IV Detox Treatment Rids the Body of Toxins and Promotes Wellness

If you struggle with drug or alcohol addiction, admitting you have a problem is a big step. It takes courage and strength to recognize you need help. Fortunately, resources are available to assist you in your detox journey. IV therapy is a safe and effective method for detoxifying the body. It can rebuild vigor and health. Find Addiction Rehabs can help you locate facilities using intravenous (IV) therapy. You can have quick, efficient drug addiction detoxification.

Keep reading to learn more about IV Detox services as a part of recovery from addiction, and get a headstart in finding top facilities now!

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IV Therapy Was Terry’s First Step to Beating Addiction

Terry Prentiss (name changed for privacy) struggled with alcohol and meth addiction for years. It took a toll on their body. Their teeth and hair fell out. Skin sores grew painful, and sometimes had infections. Terry had tried many treatment options. But none seemed to work and just caused more stress.

One day, Terry realized they needed help and found Find Addiction Rehabs. The representative recommended a facility offering IV therapy for detoxification. Terry was unsure. But the kind representative assured them that IV therapy would be safe. After researching IV therapy, Terry decided to give it a try. They understood it was time to get started.

Are you our next success story?

The Benefits of Detoxing by IV

Benefits of Detoxing by IV

Toxins build up during addiction. IV therapy is an effective way of detoxifying the body and getting rid of harmful substances.

Here are some healthy outcomes IV therapy offers:

  • Reduces inflammation: IV therapy can reduce inflammation. It comes with chronic disease and addiction.
  • Restores healthy liver function: The liver plays a critical role in detoxifying the body. IV therapy can help restore healthy liver function.
  • Enhances skin health: IV therapy can enhance skin health by providing vitamins, minerals, and a powerful antioxidant to promote healthy skin.
  • Increases hair health: IV therapy can also increase hair health by restoring the necessary vitamins and nutrients.
  • Repairs damaged tissue and muscle: Addiction can take a toll on the body, causing damage to tissue and muscle. IV therapy can help repair it and promote healing.
  • Promotes cellular growth: IV therapy can promote cellular growth by providing the necessary vitamins and nutrients for healthy cell function.
  • Removes heavy metals: These include arsenic, lead, and mercury. They can build up in the body and cause brain and heart disorders.
  • Reverses dehydration: As you undergo IV therapy, your body will make a fast recovery. This includes rehydrating your cells. Water plays an important role in keeping cells strong and healthy. This infusion will boost hydration within minutes of detox.
  • Restores healthy circulation: IV infusion detox delivers oxygen to the bloodstream. It helps heal the entire body. It especially benefits the liver during detox.

How IV Detox Works

IV therapy results in restoring vitamins and amino acids to function correctly. IV therapy puts fluids directly into the bloodstream through a vein. It bypasses digestion, allowing quicker absorption of vitamins and nutrients.

The fluids used in IV therapy typically contain a combination of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and electrolytes. These fluids help to rehydrate the body. They also replenish essential nutrients lost due to addiction.

IV therapy can also help release substances from the body by flushing them through the kidneys and liver. The therapy stimulates the liver’s natural detoxification processes. It encourages the later excretion of harmful things.

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Who Oversees the Detox IV Infusion?

A licensed healthcare professional must order the IV drip. You’ll get a prescription from a doctor or nurse practitioner. Then registered nurses start the IV detoxification fluids.

The RN will monitor the patient’s vital signs during a session. They’ll also adjust the dosage of the detox IV after a little while if needed.

Not all healthcare providers understand detox IV therapy. Seek out a licensed healthcare professional with experience in IV drip therapy to ensure safe and effective detoxification.

IV Treatment Delivers Powerful Essential Vitamins and Increases Immune System Health

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IV therapy results in the delivery of nutrition and amino acid directly into the bloodstream. These enhance immune function and promote overall health. Some vitamin and amino acid components in IV therapy include the following:

Vitamin C:

High-dose vitamin C boosts immune system function by releasing antioxidants. Powerful antioxidants fight free radicals that cause oxidation. That process can damage your cells and cause cancer, diabetes, and heart or brain diseases. It’s critical as you detoxify.

B-complex vitamins:

The B-complex aids energy production, healthy nervous system function, and brain, heart, and liver health.


Electrolytes are essential for healthy muscle function, energy, and hydration while you detoxify.


It’s a nutrient for muscle and nerve function, and it can prevent constipation.


Iron is necessary for detox, supporting healthy blood flow and oxygen transport during detox.


This is a potent antioxidant molecule during detox. Three vital amino acids make it up: cysteine, glycine, and glutamic acid. It eliminates free radicals and other reactive oxygen species.

Why glutathione matters:

It’s important because free radicals may cause fatty liver disease and certain cancers. Glutathione also supports optimal health. Finally, the amino acid glutathione works with Vitamin C to help achieve full body detoxification.

These are just a few examples of what your detox may entail. This high-dose vitamin and antioxidant treatment can differ between patients. Your doctor will customize the best combination to support your detox.

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How Long Does a Detox IV Infusion Session Last?

The length of a vitamin infusion IV session varies depending on detox needs. Some vitamin infusion IV sessions may be shorter, 30-45 minutes. That’s especially true if they need only a small amount of fluids. Other sessions may last 2-3 hours if more fluids and nutrients are needed for detoxification.

The human body needs continued support during drug and alcohol detox. You might need several intravenous detoxification sessions over several weeks.

Other Lifestyle Changes That Enhance Full Body Detoxification

Your care team might also suggest other measures between intravenous therapy. These include the oral administration of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, or amino acids, an entire diet program, and stress management.

Remember this: It took many months – or years – for substances to build up – stay patient as you detoxify.

Signs That You Might Benefit From an Intravenous Detox to Treat Drug or Alcohol Addiction

Signs That You Might Benefit From an Intravenous Detox to Treat Drug or Alcohol Addiction

Several physical signs and symptoms may indicate someone could benefit from an intravenous full-body detox.

Here are some symptoms:

  1. Fatigue and lethargy: Feeling excessively tired or lacking energy can show that the body struggles to function correctly. It may be from a buildup of toxins or a lack of nutrients.
  2. Skin problems: Skin issues such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis may reveal inflammation in the body. A buildup of toxins during drug or alcohol misuse often causes it.
  3. Upset stomach: Digestive issues such as bloating, gas, and constipation can signal that the body cannot shed toxins. It comes from a lack of fiber in the diet or a buildup of toxins in the digestive tract. This sign is common in those who neglect self-care during active addiction.
  4. Headaches: This pain can signal inflammation in the body, which a buildup of toxins or a lack of nutrients may cause. Withdrawal without the benefits of infusion therapy may trigger it.
  5. Joint pain: Joint pain and swelling can be effects of inflammation in the body, which a buildup of toxins or a lack of essential nutrients may cause.
  6. Allergies or chronic illnesses: Allergies and chronic conditions can be effects of inflammation in the body. Substance abuse causes a buildup of too many toxins. These can cause cellular damage and worsen symptoms.
  7. Brain fog and difficulty concentrating: These can come from inflammation. A buildup of toxins or a lack of essential nutrients during active addiction may cause it.
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Find Addiction Rehabs Can Help You Help You Today

If you or a friend struggles with drug or alcohol addiction, help is available. Seeking the care you deserve can be intimidating. But it’s essential to boost health and well-being.

At Find Addiction Rehabs, we will help you find the support and treatment you need. Our service provides referrals to nationwide facilities for IV detoxification therapy. We can also suggest other treatment options.

We understand that addiction is a complex and challenging disease. But we firmly believe that detox is possible. Take the first step today and find help. We are here to connect you with the care you deserve!