What is a Good Excuse for Failing a Drug Test?
Table of Contents
- What is a Good Excuse for Failing a Drug Test?
- What Circumstances Call for Drug Testing?
- What are the Most Common Excuses for Failing a Drug Screen?
- What Happens When You Fail a Drug Test?
- How to Deal With a Failed Drug Test
- The Best Excuse for Failing a Drug Test
- Get Rehab Services and Effective Options Now!
- FAQs on a Good Excuse for Failing Drug Test Results
Most people will end up taking a drug test at least once in their life, whether it be for medical, legal, or any other purpose. A question that some of them may find themselves asking during this time is, what is a good excuse for failing a drug test?
Honesty is almost always the best policy when it comes to failed drug tests. If you know that your positive test result is not a mix-up, it is important to be open with yourself and your test administrator. In this case, a good excuse for failing drug test results can be that you’ve already accepted your issues with substances and have a plan to seek treatment.
Of course, there are some situations in which you may have a good excuse for your positive result. If you have tested positive on a drug test and are not sure what to do now, keep reading to learn more about how you can move forward in this stressful situation.
What Circumstances Call for Drug Testing?
Knowing when to expect a drug test can help you prepare ahead of time and make safe, informed decisions about your substance use. There are several settings and circumstances in which you may be required to undergo drug screening, including:
- Workplace drug testing: An employer may require drug testing for job applicants or current employees, depending on the company’s policies and employee privacy laws. This is often done to ensure that an employee is not under the influence of drugs while at work, which could pose a safety risk.
- Court-ordered drug testing: Individuals may be ordered to undergo drug testing by a court as part of a probation or parole agreement or as part of a child custody arrangement. This is done to monitor the individual’s drug use and ensure that they are complying with the terms of their agreement.
- Insurance-related drug testing: Some insurance companies may require drug testing as a condition of coverage, such as for life insurance or health insurance. This is done to assess the individual’s risk of drug-related health problems or accidents.
- Sports drug testing: Athletes may be required to undergo drug testing to ensure that they are not using performance-enhancing drugs. This is done to maintain the integrity of the sport and to protect the health of the athletes.
- Medically-necessary drug testing: In some cases, drug testing may be necessary for medical reasons, such as to diagnose a drug addiction or to monitor the effectiveness of treatment.
The specific circumstances that call for drug testing can vary depending on the individual or organization involved. However, the general goal of drug testing is to assess an individual’s drug use and to protect the safety of others.
What are the Most Common Excuses for Failing a Drug Screen?
There are certainly cases in which you may be genuinely surprised that you did not pass a drug test. In this situation, you may be wondering what creative excuses you can use as a defense to prove that your test result might be misleading.
Being exposed to second-hand smoke at a party will not cause you to test positive, but ingesting poppy seeds, for example, can result in a positive test result. Something as simple as eating a poppy seed muffin can make your urine sample test positive for opioids, even if you are not using any form of street painkiller or narcotic prescription drugs.
On that same note, certain medication prescriptions can also cause you to test positive. In this situation, it is important to present your administration with your valid prescription in order to obtain a pass for your test.
Knowing what factors can determine a positive or negative result on a drug test and taking these into account before handing in your samples can help you make sure you are getting an accurate result.
What Happens When You Fail a Drug Test?
The consequences of failing a drug test vary depending on the circumstances and your specific state laws. For example, recreational marijuana is considered legal in some states, while others still consider this illegal. Even in states where marijuana is legal for recreational use, some employers may bar consideration for applicants who test positive which may be part of the reason that test deception measures such as using Certo to pass a urine test for cannabis have become more commonplace.
With that being said, there are some general guidelines you can use to help you understand the specific gravity of the consequences you may face for a failed drug test.
If you test positive on a pre-employment drug screen, you will most likely not be offered the job. If you are already employed and you fail a drug test, you could be fired. Some employers may give you a second chance, but this is not always the case. In many cases, a good excuse for failing drug test results is the acceptance of the results, and the earnest desire to seek support and treatment options to overcome drinking and drug dependence.
Losing Your Livelihood or Freedom
If you are on parole or probation and you fail a drug test, you could have your probation revoked and be sent back to jail or prison. A failed test in the case of school or sports can result in suspension and even complete removal from these activities.
When testing for insurance and government services, some states have policies that deny benefits to people who fail drug tests. This could include unemployment benefits, disability benefits, or worker’s compensation benefits.
Of course, the consequences for failing a drug test may not be all negative. In some cases, you may be referred to a treatment program, especially if you are on parole or probation and need rehab support. Participating in a professional rehab program can help you get sober and avoid running into trouble in the future.
How to Deal With a Failed Drug Test
The first thing to do when you have failed a drug test is to stay calm. It’s easy to panic when you find out you have failed a drug test, but it is important to keep yourself collected. Taking a few deep breaths and thinking clearly will help you decide the best course of action.
Once you have regained your composure, you will need to consider your options. Once you know why you failed the test, you can start planning how to move forward. If you believe the test was a false positive, you can request a retest. You may also want to talk to your employer about your options, such as entering a drug treatment program or being placed on probation.
If you have been abusing drugs or alcohol, it’s important to take responsibility for your actions. This may mean apologizing to your employer or explaining the situation to your probation officer. It’s also important to make a plan to stay sober in the future.
The most important thing you can do after failing a drug test is get help. If you’re struggling with addiction, there are many resources available to help you get sober. The Find Addiction Rehabs team can help you navigate the treatment process and find options that are right for you.
The Best Excuse for Failing a Drug Test
The best excuse you can have for failing a drug test is that you were already planning on attending rehab. In this way, the best defense for a positive drug test is accountability. Taking responsibility for your addictive habits and making the steps to get the help you need is the best decision you can make for yourself and your future.
There are many different types of addiction treatment available, so it’s important to find one that’s right for you. Some factors to consider include the type of substance you’re addicted to, the severity of your addiction, and your individual needs.
No matter what type of treatment you choose, it’s important to find a program that you feel comfortable with and that you can stick with. Recovery is a journey, and it’s not always easy. But with the right support, you can overcome your addiction and live a healthy and fulfilling life.
Get Rehab Services and Effective Options Now!
If you or a loved one has recently failed a drug test due to substance abuse, Find Addiction Rehabs is here to help. We find the treatment you need by connecting you with our extensive network of rehab programs throughout the nation.
We know that it is not easy to claim responsibility for an addiction. But a good excuse for failing drug test results really often is taking accountability and making the necessary changes to live a better life. Simply put, seeking treatment is one of the best things you can do for yourself when suffering from substance abuse.
Our hotline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to support you through this difficult time. You deserve a chance at a happier, healthier life. So reach out now to start your recovery today!
FAQs on a Good Excuse for Failing Drug Test Results
What Substances Can Drug Tests Detect?
Common drug tests can detect most illegal drugs, alcohol, and several other substances. If you are abusing an illegal substance, it is important to prepare for your test weeks in advance. Seeking professional treatment can help you get clean and confident for your drug test.
Is it Possible to Get a False Positive On a Drug Test?
Drug tests are analyzed by highly trained medical review officers in a controlled laboratory. The level of care that goes into the handling of drug tests, for the most part, ensures that a person’s results are as accurate as possible.
With that being said, it is possible to get a false positive on a drug test. If you believe that your test result is false, it is important to speak to your medical review officer and schedule a secondary test, if conditions allow for retesting.
Eric R. hails from Maine and does extensive work in the field of behavioral health as both a professional writer and passionate advocate for those suffering. From his own personal encounters with mental illness, he speaks to those seeking healthy relief from depression and anxiety and embraces wellness both personally and professionally. After losing friends and family to the darkness of suicide, Eric aims to educate and inform about the nature of treatment and render it accessible for all those seeking a way out of darkness and despair.