What is LegitScript?

LegitScript is a Portland, Oregon-based web and installments consistency firm that offers observation, stage checking, and certification administration in high-risk areas. They ensure that commercial facilities offering services are doing so in a legal and ethical way, in this instance in the realm of addiction treatment services.

It is vital for people struggling with addiction to receive the best treatment. And LegitScript knows that. The company performs a deep analysis of rehabilitation clinics to ensure they are not misleading or mistreating their clients, providing approved services, and complying with the relevant licensing requirements.

History of LegitScript

The Verge published a disturbing report in September 2017 concerning unethical Internet advertising among addiction rehabilitation clinics. People in genuine need of assistance were being duped; Google’s unregulated sponsored advertising was luring vulnerable rehab-seekers into fraudulently portrayed treatment options.

Google reacted quickly to correct the situation. All advertisements, even those from reputable treatment institutions, were barred from displaying in search results for recovery-related terms such as “treatment of alcohol,” “treatment programs for drugs,” or “any rehabs near me.

Additionally, some rehab institutions in the United Kingdom were engaging in “patient brokering”, which is not prohibited in the United Kingdom but is forbidden in the United States.

In this practice, middlemen who bid on treatment center terms and receive huge kickbacks from the rehab clinics where the click ends up are referred to as ‘patient brokers.’ When searchers contact these middlemen’s phone numbers, they are never told what they are doing.

These were the Concerns that led to LegitScript and its partnership with Google and NAATP, in April 2018.

Current LegitScripts Partners

Google, Facebook, Amazon, Bing, and Visa are among the current LegitScript accomplices. LegitScript likewise teams up with the United States Food and Drug Administration to screen and examine sites that advance FDA-controlled things.

The company is an establishing set of regulatory standards for the Alliance for Safe Online Pharmacies. The NABP has stated that it embraces LegitScript for the public authority offices.

These offices permit and direct drug stores and drug specialists in the United States, Canada, and different words for use. Which occurs via web search tool promoting programs, Domain Name Registrars, libraries, installment handling organizations, web-based media organizations, and other Internet stages.

This is to guarantee that Internet stages work consistently with relevant medical care regulations and guidelines, and are not used in the encouragement of the unlawful offer of unregulated medical services products.

In expansion, some EU government offices have alluded to LegitScript as the “proper power” to which maverick Internet drug stores ought to be reported.

Although LegitScript started its observation basically in the web-based drug store and dietary enhancement spaces, the organization has since ventured into other high-risk regions. Their work includes checking exchange washing, betting, tricks and misrepresentation, and cannabidiol (CBD) content, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg.

Reasons For LegitScript Certification

Reasons For LegitScript Certification

LegitScript certification is fundamental to the online presence of addiction treatment facilities, especially in the case of PPC campaigns. Without these paid advertisements, your target audiences can’t track you down, nor hear your message. There are a few different strategies you can use to draw people in such as website improvement, search engine optimization, advertisements that don’t utilize habit-related language, and consistent posts on your online media channels.

In any case, these strategies are a small part of the entire strategy; you have next to zero influence over where your posts end up or who they end up with.

Apart from that, the LegitScript certificate helps your clients. Wherever you go through the most common way of getting insured, you join the positions of the recuperation communities that swore their time and work to make the Internet a more secure spot for individuals looking for assistance with substance misuse. For further information, you can read the external linking and privacy policies with LegitScript here.

The following are references to the advantages of having LegitScript certification:

1. It Takes Your Credibility to the Next Level

It should be noted that LegitScript does not pass judgment on treatment facilities based on the quality or type of services they provide. LegitScript accreditation essentially signifies that you are trustworthy.

Clients who find you through Google, Facebook, or Instagram advertisements may click or contact you without worrying about ending up somewhere that will not help them improve.

2. It Gives you Benefits in Audience Exposure

Since LegitScript accreditation is a new procedure, the vast majority of qualifying treatment institutions are not yet accredited. This implies that there will be less sponsored advertising to contend with for the time being.

The sooner you become accredited, the sooner your adverts will reach your target demographic. As there aren’t many targeted advertisements in front of them right now, your treatment facility will be one of the first places they look.

3. It Allows You to Meet Your Clients Where They Are

You “meet clients where they are” in their metaphorical recovery path, but what about meeting them where they are geographically and physically?

Having a strong presence across the paid ad networks of Facebook, Instagram, and Google allows you to put relevant treatment alternatives in front of individuals who need assistance and are actively seeking it.

Whether you use paid advertisements to target your local region or you utilize the digital environment to reach the sort of person you treat, LegitScript certification is required to get your center’s identity and services in front of the people who need to see it.

4. It Makes You Look Great to Different Experts

Certification testifies to the organizational skills of a facility. You’ll need to spend time compiling papers, going through background checks, scheduling site visits, and establishing your qualifications. It won’t be a simple undertaking, but it will drive you and your team to collaborate, define priorities, and be on the same page.

Referral partners (doctors, therapists, addictionologists, and so on) examine these characteristics when deciding where to refer their clients.

Does Every Rehab Facility Need LegitScript?

If you’re not sure whether you’re in a category that needs a LegitScript certification, keep reading! We’ll go through which industries require certification in order to advertise on Google Ads.

Addiction therapy for in-person

If you have a website, an app, or give information on in-person drug or alcohol treatment somewhere, you must be certified. Furthermore, if you provide in-person or online treatment in a location other than a private house, you should be LegitScript approved.

Mutual aid organizations

You must obtain a LegitScript certification if you own a website, an application, an online forum, or are a merchant who enables connection between persons who are not professionals but are involved in the recovery sector.

Even if you don’t provide the services, enabling encounters will necessitate certification.

Hotlines for emergencies

You’ll also need the LegitScript certification if you own an app, administer a chat feature, run a contact center, have a website, or utilize a phone number that offers remote support to individuals in need of help.

If you do not belong to the above-mentioned industries then it is your choice whether your Rehab facility needs LegitScript but almost every rehab facility would benefit from such accreditation.

Process for Rehabs to Get LegitScript Certified

Process for Rehabs to Get LegitScript Certified

If you are a recovery clinic wishing to become LegitScript accredited, please follow the steps outlined below:

  • Navigate to the option of form application of LegitScript’s website and click on the “form application” option. Once you click the form application option you will be able to see LegitScript’s Certificate Cycle and what they have in the box for their clients.
  • Complete the first needed form. To get LegitScript certified, you must fill out two forms. The first form just establishes your eligibility. It will also give you an estimate of how much it will cost to submit your application. Before completing the first mandatory form, please read the terms and conditions.
  • It’s critical to understand what services you’ll receive and what information LegitScript will want from you. You should not proceed with the procedure until you have read the complete terms and conditions page that appears before the first form.After filling out the first form, make a payment to LegitScript so that you can access the second form. This second form will inquire about your addiction treatment center and whether you are capable enough to be a LegitScript Certified or not.
  • Look for LegitScript’s preliminary evaluation questions. After completing the two forms on LegitScript’s website, you will get a series of follow-up questions. They may also seek remedial requests at this time. It is dependent on your responsiveness to the follow-up questions that you are provided if you want the procedure to go as quickly as feasible. There is no way to speed up the procedure beyond that stage.

Factors that Impact Compliance

Factors influencing compliance, or therapeutic noncompliance, may be classified into numerous categories, including patient-centered factors, therapy-related factors, healthcare system considerations, societal and economic variables, and illness factors.

Here are the factors that LegalScript checks when they offer their certification:

  • Business Registration: Any rehabilitation center must register as a legal person or corporate entity in any jurisdiction or state where they offer their services.
  • Compliance: The applicant for the Addiction Treatment Certification must comply with all regulatory licensing and state requirements that they are engaged in.
  • Registration for Domain Name: The domain name of the rehab must be transparently registered and accurate. All websites and domain names under the center must be provided for certification. Any websites that are registered under anonymous names will not be compliant with LegalScript’s standards. You can comply by making the center’s domain names public domain or maintaining a valid certificate for the EVSSL. You can also provide LegalScript with appropriate documentation that offers registration information for the domain name for the website.
  • Procedures and Policies: All applicants need to provide their procedures and policies in writing that demonstrate their commitment to the best practices in addiction treatment, continuous improvement, and effective recovery. They must list down their real intervention and treatment services that are recommended or offered by their rehab center. This includes all FDA-approved medications, psychosocial therapies, and any specialized services they may have for specific groups like adolescents.
  • Transparency: You will be denied your certification if you fail to provide accurate and full information as requested by LegalScript. All applications need to undertake reasonable remedial action without any penalties during this certification process.

Pitfalls and Assistance with LegitScript Approval

Obtaining a LegitScript accreditation is surely a stressful experience for law-abiding rehab clinics that follow Google Ads guidelines. However, it is recognized that LegitScript certification is very important in order to ensure that the sector offers badly needed reassurance to consumers.

Google said that rehab clinics will have to undergo a two-part application procedure in order to become LegitScript approved.

If accepted, drug and alcohol treatment clinics should contact LegitScript to fill out an application that will allow them to become accredited.

If those treatment centers have been recognized by LegitScript, they will apply for Google certification using a different form.

After completing this two-factor certification process, rehab and drug treatment clinics will be able to advertise on Google.

Though the two-step approach is inconvenient and costly for reputable treatment institutions, it works as a deterrent for third-party providers who have previously used Google Ads.

Though certification is required, it does come at a cost. LegitScript will charge facilities a $995 one-time fee and a $1995 annual verification fee.

Why Should I Choose a LegitScript Treatment Center

You should use LegitScript Treatment Centers as they are certified and provide the safest, trustworthy, and authentic facilities that are permitted to advertise on various major platforms. LegitScript certification is a fantastic approach to try to safeguard customers from being damaged by online scammers.

Looking for a LegitScript Facility

A LegitScript Database Lookups membership gives you access to over 150,000 product listings with country-specific regulatory information and the lists for LegitScript facilities, so you know which merchants to trust and which dangerous items and websites to avoid.

LegitScript possesses and efficiently maintains the world’s largest database of threatening and harmful dietary supplements, designer medications, pharmaceuticals, and other healthcare goods. Every day, their team of regulatory professionals proactively discovers and adds more.

Ensure Coverage for LegitScript Facilities

LegitScript provides unrivaled worldwide coverage with a multinational team covering 20 nations and 15+ languages. Contact them to find out more about how they can cover the jurisdictions that are most essential to you.

Attending a Legitscript-Certified Rehab for Your Recovery

When a client enters an addiction treatment center, they should expect the best possible rehab practices and standards to ensure that they are able to recover from their addiction disorder.

From the perspective of someone entering into addiction treatment, LegitScript compliance and accreditation can provide reassurance that the facility holds itself up to a higher standard and strives to present its offerings in the best possible light.

* Disclaimer: Find Addiction Rehabs is not affiliated with or endorsed by LegitScript. Details about LegitScript certification are intended for informational purposes only.