Medical Marijuana: Myths and Realities
For good reason, pot was made illegal in the first place. Honestly, alcohol and cigarettes are legal merely because the habits are deeply entrenched in our society; it is difficult to do away with them. Now like alcohol there is a growing push to make Medical Marijuana legal.
Naturally, there is a human and monetary cost to keeping marijuana illegal, as we witness in our nation’s correctional institutions. However, there’d be a much larger cost to making smoking marijuana legal.
Here are five reasons why smoking medical marijuana is getting a bad break:
1. First and foremost, cannabis is addictive. Anyone who has been addicted to marijuana and experienced the substance is aware of how immense the addiction really is. What is difficult to convey to many Americans is that addiction to marijuana for a number of people seems minimal in regard to successful careers and education. It may take many years for before these people have difficulties, but ultimately, the high begins to diminish, and people begin to smoke more cannabis to return to that high. That is when the hardships really take effect.
2. In Amsterdam, this experiment hasn’t worked out quite well. The most famous nation globally for the legalization of pot, Amsterdam has even become a tourist destination for marijuana addicts. However, the nation’s citizens have become terrified that its children are progressively being subjected to weed. Thus, Amsterdam became the first city in the Netherlands to ban the use of marijuana among students.
3. Marijuana is detrimental to one’s mental health. Smoking marijuana may actually be worse than cigarettes. Cigarettes don’t have much effect on one’s IQ. Most habitual cannabis users come off as dim-witted for good reason. Even when the user is not high, the drug makes one dumber.
4. Marijuana is harmful to one’s physical health. The drug is more toxic than the smoke of cigarettes. Habitual users are affected by problems in the lungs approximately 20 years earlier than most smokers. Even a small amount of cannabis can create nominal sterility; it has a horrible effect on a baby of a woman who smokes marijuana. This includes birth defects, increased risk in children of leukemia and other mental abnormalities.
5. Marijuana damages the lives of many individuals. We see a host of movie portrayals of potheads as fun-loving and inoffensive. However, beyond having the munchies, potheads flunk out of school, lose their jobs and even fail in their relationships.
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