
Is Yoga Therapy Effective in Drug Treatment?

Yoga Therapy in Addiction RecoveryTable of ContentsYoga Therapy in Addiction RecoveryWhat is Yoga Therapy for Drug Treatment?The Effectiveness of Yoga Therapy for Drug TreatmentWhat Can You Expect from a Yoga Therapy Program?Get Help With Your Substance Abuse Now! When you enter a drug and alcohol rehab center, treatment staff will create an individualized recovery program that involves a […]

Yoga Therapy in Addiction Recovery

When you enter a drug and alcohol rehab center, treatment staff will create an individualized recovery program that involves a combination of effective and proven treatment methods. Among those services included in your treatment plan include individual and group therapy, life and coping skill training, relapse prevention education and aftercare program options. This article seeks to answer the question, ‘Is Yoga Therapy Effective in Drug Treatment?’

These programs are extremely helpful in helping you address and overcome your addiction–but they may not be enough to help you maintain meaningful long-term recovery. Drug addiction is a complex disease which affects your mind, body and spirit–and you may need additional options like yoga therapy for drug treatment, to help you truly beat back your addiction.

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In order to address these concerns, an increasing number of drug treatment programs nationwide are including holistic treatment options that can help address the totality of an individual’s addiction. Among the most popular of these holistic approaches is yoga therapy. The discipline and structure found in yoga is a perfect compliment to any 12-step based treatment approaches and can increase your chances for long-term success. If you are interested in learning more about how yoga therapy can benefit your recovery, contact Rehabs Of Armerica toll-free today.

What is Yoga Therapy for Drug Treatment?

Yoga is an ancient healing art that utilizes a combination of specific physical postures and controlled breathing. This combination of movement and breathing helps lengthen and strengthen the spine, increase your flexibility, calm and center your mind and helps improve your overall concentration. Additionally, regular yoga practice can help your cultivate patience. Yoga practice is beneficial in an addiction treatment program because it helps contribute to a greater sense of control during those times where you experience the cravings and urges to use. Yoga is also beneficial in addiction treatment in that it helps minimize insomnia and agitation.

Yoga therapy programs help you manage your physical health as well as your emotional and spiritual well-being. When you include yoga therapy into your plan of recovery, you will be able to reduce your withdrawal symptoms and help restore your body to its optimal balance. Additionally, regular yoga practice will completely rejuvenate your body and gives you a more positive outlook on life. This positive outlook will increase your confidence and self-esteem which will increase the chances of success down the road.

The Effectiveness of Yoga Therapy for Drug Treatment

As stated earlier, the discipline, focus and structure of a yoga therapy program is an excellent addition to any comprehensive drug treatment program. Those who practice yoga on a regular basis as part of treatment can experience several great benefits. As also stated earlier, regular yoga practice teaches you how to use controlled breathing as a means of gaining control of your thoughts and emotions. During early recovery, your thoughts and emotions can swing wildly and unpredictably in the early stages of recovery.

Secondly, the practice of deep breathing techniques that are a foundation of yoga practice will help you better facilitate physical control. Oftentimes our early recovery is dominated by intense feelings of anger and guilt, and if these emotions aren’t handled in a healthy and appropriate manner and are left unchecked, any sobriety that you achieve will be short-lived. This can lead to an endless cycle of recovery and relapse that can get worse over time. A quality yoga therapy program for substance abuse utilizes techniques that combine inner and outer peace in a way that other forms of exercise can’t match.

Perhaps the most important benefit of yoga therapy programs is the fact that can help strengthen the spiritual connections you have within as well as the environment that surrounds you. As you are well aware of, developing a strong spiritual foundation is an important part of 12-step based treatment and it gives you the courage to reach outside of yourself in order to ask for help when you have moments of doubt and uncertainty in your recovery. Yoga also will strengthen your spiritual being through the use of meditation and prayer.

What Can You Expect from a Yoga Therapy Program?

As you are looking at drug treatment facilities, you may have seen many of them offer yoga therapy but you may be hesitant is making yoga therapy a part of your recovery program. You may think you need to be in great physical shape or need to possess great skills in order to master yoga techniques. What you will ultimately discover is that anyone can benefit from yoga practice—no matter your age, experience or fitness level. The best yoga therapy programs feature certified and experienced yoga instructors will take the time to speak with you and perform a comprehensive evaluation in order to find the right type of yoga program that will best suit your needs.

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You will develop the proper deep breathing techniques need to calm and center your thoughts, and you will learn to master the specific poses and series of poses that will stretch and strengthen your muscles. In addition to the physical benefits you get from yoga, yoga therapy programs also emphasize the support and empowerment that is received from others in the program. You will be learning essential yoga techniques in the company of your recovering peers, and you can learn from each other as well as support each other. It is these connections that can help you stay motivated and make breakthroughs in your recovery and your life.

Get Help With Your Substance Abuse Now!

Addiction is a progressive disease that has complex roots. In order for you to truly break the vicious cycle of addiction, it requires a multi-faceted approach in order for you to break the firm grip of substance abuse.

In addition to its effective traditional treatment programming, Rehabs Of Armerica offers many centers with a yoga therapy program for addiction that will help boost your self-confidence and can help enhance your overall recovery process. If you want more information on how our proven yoga therapy program can benefit you and your recovery, call Rehabs Of Armerica toll-free today.

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