Raising Money For Rehab

The Best Ways to Fundraise for Rehab

One of the biggest reasons that people struggling with addiction avoid getting treatment is the cost. It is often much too expensive to even think about trying to get treatment for abuse and addiction without insurance or a stable income.

Why would someone try to get help if they can’t afford it and are struggling with addiction?

If you are reading an article about raising money for rehab, you may already know the answer. Having the right financial resources can be essential to getting help.

Keep reading to find ideas for fundraising your rehab stay, for yourself or a loved one, and rekindle the hope for recovery from addiction!

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What Is Addiction Treatment?

Addiction is classified as a chronic disease that is characterized by compulsive drug use despite the harmful consequences that may result. People struggling with addiction want help but it can often be difficult to get help. Relapse back to continued drug use or drinking occurs due to the intense withdrawals and cravings when stopping.

It is common for someone with an addiction to relapse when they are trying to stop substance abuse, especially in cases of long-term addiction. This is what makes addiction treatment so integral to recovery.

Addiction treatment and inpatient rehab help individuals recover from addiction and maintain recovery on their own. This can help you to lead a stable and healthy life. A treatment program will have a variety of different therapies and treatment services coming together. Every person’s addiction treatment program is individualized for that person.

It helps to know what resources you will need before deciding on a rehab. Let’s look over the types of addiction and more next.

Who Needs Addiction Treatment?

Anyone struggling with dependence on drugs or alcohol can benefit from treatment to overcome their addiction. Addiction impacts the mental health of people and causes them to relapse to deal with withdrawals and cravings.

Many people also have mental health disorders alongside issues with alcohol and drug abuse. A mental health disorder is a type of psychiatric condition which alters the thoughts, feelings, and experiences you have on a daily basis.

Mental health disorders cause individuals to experience a lowered quality of life. This may lead to developing poor coping mechanisms to deal with the difficulty of daily life. But using substances to manage a poor experience can lead to abuse, dependence, and addiction.

Self-medicating may work for a time, but it can lead to alcoholism and dependence in short order. Alcohol and drug rehab can help, but you may already be familiar with the benefits of inpatient rehab. But how can raise money to make rehab a reality for you or your loved one?

Help is Here: 6 Top Ideas for Rehab Fundraising

Admitting that you are struggling with an addiction is difficult as it is. Let alone asking for help with attending rehab. Someone struggling with substance abuse often faces shame or is blamed for their supposed ‘weakness.’ The stigma of not being able to overcome this issue on their own can make it immensely hard to ask for help.

The truth of the matter is that individuals need help to get help – yet they are often shunned away from the help that they need.

Receiving treatment becomes another dilemma when payment comes up. With both social and financial fears, you are much more likely to avoid rehab finding needed help.

Taking on medical expenses without private insurance coverage may require you to raise money to get the proper treatment you need. There are three main ways individuals can cover the cost to pay for rehab which include:

  • Grants for alcohol and drug rehab services
  • Healthcare Loans
  • Crowdfunding
  • Home Equity lending programs
  • Using all or part of your 401k funds 
  • Partial or State-Sponsored Insurance Coverage

These methods allow individuals to have some form of hope when looking to receive treatment for substance abuse. It is very difficult for you (or anyone for that matter!) to focus on recovery while hopeless.

Gaining hope through finding alternatives to cash payment options allows people to regain the motivation to recover.

Rehab Grants for Addiction Treatment

State or federally-funded grants can be a great way for someone to receive government funding to get the help that they need. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) will offer grants at times, though often for regions and services rather than private parties. This is to support whole communities with different aspects of substance abuse and mental health.

Grants will typically offer coverage for specific addiction treatment programs. They can help support many different issues such as providing treatment for the opioid crisis.

Each of their grants will have a thorough breakdown of the details of the grant, who can apply, the deadline for applying, and how to apply for a grant. Check out SAMHSA’s grant dashboard to view their grants.

You can then use this knowledge to find out recipients of such grants near you, and determine whether they are reputable sources for detox and/or your specific needs.

Healthcare Loans

A healthcare or medical services loan is essentially a personal loan to cover the costs of rehab or other important medical needs. Such a loan can cover emergencies like needing addiction treatment. It does not have to cover the entire cost of inpatient treatment, but it could if your credit can support larger amounts being lent. Healthcare lending options can also help pay deductibles and lessen the sting of any out-of-network provider charges.

Generally, you need a 550 credit score or higher for a healthcare loan, since most of these types of medical loans are essentially personal loans with different titles. This also means you could qualify for a medical loan with lower credit, but you (or a co-signatory) will want a higher credit score to open up access to lower APR loans with fewer (or no) fees attached.

Crowdfunding for Addiction Treatment

With dependence on substances, you are much more likely to be struggling with money problems too. Crowdfunding and fundraising are great ways to receive the help you need. It can be difficult to admit you need help however, it allows you to receive the help you need.

Funds raised in this manner can come from family members or just compassionate people who want to help. Either way, they can help achieve your financial goals and get you into recovery.

You may be wondering, what is crowdfunding? Well, a crowdfunding platform is a way for a person, family, or group to receive help in funding their cause. They are able to present their story and reasons for needing money for people to donate to their cause.

While they can omit information about their cause or reason for money, it is highly unlikely that someone will support a cause they know nothing about. That being said, It takes a lot of bravery for someone struggling with addiction to ask for help.

To present your own personal experience out in the world can cause a backlash, however, with the intense emotional struggles that addiction usually comes with, it can also help build community and companionship.

Crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and others can give people struggling with addiction the hope that they need to take that next step and reach out for addiction treatment services. People that feel for your cause will help and may even reach out and offer emotional support to you.

Gofundme is one of the biggest crowdfunding sites but there are many crowdfunding resources available to provide financial help for those with a compelling need.

Home Equity Lending Programs

You may not own your own home or apartment, but if you are a homeowner or have a loved one willing to explore the option of using home equity to finance addiction treatment, it can be worth exploring. Be aware that home mortgage services differ widely in their terms and conditions, so tread carefully and compare among competing lenders if selecting this option.

While adding a line of credit from your home equity may not be for everyone, if you are struggling and want to put a solid financial commitment as a part of your recovery and reasons for staying sober, this could be a great choice for you!

Using All or a Porton of Your 401k Retirement Savings

As with the home equity lending option, this choice may not be available to all of us who are struggling to attend rehab. But many people do have a 401k that sits idle, with a balance of thousands of dollars or more. There are penalties in some cases for the withdrawal of such money, especially before the age of 59. But the cost of withdrawing your 401k funds is generally not too damaging, and can even be forgiven in certain circumstances.

While some might balk at dissolving their 401k simply for a chance at rehab, it really can provide both the financing and motivation to attend rehab and getting a solid foundation for lasting recovery! Your 401k account can always be replenished if you remain clean and sober, but without rehab, many of us who struggle may not be fortunate enough to make it to retirement. When viewed through this lens, your 401k can be a solid option for the needed money to attend treatment!

State or Private Insurance Coverage

Insurance is one of the best choices to cover the majority of the costs of addiction treatment. All insurance plans cover behavioral and mental health to some extent since this has been made a part of their legal requirements.

This means that no matter what type of plan you have, you will have some form of coverage for addiction treatment. This does not mean that you are fully covered. Insurance typically only covers a part of your treatment. Not only that but how well you are covered depends on the insurance plan that you have.

Although insurance will help cover the majority of treatment, there is still an amount that someone will have to pay for treatment. This amount can make it difficult for individuals to receive the treatment they need despite having some coverage.

If you have no insurance at all, using the Open Enrollment period with the Affordable Care Act Marketplace can help you locate options. These can even be a part of your crowdfunding campaign (ie: I only need $1,000 to get covered with a good PPO policy using Obamacare, please help me reach my financial goal!)

Combining insurance with crowdfunding can help propel you ‘over the top’ in clearing financial obstacles to attend rehab.

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What Form of Substance Abuse Treatment Do I Need?

Substance abuse treatment can entail many different kinds of programs. As every individual is different, every person has treatment options that would work best for them. There are a variety of different choices available.

At most addiction treatment centers, you will work with your treatment provider to build a treatment program that fits your needs. This will lead you to a successful recovery that you can continue to maintain after finishing treatment.

There are many different kinds of rehab services offered to help you properly recover from drug and alcohol addiction. The two main forms of therapy provided during rehab are behavioral therapy and pharmacotherapy.

Behavioral therapies work to help you rebuild and maintain recovery from substance abuse. Behavioral therapy will teach you substance abuse prevention skills and techniques to help avoid dangerous situations such as relapse.

Pharmacotherapy is a form of medication therapy that helps to reduce withdrawals and cravings. It can also help with treating mental health disorders to make your experience more manageable.

Medical Detox

A medical detox is a form of detoxification in which an individual must live on-site. Medical staff is available 24 hours to provide medical assistance when necessary.

During an alcohol and drug detox, an individual will experience uncomfortable and relapse-provoking withdrawal symptoms. Medical staff can administer medication to aid individuals through these difficult and potentially dangerous periods.

Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHPs)

Partial hospitalization programs are another form of drug detoxification program in which an individual will receive treatment during the day and can leave after receiving treatment. This program is available to people struggling with moderate to mild withdrawals and who can live in a stable home environment.

Inpatient Treatment

Inpatient treatment is a form of residential treatment in which an individual must live on-site. This allows an individual to live away from their home which may be unstable or relapse provoking and in a place that is safe and stable.

Undergoing inpatient drug rehab allows people to take on the full intensity of treatment and properly recover from substance abuse. An individual is able to be more effectively treated for all of the issues they struggle with and maintain recovery on their own.

Outpatient Treatment

Outpatient treatment is a form of treatment in which an individual receives treatment during the day and can leave after receiving treatment. This allows an individual to maintain other outside responsibilities, such as work or school, while still receiving treatment.

This form of treatment is also often used as a post-recovery treatment to help reinforce and maintain recovery.

FAQs on Raising Money for Rehab

What Percentage of People Relapse After Treatment?

As with many other chronic illnesses, it is possible and even likely for an individual to relapse.

An individual can relapse due to intense stress or the death of a loved one, or even just intense post-acute withdrawal symptoms and cravings. An estimated 40-60% of people that receive treatment will relapse at some point.

However, research has shown that 75% of people with addiction do recover and go on to lead lives away from drugs and alcohol!

How Much Does Addiction Treatment Cost?

The addiction treatment process usually begins with a detox. Clients then transition into inpatient treatment, with outpatient treatment available as needed.

The price for each of these treatments can vary depending on your location, treatment program, and treatment center. Inpatient treatment types will be more expensive than outpatient treatment types.

The cost of a drug detoxification program will often range from $2,000-$10,000 but can reach far higher at luxury rehabs or other more intensive facilities.

Inpatient treatment is often more intensive and supplies more structured environments with constant supervision. The cost of inpatient treatment will often range from $10,000 to $40,000 or more for a 30-day program but can reach $15,000-$90,000 for a 90-day program.

Outpatient treatment is far less structured than inpatient treatment. It also has levels of care, ranging from partial hospitalization (PHP) to intensive outpatient (IOP) to custom outpatient meetings and services. The cost of outpatient treatment will often range from $2,000-$15,000 or more per month, depending on the treatment program.

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Find Addiction Treatment You Can Afford Now!

It can be difficult to find addiction treatment that matches you and your needs, especially when you are also managing a substance abuse problem. Here at Find Addiction Rehabs, we can help make that process easy.

Hopefully, this guide can help you to raise funds and attend treatment, and our recovery representatives are available at any time for a confidential consultation.

Whether finding a treatment center in your location or connecting you with recovery tools and resources, our hotline is available 24/7 to make sure you can get the help you need, anytime you need it.

Call us today and we will help find you a treatment program that suits you and your needs!

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