Overcoming the Temptation to Send Drunk Texts
Table of Contents
- Overcoming the Temptation to Send Drunk Texts
- What Does it Mean to Drunk Text?
- Why Do People Send Start Drunk Texting?
- Drunk Texting & The Other Dangers of Excessive Alcohol Consumption
- When is it More Than Just “A Few Drinks?”
- Recognizing the Signs of Alcohol Abuse and Addiction
- How to Stop Drinking and Get Sober
- Why You Should Get Professional Help to Stop Drinking
- Stop Drunk Texting and Get Help Today!
If you’ve ever had a rough night of drinking, then you have likely experienced sending embarrassing texts while under the influence at least once. Or, maybe you’ve been on the receiving end of someone else’s drunk texting.
Whatever the situation may be, most drunk texts are harmless accidents. Many people will simply laugh about it, apologize to the recipient, and move on with their lives. Of course, if you are getting intoxicated and send out drunk texts on a regular basis, this may be an issue worth looking into.
Keep reading to find out more about the psychology behind drunk texting, how you can avoid making this mistake in the future, and how to recognize when your drinking behavior may be turning into a problem!
What Does it Mean to Drunk Text?
Many people drink, and a night out on the town with some friends can be a great way to decompress after a stressful workday or when celebrating a special occasion. Usually, there is nothing wrong with having a drink or two every once in a while.
Of course, because of the way alcohol affects the brain and body, a couple of drinks can easily become multiple. Drinking can lower your judgment-making abilities, making you feel as though you have no inhibitions. This, mixed with the power of phones, can be a dangerous mix.
With the help of some liquid courage, thoughts, and feelings that you would normally suppress can come to the surface. When this happens, you may feel more confident, and decide to share these thoughts with the person on your mind via text.
Morning After Regrets from Drunk Texting
While at the moment this can seem like a fun and exciting idea, you likely won’t feel this way the morning after. While some people might believe that drunk words are sober thoughtsthey are often better left unexpressed. After a wild night of drinking, most people wake up the next morning confused about the events of the previous night and embarrassed once they realize who and what they were texting.
Of course, if this is not a regular occurrence, there is no real reason to feel shame for it. You’re only human, and drunk texting once or twice is completely normal, and can even make for a funny story in the future. If anything, the regret that comes the morning after can be a good reminder as to why you may want to limit your phone time when drinking.
Why Do People Send Start Drunk Texting?
Knowing what a drunk text is won’t stop you from hitting send, but knowing the science behind why people do this might help you avoid taking this risk. Alcohol can act as both a stimulant and a depressant and affects the parts of the brain that are responsible for regulating our behavior.
When you drink, you are unable to make decisions with a clear head. You stop weighing your decisions with logic, which can cause you to engage in quite a few activities you normally wouldn’t.
Because alcohol impairs your judgment, you may find yourself more willing to send a risky message when drunk texting to a friend, partner, or anyone else that may be on your mind when drinking. Some people even find themselves drunk posting messages, photos, and videos of themselves on social media that they otherwise would not share.
While you may not worry much about your behavior at the point where you are intoxicated, “sober you” may have a much harder time coming to terms with your drunk decisions.
Drunk Texting & The Other Dangers of Excessive Alcohol Consumption
While drunk texting someone likely won’t ruin your life, drinking too much alcohol can lead you to make other mistakes that may have more severe consequences. Whether having a few glasses of wine or drinking hard liquor, doing so in excess can have many negative side effects.
As discussed, alcohol can affect your brain and body in many ways. Having too much to drink can cause you to lose control over your actions, and make you more prone to engaging in potentially dangerous or illegal activities.
For starters, driving or operating any other kind of heavy machinery can result in serious injury not just to yourself, but to anyone who is around you, as well. Binge drinking comes along with a whole host of health issues as well. Furthermore, your inability to make sound decisions while under the influence may cause you to engage in other behaviors you normally wouldn’t, such as unprotected sex, theft, physical violence, and more.
Lowering Inhibitions: Raising Risks
When intoxicated, you will have difficulty understanding right from wrong, and can seriously miscalculate which activities are safe to participate in. If you plan on going out to drink with friends, it is important that you talk to them beforehand about having a designated driver, and have safety measures set up ahead of time in case of an emergency.
One of the most dangerous side effects of getting too drunk is accidentally overdosing or getting alcohol poisoning. This can have many unpleasant symptoms, which can quickly become life-threatening if not properly treated.
What are the Signs of Alcohol Poisoning?
Because of alcohol’s wide availability, alcohol poisoning can happen to anyone, and often much faster than most people anticipate. Knowing how to recognize the signs of an alcohol overdose can be life-saving. Some of the most common symptoms associated with this condition are:
- Loss of consciousness
- Dehydration
- Disorientation
- Inability to respond to external stimuli
- Nausea and vomiting
- Aggression
- Poor coordination
- Rapid eye movement
- Slurred speech
- Low body temperature
- Trouble breathing
- Seizures
- Blue-tinted skin, lips, and nails
If you or someone else is displaying any of these symptoms, you will need to get emergency medical help immediately. Leaving alcohol poisoning unaddressed can cause the suffering individual to go into a coma, or even die as a result of their symptoms.
When is it More Than Just “A Few Drinks?”
Deciding to have a few drinks every once in a while is fairly normal, and even sending the occasional bout of drunk texting should not be seen as a major cause for concern. However, there is a point where your drinking and the behaviors this can lead to can become problematic.
Recognizing you may have a problem can be difficult, especially if this is something that has been going on for a long time. However, abusing alcohol can have many consequences for both your physical and mental health, especially when continued over a long period of time.
Recognizing the Signs of Alcohol Abuse and Addiction
Recognizing that you have a drinking problem will be the first and most important step in being able to figure out where this problem started and gaining the strength to get the help you need to stop drinking.
While everyone’s experience with substance abuse is different, the most common signs of alcohol addiction include:
- Needing to drink on a regular basis, even if this is creating problems within your personal, work, or social life.
- Becoming secretive or defensive about your drinking habits when questioned by others.
- Spending large amounts of time and money getting, using, or recovering from alcohol.
- Getting into legal trouble due to your drinking habits.
- Continuing to drink alcohol despite this causing the development or worsening of other physical or mental health conditions.
- Having to drink more often or more heavily to achieve its desired effect.
- Developing withdrawal symptoms when attempting to reduce or quit drinking.
If you are experiencing any of these behaviors, then this is a good sign that it is time for you to start seeking professional help before your drinking habits get any worse. Talking to your healthcare provider or a Find Addiction Rehabs representative today can help you get started on your path to recovery.
How to Stop Drinking and Get Sober
There are several methods of treating alcohol abuse and addiction available today. While everyone’s recovery needs will differ based on their own personal experience with addiction, most people struggling with an alcohol use disorder will need to begin their recovery process with a medical detox program.
This will be especially important for those with more severe addictions, as the medical support and supervision provided through these programs can help manage and prevent many withdrawal symptoms from occurring.
Once you have completed the detox process, you will likely be encouraged to move on to inpatient or outpatient rehab programs. If you have been abusing alcohol for a long time, inpatient treatment may be a better option for you, as these programs can provide more intensive and structured care than other treatment options.
However, if your habits of alcohol abuse are not as intense, or you require more affordable and flexible treatment, outpatient rehab may be better suited to your needs. No matter what type of rehab program you choose to participate in, getting professional help is the best choice you can make when attempting to form better, healthier habits.
Why You Should Get Professional Help to Stop Drinking
When it comes to alcohol abuse and addiction, recovery can be trickier than with other addictive substances. For one, alcohol’s wide social acceptability can minimize the very real dangers that come with excessive drinking.
This can make it easy for you to continue abusing alcohol for a very long time before you or anyone else starts to recognize this as a problem. Once you finally do come to the conclusion that you are abusing alcohol, you may be at a point where quitting on your own will be dangerous.
This is because alcohol is mainly a central nervous system depressant, and long-term exposure to this substance can cause permanent chemical changes to the brain. Over time, you will become dependent on alcohol, and attempting to stop drinking will cause the body to go into shock or withdrawal.
Alcohol withdrawal can cause severe and even life-threatening side effects. Attempting to get clean on your own will likely lead to a harsh relapse due to how uncomfortable these side effects can be to deal with, if not more severe consequences.
Recovering under the support and guidance of medical professionals and addiction specialists will give you your best chance at a safe and successful recovery, as well as provide you with the proper tools and skills to maintain long-term sobriety on your own.
Stop Drunk Texting and Get Help Today!
If you are ready to put your drunk texting days behind you and stop drinking for good, the Find Addiction Rehabs team is here to help you. You can call our 24/7 hotline anytime, any day to get answers to all of your recovery questions and find rehab programs nationwide.
Just by calling us today, our recovery team can help you get started on your path to sobriety, where you can finally achieve a happier, healthier, and alcohol-free lifestyle!
Nicole R. is an experienced and accomplished writer with special interests in the fields of Anthropology, English, and behavioral health, and has written countless articles for newspaper publications, institutional research journals, and Find Addiction Rehabs.
Her alma matter is Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton. Nicole hopes to spread awareness of and combat the stigmatization surrounding addiction and substance abuse treatment through her writing and work in the field.