In today’s world where drug abuse is so prevalent, it seems that, all too often, we are seeing new drugs manufactured and being sold on the street. One drug that is becoming more prevalent is the drug flakka.

But what exactly is this drug and why are people using it? This article will take a look at what flakka is, the signs of flakka use, and how those looking to break free of their addiction to the drug can get help.

What is Flakka?

Flakka is the street name for the drug a-Pyrrolidinopentiophenone, which is the chemical structure of the drug and is also known as a-PVP or alpha-PVP. This substance is a Schedule I drug classified as having a high potential for abuse without any accepted medical values.

Flakka is a stimulant, with effects that are similar to cocaine or methamphetamines, but it is not nearly as expensive. The lower price tag that the drug carries makes it more appealing to college students, low-income people, and the homeless.

What is Flakka

There also seems to be less of a stigma attached to flakka, giving it a reputation that it is ‘not as bad as cocaine. However, it is much more potent. It hits quickly and its effects can last for days.

One of the major and well-known symptoms of flakka abuse is a condition called excited delirium (EXD). EXD affects an individual’s mental state which leads to their ‘excited’ state and according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, includes:

  • Bizarre behavior
  • Anxiety
  • Agitation
  • Violence
  • Confusion
  • Myoclonus
  • Seizures

What Are Synthetic Cathinones?

Synthetic cathinones are man-made stimulants that work similarly to amphetamines or cocaine. There are many different types of synthetic cathinones, one of the more popular drugs being flakka.

Although they are similar, synthetic cathinones are much more potent than cocaine. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, synthetic cathinones are about 10 times stronger than cocaine when used in the same amount.

Being more potent, synthetic cathinones are much more toxic and influence negative health experiences within individuals including seizures, bodily function failures, and hyperthermia. These drugs are often referred to as bath salts and usually appear as white or brown small powder-like crystals.

Immediate Help For Flakka Addiction

They can be ingested by snorting, eating, injecting, or even vaping with the worst health effects coming from nasal or intravenous use. These two methods cause synthetic cathinones to directly enter an individual’s bloodstream and enter the brain.

There are many other drugs that are toxic to the body and brain but synthetic cathinones can quickly lead an individual to face death as a result of ingesting this substance. As a highly toxic chemical, synthetic cathinones can cause detrimental health effects on an individual.

Although this makes it very illegal, manufacturers constantly work on altering its contents to circumvent the law working around the bans placed on specific varieties of the drug. Manufacturers of the drug slightly alter or change the chemical makeup of the drug and create a new drug that can be classified as ‘legal.’

Side Effects of Flakka Use

Side Effects of Flakka Use

Flakka is categorized as a Schedule I drug by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) which means it has no accepted medical value with a high capacity for addiction and abuse. This indicates that all use of this dangerous drug is a form of substance abuse and can only lead to addiction.

Desired symptoms of flakka use may include being highly sociable, feeling euphoric and stimulated as well as an increased sex drive. However, there are also many dangerous flakka abuse symptoms associated with the drug.

The side effects of this synthetic drug use include:

  • Increased blood pressure
  • Increased heart rate
  • Insomnia
  • Loss of appetite
  • Hyperactivity
  • Fatigue

One of the many dangers of flakka use includes the fact that this drug can often be mixed with other toxic chemicals unknown to the individual taking them. This can lead to an individual taking in too much and overdosing. Some of the more severe side effects include:

  • Extreme agitation
  • Jerking muscle movements
  • Delirious thoughts
  • Profound paranoia

All of these flakka abuse symptoms can be extremely hazardous to users who may find themselves in dangerous situations as a result of the extreme behavioral changes that can result in physical harm to themselves and others. But this is only the tip of the iceberg.

Flakka is known to spike body temperatures, often rising above 104 degrees or even higher. These high temperatures can lead to a bodily system failure which causes kidney damage, kidney failure, and even death.

It also elevates blood pressure which can influence a heart attack, stroke, aneurysm, or heart failure. The more someone abuses flakka, the more they will be likely to feel other negative flakka abuse symptoms.

Some go into EXD and experience hallucinations, paranoia, increased strength, and hyper-stimulation. Other physical symptoms include a racing heart, panic attacks, and a plummeting sex drive.

Individuals may scream, flail and have seizures during this time. They may struggle and this type of extreme activity, when combined with high body temperature, can lead to hypothermia and dehydration which can result in renal failure and even death.

What are the Signs of Flakka Abuse?

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With as dangerous of a drug as this is, it is important to be able to recognize the signs within yourself or a loved one. Some of the signs and symptoms of flakka abuse include:

  • Experiencing cravings when stopping flakka
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms with not using flakka
  • Taking on negative consequences to use flakka
  • Ignoring responsibilities to use flakka
  • Significant changes in behavior, typically more aggressive and less patient

Some of these signs of flakka use do not directly mean an individual is struggling with flakka dependence, abuse, or addiction. There are other reasons an individual may have changes in their behavior.

This doesn’t mean you should ignore these signs. It means to keep in mind that there can be other reasons other than flakka use.

Is Flakka Addictive?

Yes, flakka is a highly addictive substance. Flakka produces a stimulant-like high and is often compared to cocaine. Flakka, however, is much more potent than cocaine and in turn, much more addictive.

Flakka inhibits the reabsorption of the two neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine within the mind. These two neurotransmitters are responsible for the motivation and energy within the body.

This effect on these two neurotransmitters also contributes to the bizarre behaviors exhibited by individuals using flakka. Flakka influences the hyperactivity, fear, and aggression of an individual, causing wildly strange behaviors.

When flakka begins to leave the system, individuals will typically feel withdrawal symptoms including depression and fatigue. They will seek the drug to eliminate these symptoms, leading to a cycle of addiction.

As they use the drug, a tolerance will also begin to build up in their bodies, making it necessary to take more of the substance in order to produce the same high, or, in some cases, to even function normally.

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What are Flakka Withdrawal Symptoms?

It is important for an individual to receive treatment for flakka withdrawals. Withdrawal symptoms are highly dangerous in substance abuse. Individuals often attempt to recover from substance abuse on their own without assistance and relapse.

While abstaining from drug use, an individual’s tolerance will begin to decrease, however, when an individual relapses, they often return to the same amount they were taking before stopping and are at an increased risk of overdose.

This is why it is very important for individuals struggling through flakka withdrawals to receive treatment. Some of the symptoms of flakka withdrawal, as well as other synthetic cathinone withdrawals, include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Tremors
  • Cravings
  • Problems sleeping
  • Paranoia
  • Nausea
  • Hallucinations
  • Fatigue
  • Confusion

Can You Overdose on Flakka?

Flakka Overdose

Flakka is an incredibly dangerous drug and it is important to avoid all use of flakka. Flakka toxicity within the body can lead to organ failure, respiratory struggles, digestion issues, and intense paranoia.

Flakka toxicity can appear as:

  • Delusions
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Severely high body temperature
  • Panic attacks
  • Seizures
  • Kidney failure
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Dehydration

Individuals who take in too much flakka and experience flakka toxicity are at risk of sudden death. Call medical emergency services to receive immediate attention.

Dangerous flakka abuse symptoms largely contribute to the reason the drug is so deadly. However, there are many treatment centers available to those struggling to overcome their addiction.

Forms of Flakka Addiction Treatment

Thankfully, there are treatments available to help individuals overcome flakka addiction. Substance abuse treatment typically entails a drug detoxification program followed by different forms of treatment, therapy, and medications to assist individuals in properly recovering.

For synthetic stimulant drug addiction, like flakka, an individual is likely to undergo that same process while focusing on the stimulant addiction treatment process. This treatment process does not include medications as there are currently no approved medications for stimulant addiction.

Some individuals may be prescribed other medications depending on if they have an underlying mental health disorder. A mental health disorder is a psychiatric condition that affects an individual’s behavior, feeling, thoughts, and perception.

Unfortunately, there are many individuals who suffer from mental health disorders without actually being aware of their mental health disorders. This is one of the factors which lead these individuals toward addiction.

Medications for these individuals may support them through their daily struggle with their disorder and provide more stable quality of living and the ability to manage their experience.

Medical Detox

Medical detox is usually the first step toward recovery for individuals. This treatment process is a drug detoxification program in which an individual removes a substance from their body.

This takes place at a treatment center where individuals are required to live on-site to receive treatment. This allows medical staff to provide support to individuals undergoing severe withdrawals from the substance.

Providing this safe environment for individuals allows them to reach a comfortable starting point for the next phase of their treatment. Addiction treatment comes after this section and allows individuals to properly abstain and recover from substance abuse.

Inpatient Treatment

Inpatient Treatment

Inpatient treatment is a residential form of treatment in which individuals must live on-site at a treatment center to receive treatment. This form of treatment is often desired by individuals struggling with addiction.

This option allows individuals to remove themselves from their environment and receive treatment away from their familiar areas that can be relapse-provoking.

Outpatient Treatment

Outpatient treatment is a form of treatment in which individuals are provided with more flexible options to receive treatment. An individual is not required to live on-site to receive treatment. This allows for individuals that have outside responsibilities such as work or school to continue those responsibilities.

This option is also much cheaper than inpatient treatment and allows individuals struggling financially to still receive treatment for their issues.

Behavioral Therapy

Since there are no approved medications to treat stimulant addiction, a treatment program for stimulant addiction, like flakka addiction, will typically focus on behavioral therapy as a method of treatment.

Behavioral therapy assists individuals in receiving the help that they need in recovery and maintaining recovery. Behavioral therapy focuses on providing individuals with useful knowledge and skills to enforce positive behaviors and a stable lifestyle.

Some of these skills and knowledge include the pros and cons of substance abuse, recognizing and correcting harmful behaviors, stress coping strategies, and reward reinforcement.

One of the major behavioral therapy programs is called Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT). This therapy works to identify any problems an individual may have in their own personal self and adjusts to their needs and requirements for development.

Find Addiction Treatment Options Nationwide Now

Find Flakka Addiction Treatment: Here

Flakka is a highly addictive and toxic drug which makes finding treatment very important for your or your loved one’s health. Here at Find Addiction Rehabs, we can help find you the right treatment you need.

Whether finding a treatment center in your location or connecting you with recovery tools and resources, our hotline is available 24/7 to make sure you can get the help you need, anytime you need it.

There are many treatments available but trying to navigate and find the right one can be difficult and overwhelming. Call us today and we can help find the right flakka addiction treatment option to meet your needs now!