What is Ambien?

Ambien is a sedative-hypnotic drug and works by activating GABA neurotransmitters, which are responsible for slowing down the central nervous system (CNS). It is commonly used as a short-term treatment for chronic insomnia.

Ambien typically comes in two different forms, a quick-release form that can help to initiate sleep and an extended-release form that allows the user to better maintain their sleep. If used over long periods of time, both of these forms can lead to Ambien abuse and addiction.

Keep reading to find out more regarding Ambien rehab options, and what makes an effective form of treatment for dependence on the powerful drug!

Ambien Addiction

Recognizing an Ambien Addiction

A person may end up forming a physical dependence on this prescription medication as soon as two weeks after they begin using Ambien. This is because the body quickly develops a tolerance to the drug, relying on its presence for the person to be able to function normally.

Also commonly referred to as a “Z-Drug,” Ambien was originally marketed as a less addictive alternative to benzodiazepines and other habit-forming sleeping pills. However, this advertising was false, and Ambien can lead to substance abuse just as any other addictive substance.

Unfortunately, there are many cases where, even with a prescription for this drug, a person may not know they have become addicted to Ambien until they stop taking it. If they choose to quit all at once, they will likely begin to experience highly uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms.

These side effects can be so painful that a person relapses back to their previous drug abuse, often to a greater extent than they may have previously been using. Of course, there are various other signs that can indicate an Ambien addiction, including:

  • Refilling prescriptions more often than usual
  • Repeatedly taking Ambien in larger or more frequent doses than prescribed
  • Experiencing cravings for Ambien when not using the drug
  • Spending large amounts of time and money acquiring, using, or recovering from the effects of Ambien
  • Losing interest in personal, work, or other obligations and activities due to Ambien use

In most cases of Ambien addiction, a person will have a prescription for this drug, usually to help them treat their insomnia. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for people to underestimate the addictive nature of this drug, leading them to use it outside of their prescribed guidelines.

As the Ambien becomes less effective and the user begins increasing their dosage over time, this can cause their insomnia to become even worse. They may even become unable to fall asleep without it, leading them into a vicious cycle of addictive habits.

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Understanding the Ambien Rehab Process

Has Ambien gone from being a blessing to a burden? Is it clear that you have become addicted? If so, you probably now know that you need professional help to get over your addiction. Ambien is too powerful of a drug to try quitting without experienced support.

Fortunately, countless people have successfully completed treatment and now live healthy, happy lives. You can do the same. Still, before you begin, it will help if you understand what rehab entails, and how to choose the best rehab for your needs.

Understanding the Five Phases of Ambien Rehab

Every Ambien rehab program is a little different. However, most of them will stick pretty closely to the following list of five phases every patient has to go through.

Phase One: Intake

During the intake phase of the rehab, you will meet with a counselor who will ask you about:

  • Past experiences with rehab
  • Other drugs you are currently taking
  • Past experiences with drugs
  • Co-occurring disorder
  • Other challenges in your life
  • How long you have struggled with an addiction to Ambien

Depending on your answers, the counselor may have a number of other questions, too. They will also explain what their particular rehab treatment entails and answer any questions you have.

Phase Two: Detoxification

Medication ASsisted Treatment

Next, you will begin the detoxification process to overcome your Ambien dependency. This can take up to a week for more severe users. Those who took Ambien CR (extended release) will generally have to spend more time at an Ambien Detox rehab center, as its prolonged release mechanism means it stays in the body longer.

Your medical detox process will be monitored by a medical professional, which is extremely important. Heavy users may find themselves experiencing withdrawal symptoms that may warrant a medical emergency, making this constant medical supervision even more important.

Ambien Withdrawal Symptoms

Part of the reason why Ambien withdrawal can be so brutal is the chemical changes that are taking place in the CNS during this period. As the brain tries to return to normal activity, these symptoms from Ambien create the opposite effect of that which is produced by the drug.

In many cases, seizures have been known to occur after the discontinuation of this drug for those who have been abusing Ambien in extremely high doses, alongside uncontrollable trembling, agitation, and anxiety.

There are many other withdrawal symptoms that can occur during this period, including:

  • Agitation and irritability
  • High blood pressure
  • Fever
  • Sweating
  • Shakiness
  • Stomach cramps
  • Insomnia
  • Nervousness
  • Convulsions
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Uncontrollable crying
  • Panic attacks

Furthermore, as Ambien’s main purpose is to provide short-term relief for Insomnia and other sleeping disorders, stopping one’s use of this drug can result in a side effect known as “rebound insomnia.”

When this occurs, a person regains their inability to sleep which previously led them to begin using the drug. Except in this case, it may be even worse than it was before. The risk of rebound insomnia is increased for those who stop using this drug all at once and without help.

This also presents a greater risk of experiencing more severe withdrawal complications, such as seizures and delirium. Rebound insomnia occurs because stopping the use of Ambien suddenly does not give the brain time to adjust to its absence.

As a result, certain nerves in the brain are no longer suppressed, keeping the former user awake, anxious, and in great discomfort. This is why it is highly recommended to speak with professional treatment providers when looking to overcome an Ambien addiction.

When receiving substance abuse treatment through Ambien rehabilitation programs, the recovering individual will have their dosage gradually reduced over an extended period of time, helping to minimize the negative withdrawal effects and complications.

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Phase 3: Inpatient Treatment

Many people who are receiving Ambien addiction treatment will be best off by committing to inpatient Ambien rehab centers. These ensure 24-hour supervision by medical professionals and some much-needed time away from distractions and obstacles that may get in the way of your recovery.

The other big benefit of choosing to receive treatment through an inpatient or residential program is the ability to receive high quality behavioral healthcare and individualized treatment plans.

This may include therapy and support groups, and other forms of mental health counseling on a regular basis as a part of your Ambien treatment process. These will help you with any other problems that may have contributed to your addiction and keep you from feeling like you are fighting this battle alone.

Phase 4: Reevaluation

As you approach your final day in treatment, you will sit down with your counselor to discuss if it makes sense for you to leave rehab. Sometimes, it is better if you spend a little more time there, even if you have been through detox and are able to sleep well again.

Receiving ongoing counseling and treatment can help you better fortify your commitment to staying off of Ambien. This is why many people find themselves seeking aftercare treatment options, even after they have overcome their initial drug addiction issues.

Phase 5: Aftercare

Even after leaving rehab, you will probably receive ongoing treatment through attending outpatient therapy sessions every week for about a year. Again, this will significantly help with relapse prevention during your recovery process.

Outpatient programs can be extremely helpful for keeping you committed to your sobriety, especially if you are struggling with any underlying mental disorders that can make abstinence all the more difficult. Some people will even move into halfway houses for at least part of this time.

How Long Does Inpatient Ambien Rehab Take?

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Again, Ambien rehab treatment differs greatly depending on each individual. Generally, the longer someone has been addicted to Ambien, the longer they’ll need at rehab to overcome it.

For the most part, the shortest programs take about a month. There are also longer versions that can last two or three months. Some may even go past that point for patients who need long-term care.

As many Ambien users are skeptical about whether or not they truly need rehab for their addiction, most facilities will allow them to initially sign up for 30 days before deciding if they need more help after that. After that, counselors may meet every week with their client to discuss how long they need to stay before they’ll be healthy enough to leave.

Inpatient vs. Outpatient Ambien Rehab

No matter what kind of rehab you choose, the most important thing is that you do not try to overcome your addiction on your own. At the very least, you should talk with your doctor and get help tapering off the drug. Attempting to simply quit taking Ambien on your own can be very dangerous, and is rarely successful.

Inpatient Ambien Rehab

Inpatient rehab for Ambien addiction means you’ll live at a facility during your treatment. You will do so in close quarters with other people who are trying to beat their addictions. Often, you’ll have a roommate.

The major benefits of inpatient rehab programs are:

  • Support from other clients
  • Freedom from distractions
  • Ongoing therapy

Of course, the mere fact that you’re focused on one thing and one thing only – overcoming your addiction – day in, and day out is a huge advantage, too.

Inpatient care is also a good fit for people who are dealing with severe sleep disorders. While overcoming an addiction to Ambien is a fantastic achievement, doing so will mean having to overcome the sleep disorder for which the medication was originally prescribed. That will be easier with the help of medical professionals.

This is also true for people who have displayed complex behaviors while on Ambien. They will pose far less of a threat to their own well-being at an inpatient facility where they are being closely monitored.

Outpatient Ambien Rehab

Outpatient Treatment Programs

Outpatient care involves a set schedule when you will meet with a medical professional to discuss your progress with quitting Ambien and talk about how to continue doing so going forward. It will usually involve health assessments, as well, and help with any co-occurring problems. There will also be ongoing group session.

The major difference is that you’ll be going home every night to sleep in your own bed. In fact, you will most likely be able to maintain most of your normal schedule in terms of going to work and hanging out with friends and family.

This is also the major benefit of inpatient Ambien rehab.

People who don’t want to – or don’t feel they can afford to – put the rest of their lives on pause will do best with outpatient care.

It’s still a good idea to speak with a counselor first who can help aid with this decision. Even though it may be inconvenient, inpatient care might be the best fit for your needs and, therefore, the better option for becoming healthy.

Keep in mind, too, that under the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA), you are entitled to 12 weeks of medical leave every year, assuming you have worked at least 1,250 hours during the preceding year. So you can’t be fired for taking an extended leave from work if it’s for medical reasons.

Finally, your treatment provider may only recommend you commit to inpatient care for detoxification or a little longer after that, just to make sure you are healthy enough to proceed with an outpatient treatment program.

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Find Ambien Rehab Programs Now!

As you can see, Ambien rehab is a fairly simple, straightforward process. Best of all, it ends with you having your life back, free of addiction. If you or a loved one is seeking effective Ambien treatment, please contact Find Addiction Rehabs today!

Our team of representatives can help you find addiction treatment centers and recovery resources 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We can also help verify your insurance coverage or explore additional treatment options that work with your budget.

Call now, and we will help you get started on a path to becoming happier, healthier, and successfully sober!