What is Adderall?

Dextroamphetamine, which goes by the brand name of Adderall, is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs used to manage Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and help treat narcolepsy, which is a sleep disorder that causes those with this condition to randomly fall asleep.

When used as prescribed, Adderall can be extremely useful for treating these conditions. However, it does have its downfalls. Prescription medications such as amphetamine and dextroamphetamine are classified as Schedule II controlled substances.

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This is because the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) recognizes that, while these substances have accepted medical usage, they also pose a high risk for substance abuse and addiction. This is why prescription medications, particularly Adderall, have become an increasingly prevalent drug abuse issue within the United States.

Because of this, prescription stimulants have become highly regulated in recent years. Those with Adderall prescriptions will require a renewal of their prescription by their doctor each time they need a refill. Keep reading to find out more about what makes an effective Adderall addiction rehab as well as top options for treatment!

The Rise of Abuse of Prescription Medications in the U.S.

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According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the abuse of prescription drugs has become particularly prevalent among youths and young adults. In fact, over 5,700 youths in 2014 reported misusing Adderall and other prescription medication without a doctor’s approval.

Unfortunately, there is a common misunderstanding that abusing a prescription drug is somehow safer than misusing other illicit substances. This, however, could not be further from the truth.

Unprescribed Adderall use can have a number of negative mental and physical health effects, particularly when this or other stimulants are taken in high doses or administered in ways other than oral consumption.

This is why, in light of this increased abuse of prescription stimulants, better awareness of drug addiction and access to substance abuse treatment services has become significantly more prominent throughout the nation.

How Does Adderall Affect the Body?

As a prescription amphetamine, Adderall directly affects the central nervous system, primarily by influencing the brain’s reward center. For those who do not need the drug to treat ADHD or narcolepsy, their Adderall usage can boost their confidence, produce feelings of euphoria, improve their concentration, and limit their appetite.

However, while briefly enjoyable, these effects are typically what causes individuals to become addicted to Adderall. Many people will begin misusing Adderall and other prescription stimulants because they believe that they can serve as performance enhancers.

However, these supposed “benefits” that occur from choosing to abuse Adderall will only last for a brief period of time. Once this enjoyable high is over, however, the person abusing Adderall will likely experience an unpleasant crash period, which often leads to further long-term abuse.

The Side Effects of Adderall Abuse

For someone who is struggling with an addiction to Adderall, there are a number of unpleasant side effects that may occur as a result of their stimulant abuse. These can be particularly uncomfortable to deal with.

If not properly addressed, they may also cause a number of additional adverse physical and mental health effects, including an accidental, and potentially life-threatening, overdose. This is why those who are struggling with Adderall abuse are strongly encouraged to seek out professional addiction treatment services before their habits have a chance to get any worse.

Short-Term Effects

With short-term Adderall abuse, a person may experience various adverse consequences. These will likely be quite noticeable to others and, if not properly managed, can cause further complications. Short-term side effects of Adderall misuse include:

  • Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep
  • Headaches
  • Uncontrollable shaking in one or several areas of the body
  • Changes in sexual libido
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Dry mouth
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation

More rare, but severe, side effects may also occur as a result of short-term Adderall abuse. These may include:

  • Pounding heartbeat or rapid heart rate
  • Chest pain
  • Dizziness or visual changes
  • Numbness in the body
  • Slowed speech
  • Exhaustion
  • Fever
  • Rash or itchiness
  • Shortness of breath or other difficulty breathing
  • Difficulty swallowing or hoarseness in the throat
  • Verbal or muscular tics
  • Seizures
  • Skin blistering and peeling
  • Swelling in the throat and around the face

Long-Term Effects

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In addition to the short-term effects of Adderall use, chronic abuse of this drug can also present severe health consequences, including the development of a psychological and physical dependence on it. Some may also lose weight as a result of the drug’s ability to reduce their appetite, which may result in nutritional deficiencies.

There are also issues that are presented when it comes to a person’s specific method of administration. For example, those who crush and liquefy this drug for intravenous injection purposes will significantly increase their risk of collapsed veins.

Furthermore, someone who snorts Adderall can cause severe damage to their nasal cavity, potentially causing them to lose the partial or full sense of smell. There is also the risk that long-term Adderall use and abuse may cause high blood pressure, hair loss, reduced blood circulation, and an irregular heartbeat.

Adderall Withdrawal Symptoms

For those who have formed a physical dependence on Adderall, quitting this abuse “cold turkey,” or completely stopping their use of this prescription drug all at once, will likely result in various negative health consequences.

These are known as withdrawal symptoms and are the body’s response to no longer having access to a substance upon which it has become chemically reliant. In many cases, someone will continue taking an abused drug in order to avoid withdrawal symptoms.

Someone who is withdrawing from Adderall may experience several moderate to severe symptoms, which may include:

  • Low energy
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Dry mouth
  • Tremors
  • Body pains
  • Mood swings
  • Anxiety/panic attacks
  • Excessive crying
  • Memory loss
  • Drug cravings
  • Depression

With the intense symptoms that come with Adderall withdrawal, it can feel impossible for many people to overcome their addictions by themselves. This is why those struggling with Adderall abuse often require professional addiction treatment in order to successfully get and stay sober.

Methods for Treating Adderall Addiction

Adderall addiction can keep a very tight grip on those suffering from it. Finding the right Adderall addiction rehab will make all of the difference. That is why it is so important for those who have formed an addiction to seek professional help for substance misuse, to aid with their recovery.

Trying to beat the challenge without an expert’s oversight will be extremely hard to do and can even be quite dangerous. Fortunately, there is no shortage of these types of care providers out there. Although everyone is different, there are three main options for Adderall rehab centers as well as addiction treatment more generally.

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The Three Basic Types of Addiction Treatment

Depending on a patient’s unique needs, many Adderall addiction rehab and addiction treatment centers nationwide will offer them help through various evidence-based treatment options, including medical detox, inpatient rehab, and outpatient care.

For many people, their Adderall treatment process will begin with a medically-supervised detox process. Of course, those with less severe addictions to this substance may choose to go directly into treatment through inpatient rehab centers and outpatient programs.

While the main distinction between these types of care is relatively simple, there are other factors worth considering when determining which of these options will best serve your personal care needs.

What is Medical Detox for Adderall Addiction?

Medical detox programs allow individuals recovering from substance abuse to do so in a safe and highly structured clinical environment. When receiving care at these treatment centers, individuals will be gradually weaned off of their Adderall use while under constant medical supervision.

This constant care and support from their treatment team will help them to manage and even completely prevent many withdrawal symptoms, allowing for a more comfortable and successful recovery process.

This process may involve the use of medication-assisted treatment to further help combat withdrawal symptoms and drug cravings. This may include blood pressure medications, as Adderall abuse and withdrawal can often cause various cardiovascular issues.

What is Inpatient Adderall Addiction Rehab?

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Inpatient care involves the patient living at their specific rehab center throughout the duration of their treatment process; usually, until their treatment provider is satisfied that the person can manage on their own without resorting back to Adderall use.

This process typically takes about a month, although it is not uncommon for patients to spend up to two or three months recovering in the same treatment program. Aside from giving the patient help with overcoming their addiction, inpatient rehab centers may offer other services.

Individuals may have group meetings with other people fighting the same challenges with addiction. There are usually various recreational activities, too. The services, amenities, and options can differ greatly from one inpatient rehab facility to another. Some may feel more like a luxury resort than a rehabilitation center.

Of course, the most important thing in assessing the quality of an inpatient treatment center is that the facility offers care that will best serve the patient. After all, no amount of bells and whistles can make up for this essential feature.

The Benefits of Inpatient Adderall Addiction Treatment

All inpatient Adderall addiction rehab facilities will have certain benefits in common, which are generally common to residential treatment at better treatment centers. The most popular reasons people pick this option are typical:

  • Around-the-Clock Supervision – Even with the best of intentions, people fighting Adderall addictions can face the overwhelming temptation to revert to their old habits. Having staff around 24/7 who can help and an environment where the drug is nowhere to be found can make all the difference to the recovery process.
  • A Lack of Distractions – At an inpatient Adderall rehab center, patients have one priority: recovery. This means that there are no other obligations or temptations vying for their attention, allowing them to fully commit to their sobriety.
  • Access to the Outside World – After the intake and medical evaluation process, patients still have access to the rest of the world. They are not cut off for the entirety of their stay; rather, they are limited to avoid the potential risk of addiction triggers and relapse temptations.

Features of Outpatient Adderall Rehab Centers

The other type of Adderall addiction rehab care is outpatient. These treatment programs allow individuals to carry on with much of their normal life – going to work or school, sleeping in their own bed, etc. – while maintaining a care schedule with the help of their treatment provider.

Outpatient Adderall rehab is usually the preferred option for people who have work schedules or family obligations that may make it difficult to commit to staying at a facility for 30 or more days. In many cases, the individual recognizes their addiction soon enough that they simply do not require round-the-clock care in order to fully recover.

An outpatient Adderall rehab center may take inpatient residents, as well. These include participating in partial hospitalization or intensive outpatient programs. Those who need more structured outpatient care can spend more time in treatment with these programs, while still living at home.

The Benefits of an Outpatient Adderall Addiction Treatment Program

Again, no two outpatient Adderall addiction treatment programs are going to be the same. With that being said, these treatment options will all likely offer many of the following benefits to their clients:

  • Potentially Less Stress – Some patients do better in inpatient rehab centers because they do not have to contend with other stressors in their everyday lives. However, some patients will actually find this isolation more stressful, which could impact their recovery. Allowing them to stay connected to those in recovery and the rest of their world could actually make this path a lot easier.
  • Maintaining a Normal Schedule – Along the same lines, the most obvious benefit of seeking an outpatient treatment provider is that individuals will not have to put the rest of their lives on hold in order to recover from their Adderall abuse.
  • Greater Flexibility – Outpatient Adderall rehab programs tend to allow for greater flexibility, too. This can apply to schedules and the type of care the patient receives. Again, some patients may not require care on a daily basis or may get to a point where just a weekly or biweekly appointment is enough to maintain their sobriety.

There is no superior option between outpatient and inpatient Adderall treatment options. People struggling with Adderall addictions should first speak to a recovery specialist and take their recommendation on which type of facility would best meet their needs.

Especially among a rising student population dependent on Adderall, it is best to speak with an addiction specialist to help steer services and resources in the right direction. Many people may actually benefit from a combination of both, as well. They will start with inpatient care and then use outpatient Adderall rehab services to continue their recovery after their stay.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment for Adderall Addiction

What is Dual Diagnosis Treatment

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), addiction is a highly personal disease. This means that, for many people, participating in several different levels of care and following a comprehensive treatment plan will be their best path to overcoming their addictions.

This may include dual diagnosis treatment options for those who are struggling with mental disorders as well as a substance use disorder. These services may be provided by both inpatient and outpatient rehab programs, as well as addiction recovery support groups.

Having access to mental health professionals and services can help individuals recover and address both their addiction to Adderall, as well as its underlying causes. Various forms of mental health treatment may be used to address this substance abuse, such as:

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Finding Adderall Addiction Treatment Options and Rehab Facilities Near You

The most important thing someone with an Adderall addiction can do is ask for professional help. This could not be easier than with our qualified team at Find Addiction Rehabs, which connects those in need with an Adderall rehab center that will give them the care they require.

Seize the moment of realization that it may be a problem, and find out what can be done while you have the motivation and momentum. If you would like to read more about other experiences with stimulants, as well as Adderall addiction stories, in particular, it may help to know that you are not alone in the struggle to get (and stay) sober.

If you or someone you know needs help with Adderall misuse or any other type of addiction, our compassionate team of experts is here to help. Call anytime 7 days a week 24 hours a day, and we will help you take the first step on your path to becoming happier, healthier, and substance-free you!