How Can IV Vitamin Therapy Help With Addiction?

More than 21 million people in the United States have at least one addiction, but only 10% receive care and treatment. The wide margin between the millions living with drug and alcohol abuse and those receiving treatment is of deep concern as it costs the U.S. economy $600 billion yearly.

Drug and alcohol abuse rehabs have many courses of effective treatment for clients with addictive disorders. One of them is using Intravenous Vitamin Therapy as a complementary treatment.

Keep reading to find out more about IV vitamin therapy, and whether it might be something you want to seek out in your rehab of choice.

Common Questions About IV Vitamin Treatment

IV Vitamin With Addiction treatment

Many questions revolve around this topic, like what is IV vitamin therapy, anyway? How does it help with addiction? What are the benefits of this therapy in rehabilitation programs? Can vitamin infusion help treat other diseases like cancer?

This article compiles studies and research about Intravenous Vitamin Therapy and its uses in dealing with addiction, rehabilitation programs, and even treating medical concerns like various cancers. We will also review research and studies geared toward understanding the benefits of vitamin iv therapy in maintaining health.

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IV Vitamin Therapy in Addiction Treatment

Studies show that addictions to substances like opioids deplete the body of essential vitamins and minerals, resulting in conditions like diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. Also, a vitamin level decrease due to substance abuse can cause metabolism problems and weaken the immune system.

The body also experiences an electrolyte imbalance when potassium, sodium, and chloride levels become insufficient for the body to maintain wellness.

In cases of alcohol abuse, people with drinking problems have greater chances of getting the following long-term risks:

  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Weakened immune system
  • Cancer
  • Mental health issues

Science also shows that poor nutrition caused by alcohol abuse can severely impact a person’s psychological health, contributing to a person’s proneness to addiction. The studies give weight to the necessity of nutritional intervention in dealing with substance and alcohol use disorders.

Because of these studies, some rehabs in the US have started to include vitamin therapy in helping people dealing with substance addiction and alcoholism. Substance abuse affects a person’s nutrition, lifestyle, and ability to fit into society.

How IV Vitamin Therapy Works

IV vitamin drips infuse vitamins and minerals into the body through the veins. Unlike the usual oral intake, these vitamins are directly added to the body intravenously. A solution is slowly injected into the body over a few hours using a painless method.

The vitamins used for this therapy vary. In most cases, it’s vitamin B, C, calcium, and magnesium solution. Some therapy solutions add amino acids and antioxidants.

IV vitamin treatments aim to restore the body’s hydration and electrolyte balance disrupted by drug and alcohol abuse.

Through this therapy, the body will get sufficient vitamin and mineral levels to restore balance, strengthen a weakened central nervous system and improve heart and muscle health.

The Benefits of IV Vitamin Therapy During a Rehab Stay

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Addiction is destructive, especially when it’s drug and alcohol abuse. These addictions can result in severe health issues that can impair one’s wellness, awareness, and mood.

Here are the expected benefits if this therapy is administered correctly to people with substance and alcohol use disorders.

  • IV infusion increases people’s energy, mood, and awareness in rehab.
  • The therapy effectively rehydrates the body to avoid physical and mental damage because of dehydration.
  • The therapy helps improve DNA repair, cellular interaction and communications in the body, and brain function.
  • IV therapy helps restore electrolyte levels, regaining the balance that makes people feel more confident to change and become sober.
  • IV vitamin infusions help the body get its immediate needs and the necessary amounts of vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants to remain healthy.

Nutrition and Vitamin Therapy in Rehab Settings

Ensuring people under rehabilitation are well-nourished and healthy is vital for effectively treating drug and alcohol addiction. Years of substance abuse take a significant toll on the body, and recovering from it will take time.

On many occasions, clients in rehab are so deep into addiction their body needs complete detoxification. People with a drug and alcohol use disorder may have felt or experienced the following changes in their bodies and its functions:

  • People with addiction tend to eat less, except in cases of marijuana abuse.
  • Individuals with addiction prefer to eat food with little to no nutritional value.
  • The body with drug and alcohol use disorder speeds up its use of energy.
  • People with addiction experience diarrhea, hastening the loss of nutrients and electrolytes.
  • Individuals with addiction experience gut damage, making the small intestine less effective in absorbing nutrients.

All the things mentioned above can directly result from a lack of nutrition caused by substance and alcohol abuse. When the body is deprived of its needed vitamins and minerals, the brain becomes out of balance. In some cases, people with addiction have anxiety, irritability, insatiable food cravings, and even depression.

A person’s cognitive ability is also impaired, resulting in memory issues and paranoia. Ensuring proper nutrition is the first step toward a successful recovery from addiction, and it can start with IV vitamin treatment.

The Role of IV Vitamin Therapy in Addiction Recovery

Nutrition and Vitamin Therapy in Rehab Settings

IV vitamin therapy is not a cure or all-in-one treatment for rehabilitating people with drug and alcohol use disorder. As many medical experts agree, vitamin infusions are complementary treatments that work alongside other rehabilitation programs approved by medical consensus and the U.S. government.

IV drip is one of the many options rehab programs can take to improve a person’s chances of recovering from addiction. Many rehabilitation programs use three models in their current programs, which are the following:

Medical model

It focuses on the biological, physiological, and genetic causes of addiction. The model uses proven medication to relieve symptoms and help improve a person’s behavior. Complementary treatments like IV infusion falls within this model.

Sociocultural model

It places the primary cause of addiction in a person’s social and cultural circumstances. Social and spiritual activities are employed in this model and provided in most cases by people who have personal experience with addiction and had a successful recovery.

Psychological model

It acknowledges that emotional dysfunction and skewed motivational learning can be the leading cause of addiction. A series of psychotherapy and behavioral therapy is done to improve the mental state of a person with an addiction.

Methods Used to Facilitate Vitamin Therapy in Rehab

IV therapy uses an intravenous vitamin infusion of nutrients into the body. Vitamins and minerals are infused into the bloodstream so that they would get absorbed faster by cells.

Many are looking into this form of therapy because of its speed in delivering essential nutrients in the body. Addiction ravages the body considerably, and a fast, effective method to help it recover is needed.

The process may take several hours, but with ease and comfort. It’s also a great way to have conversations with people in rehab and create a better bond as they go through their road to recovery.

Though IV therapy is not a cure for addiction, many consider its benefits to help ensure a person’s fast recovery.

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Other Benefits of IV Vitamin Therapy

Medical science is exploring new frontiers in treating chronic and incurable diseases, and IV drip is one of them. Studies have shown a positive outlook on using IV infusion in medical concerns such as cancer.

Studies on intravenous IV infusion for cancer treatment are a hot topic in medicine. Cases of high vitamin C use as complementary health care for cancer clients despite limited evidence is an issue that still needs resolution. Studies show that it acts well with different chemotherapeutic medications and doesn’t interfere with the chemotherapy process.

Also, clinical studies show that intravenous use of vitamin C decreases chemotherapy’s toxic effect. Research also showed that vitamin IV therapy reduces chemotherapy’s side effects and improves clients’ quality of life.

The studies show a promising future for cancer clients as breakthroughs in research slowly reveal the benefits of vitamin therapy during chemotherapy. Though studies are still inconclusive, it’s an optimistic view of what the future may bring as humanity continues its search for the elusive cure for cancer.

IV Vitamin Therapy in Cancer Treatment

IV Vitamin Therapy in Cancer Treatment

There are studies conducted on using vitamin C as a complement to chemotherapy. Though results are still inconclusive, experts have somewhat proven its help in reducing chemotherapy side effects.

The following are prevalent cancer types where IV vitamin therapy may complement well with existing treatments.


Mesothelioma is cancer affecting the tissue layer covering most of your internal organs. It’s an aggressive form of cancer caused primarily by exposure to asbestos.

There is no cure for mesothelioma, but treatments are available to manage its symptoms and improve the quality of life of people with this condition.

There are three main types of mesothelioma:

  • Pleural mesothelioma affects the tissue linings that cover the lungs.
  • Peritoneal mesothelioma affects the tissue linings that cover the abdomen.
  • Pericardial mesothelioma affects the pericardium, the tissue surrounding the heart.

Drug and alcohol abuse may increase the risk of contracting diseases like cancer. In the case of mesothelioma, individuals who are most likely exposed to asbestos and have a drinking habit are at greater risk.

People must understand that alcohol and other addictive substances may speed up the worsening of any disease, especially cancer.

A study from Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication has shown the potential cell-killing properties of ascorbic acid for many years. Though conclusive evidence for this is minimal, it shows a potential avenue of research for cancer cure.

Intravenous administration of ascorbic acid has shown a significant decrease in mesothelioma tumors in mice. It’s a possible start for bridging the gap between vitamin therapy and its uses in traditional treatments for cancer.

You can visit to get more information about this type of cancer and the current treatments available to people affected by this condition.

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer grows in the breast’s ducts and lobules. This cancer can occur in different areas of the breasts and spread outside through the lymph and blood vessels.

Drug and alcohol addiction may increase the risk of breast cancer in women. Substances like alcohol increase the estrogen levels in the body, which may be a reason for the heightened risk levels.

People with alcoholism must be treated immediately, as any small amount of alcohol is enough to increase the risk of developing breast cancer.

These are the common types of breast cancer that affect most women:

  • Invasive ductal carcinoma affects the breast milk ducts and spreads to nearby tissues. This type of breast cancer can spread out or metastasize to different body parts.
  • Invasive lobular carcinoma affects the lobules or the glands that produce the milk inside the breast.
  • Ductal carcinoma in situ affects the ducts’ linings that deliver the milk to the nipples. Ductal carcinoma is cancer cells in these ducts that have yet to spread to other tissues. When it spreads, it will become full-blown breast cancer.

A study on the effectiveness of vitamin therapy on clients with breast cancer shows that vitamins taken in the first six months after diagnosis may reduce the risk of mortality and its recurrence.

Though this doesn’t provide concrete evidence that vitamin therapy can help cure breast cancer, it offers hope for further research on the effectiveness of vitamins in dealing with this disease.

Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer

It affects the small walnut-sized gland near the bladder that produces the seminal fluid that carries sperm. This type of cancer is common in males. Early symptoms of this cancer may not show, and it grows gradually. Early detection of prostate cancer has the best chance of treatment.

There is currently no concrete link between alcohol consumption and prostate cancer. On the other hand, a study showed that alcohol drinking early in life is a potential risk factor for getting “high-grade” prostate cancer. High grade means how aggressive the cancer cells appear under a microscope. The higher the grade, the more aggressive the cancer cells, and intensive treatment is needed.

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Rehabs that Offer IV Vitamin Therapy Can Be Found Here!

Though there are growing numbers of people who speak highly about the effectiveness of vitamin therapy, you must always consult your doctor or physician at a treatment facility (or elsewhere for that matter) before undergoing any nonconventional treatment. Vitamin therapy is complementary and should only accompany medically supervised services.

If you or a loved one are in need of rehab, and you want to find a top facility that can help you recover with the use of IV vitamin therapy and a holistic approach, Find Addiction Rehabs refers to accredited facilities nationwide.

With a quick and confidential call, we can provide options and let you know any costs involved, all with no obligation. Give yourself the break you deserve, and reach out now!

Author bio photo of Fay Smith for Find Addiction Rehabs piece on alcohol during pregnancyAbout the Author: Fay Smith is a regular contributor on various health and wellness sites. She also works as a freelance writer and researcher on wellness topics, such as alternative treatments and CBD.Herinterest in radiology started when she first became pregnant. Now she regularly contributes toW-Radiology.