Our team is on the lookout for those with expertise to share in the fields of treatment, addiction medicine, behavioral and mental health, as well as recovery coaches and other related professionals. We would love it if you took the time to share your experiences, insights, and perspectives with our ever-expanding audience. The reasons to write for Find Addiction Rehabs are many, including a well-regarded platform for your views, inclusion in our community of contributors, and, of course, an audience ready and eager to learn more about your topic!
The content portion of our site, both in the form of blog posts and web articles, addresses a vast array of topics with concise, informative content. Rather than telling a strictly personal story, our writers share aspects about a field they are intimately familiar with, imparting the knowledge they hope will educate and improve the lives of our readers.
Please feel free to review our pages, as well as blog posts, to find an area that hasn’t been addressed and could use coverage from an expert (such as yourself!)
Find Addiction Rehabs’ core mission centers on helping those suffering from all varieties of addictive disorders find the best forms of treatment and join the thriving community of those recovering from active addiction. One of our primary methods of accomplishing this aim stems from writing and curating the crucial, well-researched content that those suffering from various addictive disorders are searching for every moment of every day.
The team at FAR wants to become the unaffiliated, primary resource for the masses seeking addiction treatment, their loved ones, and those interested in the field more generally. We formally invite those qualified in the fields outlined above, as well as those with an extensive background in the treatment industry, either as clients or staff (or both) to submit your articles according to the criteria listed below:
Please email outreach@findaddictionrehabs.com when you are ready to submit your article according to the guidelines indicated. We eagerly await your submissions and thank you in advance for your valuable time spent in service to those seeking better lives.
Eric R. hails from Maine and does extensive work in the field of behavioral health as both a professional writer and passionate advocate for those suffering. From his own personal encounters with mental illness, he speaks to those seeking healthy relief from depression and anxiety and embraces wellness both personally and professionally. After losing friends and family to the darkness of suicide, Eric aims to educate and inform about the nature of treatment and render it accessible for all those seeking a way out of darkness and despair.