.

This makes leftover Ativan pills less likely, giving the addicted individual an irresistible incentive to request additional medication from the people around them. The person using may also try to buy the drug illegally, increasing their risk of consuming impure and counterfeit versions of Ativan.

It is worth noting that this is especially hazardous given the contamination of many counterfeit benzodiazepines with fentanyl. When it comes to street or online pharmaceutical purchases, one pill of the wrong kind can be lethal.

Ativan Withdrawal Symptoms

Sudden discontinuation of Ativan is also a problem for someone who has been using it long-term, since it can cause rebound anxiety that is worse than what was originally treated. It can also cause other withdrawal symptoms, such as headaches, irritability, difficulty concentrating, nausea, and muscle pain.

Sudden discontinuation from higher doses can even trigger seizures in some individuals. Even those who are not truly addicted and are only taking it as prescribed can still develop physical dependence. However, if someone who is taking prescription Ativan is experiencing withdrawal symptoms, this could be a possible symptom of addiction.

Symptoms of Combined Substance Abuse With Ativan

Another contributing factor to the worsening of effects is polydrug abuse. Combining Ativan with opiates can lead to increased effects from both. This can lead to the drugs having an increased addiction potential, since the user experiences both drugs more intensely, and can intensify the side effects of using either individually.

The risk of respiratory depression also increases when Ativan is mixed with other sedating drugs, such as opiates or alcohol. This increases the risk of damaging or fatal overdose. Persons combining drugs are also more likely to demonstrate obvious and more severe Ativan addiction symptoms. These include:

  • poor memory
  • slurred speech
  • drowsiness
  • poor physical coordination
  • increased mood instability

This can also result in increased behavioral issues and make it much more difficult for loved ones and caregivers to interact with or control the person who is addicted.

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How To Notice Ativan Symptoms in Others

With any substance, if the drug is becoming more and more important to the person using it, and work, school, family, and friends are becoming less and less important, there is probably an addiction.

A willingness to break the law and obtain the drug illegally is another general sign of addiction. Admitting to a problem but being unwilling to do anything about it, even when confronted with the problems the drug is causing, is yet another sign. And with Ativan, the obvious physical symptoms of sedation are also a clue for families that something is seriously wrong.

Unfortunately, for the person who is addicted, it sometimes takes something as serious as an accident, an arrest, or near overdose to admit there is a problem. Encouraging someone who is showing symptoms to seek help is extremely important, as well as being there to help when and if they say they are ready for help.

And if you are the person struggling, reach out for help if you recognize yourself in these symptoms. There are so many addiction treatment options, like drug detox or drug rehab centers. You can overcome Ativan addiction, and you deserve the chance for a better life.

How is Ativan Addiction Treated?

There are several addiction treatment options that someone struggling with Ativan abuse can significantly benefit from. Although each recovering individual will have their own personal care needs, this treatment process will most likely include medical detox programsor staying at an inpatient rehab facility.

medical detox program

For those who may not be able to afford or work with the time commitment an inpatient treatment center will require, however, participating in an outpatient rehab program can also be particularly beneficial.

Fortunately, most treatment options will accept insurance coverage for those who are unwilling or unable to pay out-of-pocket. This includes most major insurance providers, although the level of coverage you may be able to receive will depend on your specific policy. Use our confidential insurance verification service to get your coverage details and find out the cost of treatment within minutes.

Speaking with our Find Addiction Rehabs recovery representatives, may be a good idea when narrowing down which addiction treatment options may be best for you.

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Find Ativan Addiction Treatment Services Now!

If you or a loved one is struggling with Ativan addiction, or any other form of drug or alcohol abuse, this can be an incredibly difficult and stressful thing to deal with. But know that you are not alone, and help IS available.

The Find Addiction Rehabs hotline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to connect you with addiction treatment services and recovery resources anytime you need them. Whether finding a treatment center nearby or determining what recovery options are best for your care needs, we are here to help.

Give yourself the break you deserve, and call us now so that we can help you take the first steps to overcome your Ativan addiction!