Any individual who is recovering from addiction or seeking assistance for the first time should be aware that alcoholism and drug addiction are diseases; this addiction is not a weakness of willpower to say ‘no’ or a morale decline.
24/7 Alcohol Abuse Hotline – Get Help Now
(877) 633-0053
Addiction can be managed, but not cured. Receiving assistance from a professional which approaches addiction as a disease is the initial step to an effective recovery. An individual will have it best at recovery when he or she follows the recommendations of esteemed professionals with access to the most recent breakthroughs in medicine and therapy.
Here are 10 tips for recovering from addiction:
• Recovery should be primary. Not only should you put yourself first, but you should remain in touch with esteemed professionals who know you, as well as offer you with complete options for treatment and prudent advice in the duration of your recovery.
• The process should be one day at a time. Recovery is not a destination, but a process. You shouldn’t allow thoughts of use or former habits to get the best of you. There are techniques you can learn to overcome any negative feelings or thoughts.
• You can communicate with your family and friends about your challenges since addiction can be quite insulating. People can be a support system to help you remain focused and motivated.
• You can change your surroundings to maintain a healthy recovery. Surround yourself with positive experiences, people and activities. Discover ways to stimulate your mind and body in a healthy, new way.
• You may have to give up the friends who have been enabling your addiction instead of helping you overcome it. It takes the right friends to help you maintain a healthy recovery.
• Spend about 30-60 minutes at the gym or walking a few days per week. Exercise can boost your physical strength and mental health.
• Eat right and improve your diet. This will make you healthier physically and mentally.
• Join a church-based group, social support network or an alcoholic recovery group to receive a beneficial value, wisdom and assistance to efforts in recovery.
• Remain productive in your employment or donate to a cause in which you believe. This can be amazing for your self-esteem for a wondrous sense of pride and achievement.
• Persevere, regardless of the obstacles or challenges you face. Rely on your friends, family and support means to fight the good fight on difficult days.
24/7 Alcohol Hotline – Get Help Now
(877) 633-0053
If you or someone you know needs help with substance abuse Find Addiction Rehabs is here to help. Call anytime 7 days a week 24 hours a day.
Edward lives and works in South Florida and has been a part of its recovery community for many years. With a B.A. in English Literature from the University of Massachusetts, he works to help Find Addiction Rehabs as both a writer and marketer. Edward loves to share his passion for the field through writing about addiction topics, effective treatment for addiction, and behavioral health as a whole. Alongside personal experience, Edward has deep connections to the mental health treatment industry, having worked as a medical office manager for a psychiatric consortium for many years.