Embracing Substance Abuse on the Path to Recovery
Table of Contents
- Embracing Substance Abuse on the Path to Recovery
- Substance Abuse: Admitting vs Accepting
- When Acceptance is the Answer
- Admitting Substance Abuse to Unlock Support
- Accept Alcoholism and Addiction: Find Recovery
- But Why do Some People Relapse?
- How To Avoid Relapse
- A Path to Recovery: Found Here
- FAQs on Admitting and Accepting Alcoholism
It probably comes as no surprise to you, if you are reading this,that you have a substance abuse problem. Hey man, no worries, so do I. If you are new, welcome home. It was probably pretty difficult for you to finally concede to the fact that maybe, just mayyyybe, your drug and alcohol use got a little out of control. If you are anything like me, I thought I was a completely normal person, I mean sure, I drank every day and shot dope and smoked crack, but when my mom and my friends stopped talking to me, I thought they were being completely irrational.
I obviously never took into consideration that normal people… probably don’t “party” the way that I did. Normal people don’t really worry about driving home drunk every night or spending their whole paycheck the day they got it.
I remember the day that I admitting I had a substance abuse problem like it was yesterday, while on the other hand, it took me two years and five relapses to actually Accept that I was an alcoholic/addict. Admitting and accepting the problem are two different things, and I’ll explain more about their differences now!
Substance Abuse: Admitting vs Accepting
For those of us who come into the rooms of a12 step fellowship, chances are we probably never thought we would end up here. For the first few however many days or weeks, while we are aware that we got out of hand, we really might not believe that we are like these other people in the rooms. We try our best to compare ourselves and pull apart every word the speaker is saying, trying to distance ourselves from the fact that on a base level, we are actually the same.
The value of admitting we have a problem is simply that it gets us through the doors. The value of accepting our ‘disease of more‘ is what allows us to stay.
The definition of Admitting is to “confess to be true or to be the case, typically with reluctance.” This means that despite our best efforts to prove to ourselves and everyone else otherwise, we suffer from addiction, and nothing else has worked to get us to stay sober.
On the other hand, once we finally admit that we suffer from addiction, we can go through many phases of thinking that will try to again convince us that we have it under control or that it is not as severe as never being able to use it again. This is often what leads many people into relapses, and can keep a person out for a long time.
When Acceptance is the Answer
However, when the day finally comes for the person to be totally and completely enveloped by their addiction, with no way out and no other option, they will probably be at the accepting point.
The definition for acceptance is to ”believe or come to recognize (an opinion, explanation, etc.) as valid or correct.”
For those of us who are beaten into submission and live to tell the tale, we are the lucky ones. Once we have really truly come to terms with that fact that we are completely powerless over our addiction, we are able to actually do something about it.
We can get involved in a 12 step program, or a spiritual way of life. AA and its sister fellowships have been around since 1935, and have been the only real proof that alcoholics and addicts can and do recover from the seemingly hopeless state of mind and body that pervades addicts and alcoholics.
Admitting Substance Abuse to Unlock Support
While this was definitely not ever the lifestyle choice that I had seen myself ending up in when I was a kid, I am here to say that the day I finally Admitted and Accepted my disease was the day my whole life changed for the better.
I learned that by admitting that I had a substance abuse problem, I was able to get help. They say that addicts will never get help or admit defeat until they are absolutely at the bottom of the barrel. No amount of tear-filled pleadings or rage-fueled arguments from parents will ever be enough. We can make thousands of promises, and set the best intentions to get sober on our own, but the real addicts and alcoholics will come to the admittance that they have a problem that no human power can solve.
I am one of thosechronic relapsers in recovery, in other words, I had admitted I had a problem, sure, but I never really conceded to the fact that I could not control it on my own. A.K.A., I never accepted my fate as an alcoholic. It took me almost two years to finally accept the fact that I would never be able to safely drink or use drugs, and as I kept falling off the wagon despite my best attempts to drink normally, I got a little glimpse every time into just how unmanageable I really was.
Accept Alcoholism and Addiction: Find Recovery
On my last run, I would be sitting at bars, telling strangers about how I was an alcoholic and shouldn’t be drinking, but that AA was a cult and I didn’t need them to help me (as I was probably slurring my words so badly that they couldn’t understand me anyway). I knew I had a problem, I knew that I was an alcoholic, but one morning I woke up in bed so hungover I couldn’t stand and had no recollection of why I was covered in throw-up or how I drove myself home the night before.
That day I came to terms and accepted the fact that my addiction was out of control, and every previous attempt I made to try and control and maintain my ‘normal’ drinking was to no avail. I admitted and accepted complete defeat.
I made the decision to jump headfirst into the program, and I haven’t looked back. Over a year later, my life is like nothing I ever would have imagined. Drinking and drugging aren’t even options for me anymore, and I am surrounded by wonderful friends and a spiritual solution to any emotional and social dilemmas I face. I know it all sounds rather cheesy, but admitting we have a problem is what opens the door, andaccepting the solution of recoveryis what allows us to stay.
But Why do Some People Relapse?
Anyone who has ever tried to battle an addiction knows that it can be a long and difficult road. One of the biggest questions many people have is, “Will I relapse? Does everyone relapse?” It’s an understandable question since relapse is a common occurrence in the world of addiction. It’s important to understand that while relapse can happen, it isn’t inevitable.
There are many reasons why someone may experience a relapse after trying to break an addiction. The most common reason for this is environmental triggers, which means being exposed to situations that remind them of their former addictive behavior and make them feel tempted to engage in it once again.
This could be anything from being around other people who use drugs or alcohol, walking by a bar where they used to drink, or even catching a whiff of something associated with their former habits like cigarette smoke or marijuana.
Other common causes for relapse include stress, boredom, feeling overwhelmed by emotions like anger, sadness, loneliness, etc., and simply forgetting how much progress they’ve made thus far on their journey toward recovery. These feelings and situations can be incredibly powerful triggers that make it difficult for someone to resist engaging in their old habits once again.
Relapse is a common occurrence in addiction recovery, but it does not have to be part of your story. The truth is that relapse happens for many different reasons and can affect anyone in recovery—but it doesn’t mean that you will necessarily experience a relapse.
How To Avoid Relapse
One of the best ways to avoid relapse is to develop healthy coping skills for handling stressful situations or emotions. Healthy coping skills include talking things through with someone you trust (like a therapist), engaging in activities that bring you joy (such as exercise or hobbies), practicing mindfulness techniques like meditation or yoga, journaling your thoughts and feelings down on paper, going for walks in nature, or spending time with animals.
Additionally, it’s important to create a strong sober support system by surrounding yourself with people who understand what you’re going through and who can provide encouragement when things get tough. Finally, make sure to take breaks from difficult situations; give yourself permission to take some time off from work or school if needed so you can clear your head before tackling any issues head-on again.
A Path to Recovery: Found Here
If you have found yourself or a loved one suffering from alcoholism or addiction, you are not alone! If you are ready to change your life and live free of addiction, then Find Addiction Rehabs can help.
Our recovery team gives you the jump start to recovery you need, by matching your needs with accredited addiction treatment facilities nationwide. All calls are completely confidential, so if you are struggling with alcohol or drugs, give yourself options for sobriety and reach out now!
FAQs on Admitting and Accepting Alcoholism
How Do I Know If I Really Have an Addiction?
Knowing when it’s time to get help for an addiction is a difficult question, but the answer can be found if you are honest with yourself. If your drug or alcohol use has become more frequent or intense and is causing problems in your life, it may be time to seek help. Read on to learn more about the signs of substance misuse and abuse so you can make an informed decision about whether it is time to get help.
What are the Signs of Alcohol Misuse and Alcohol Abuse?
The first sign that someone should get help for their substance use is when they feel like they cannot control their own use. This could mean that they are finding themselves consuming more than intended, using drugs or alcohol even when they don’t want to, or needing larger amounts of the substance in order to get the same effect.
Another sign is when drug or alcohol use begins interfering with important activities, such as work, school, relationships, and hobbies. Additionally, if someone uses drugs or alcohol regularly and notices a decline in physical health or mental well-being — including depression, anxiety, and mood swings — this could also be a sign that it is time to seek professional help.
When do I Need Professional Help for Drinking or Drugs?
If someone finds themselves exhibiting any of these signs of misuse or abuse of drugs or alcohol, there are several steps they can take towards getting help. The first step is talking with a trusted family member or friend who can provide support.
It may also be helpful to talk with a healthcare provider who can provide medical advice and connect them with resources such as counseling services and addiction treatment centers in their area. Lastly, many online resources exist that provide additional information on how to identify problems and find treatments tailored specifically to each person’s unique situation.
Identifying a problem with drugs or alcohol can be difficult but recognizing the signs early on can make all the difference
How Can I Help Someone if They Don’t Truly Believe They Need Help?
Helping someone with an addiction can be difficult if they are not open to the idea that they need help. It is important to remember to approach them with compassion and understanding, rather than judgment or pressure. Have honest conversations about the risks of substance abuse and remind them there are resources available in the community such as counseling services and 12-step programs.
Even if they don’t accept help right away, let them know you will always be there for them when they’re ready. Offer sincere encouragement for their current efforts toward recovery, no matter how small they may seem. With patience and understanding, you can help your loved one get back on track to a healthier lifestyle.
Offering Support Without Enabling : The key when it comes to helping someone struggling with addiction is providing support without enabling them. This means avoiding participating in activities that can lead your loved one further into the cycle of addiction and instead focusing on helping them move away from addictive behaviors and substances. Here are some tips for offering support without enabling:
Avoid making excuses for their behavior: When someone is using substances, it may be tempting to come up with excuses for why they are behaving a certain way or using drugs or alcohol, but this only contributes to the problem by allowing your loved one not take responsibility for their actions.
Set boundaries: Establishing clear boundaries between yourself and your loved one’s addiction helps ensure that you are not enabling them while still providing support when they need it most. For example, if a family member has an alcohol problem, set rules about drinking in the house so as not to provide access or temptation for more use.
Encourage professional treatment: Treatment centers specialize in providing evidence-based treatments that target the underlying causes of addiction in order to increase the likelihood of long-term sobriety. Encourage your loved one’s journey towards recovery by offering assistance when available, such as rides to treatment appointments or support groups.
Take care of yourself: Caring for someone else while they struggle with an addiction can be emotionally draining, so make sure you’re taking time out of every day just for yourself so you don’t become overwhelmed and exhausted by constantly trying to help others without taking care of yourself first.