Alcohol Abuse

Giving Up Alcohol: 5 Things No One Tells You

The Hidden Realities of Getting SoberTable of ContentsThe Hidden Realities of Getting SoberAlcoholism: Five Things Nobody Tells You About Quitting Alcohol1. It’s not really news that you are sober2. You are not the old you3. Alcoholics tend to rate you4. Time can be a burden after you stop drinking alcoholWhat Can You Expect When Giving […]

The Hidden Realities of Getting Sober

The goal for those whose drinking has become a problem is sobriety. Once you reach that goal, you feel victorious. However, life certainly doesn’t come to a finish after giving up alcohol.

Alcoholism can pull you back in at any time. Most of your focus has been on walking away from a life of booze, and that’s as it should be.

However, there are several things nobody tells you about quitting alcohol. Keep reading to get our breakdown and what to watch out for, even while sober, and how you can stay on track with your recovery!

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Alcoholism: Five Things Nobody Tells You About Quitting Alcohol

1. It’s not really news that you are sober

For those in recovery themselves, being sober and hearing of others’ sobriety is big news! But an unfortunate reality is that very few ‘normal’ people care that much. Your spouse, parents, close friends, and family may be supportive, but it is difficult to get others to notice your new sobriety on a day-to-day basis.

People can see you, but don’t acknowledge your new lifestyle or really understand the work and dedication that it takes to avoid indulging in a few alcoholic beverages. This does not make these positive changes any less meaningful.

You can meet friends and other supportive individuals who appreciate the steps you have taken to overcome your alcoholism by participating in support groups and community organizations. Ultimately, the biggest supporter in your sobriety journey will be yourself. Overcoming an alcohol use disorder is no small feat, and you deserve to feel proud of this accomplishment.

2. You are not the old you

There may be people you don’t see too often, like extended family, long-distance childhood friends, etc. Those are usually the ones who will be quick to notice your new improved appearance.

Drinking can change how you appear in public; sobriety can restore you. However, for many of your local friends and colleagues, you are something different because they only know your old drinking persona.

It can take some time for those closest to you to get used to the new you. You may even have to limit or completely cut off contact with certain friends and people who encourage your past drinking habits. This can be difficult, but it will ultimately be worth it for you health and happiness in the long run.

3. Alcoholics tend to rate you

When you achieve sobriety, for alcoholics that is significant in many ways. They either think you look down on them because they are still off the wagon, or they think you are an expert in overcoming alcoholism. In all honesty, a mere drinking buddy can never be a true friend.

When you quit drinking, it becomes difficult to connect with those who do still drink alcohol. Being around others while they are drinking can be difficult for those in recovery, especially during the early stages.

It is important to remember that other people’s behaviors and opinions do not define you. If you have stopped drinking, it is important not to worry about what other people think about your decision. Your well-being should be your top priority, regardless of how this may affect others.

4. Time can be a burden after you stop drinking alcohol

The amount of time you used to spend drinking, thinking about the next drink, or suffering from a hangover, is now all yours. Unfortunately, it can be a heavy burden. You will find some activities are not quite enjoyable without a drink in hand, like watching a sporting event or playing online games.

Fortunately, day by day, you can discover activities that can fill up your time that doesn’t require booze. Quitting drinking does not have to mean you won’t have fun anymore. There are many activities you can participate in without needing an alcoholic drink to enjoy it.

Spending more energy on finding new hobbies and ways to pass the time can benefit your emotional and physical well-being in the long run, and give you the opportunity to grow as a person, alcohol-free.

What Can You Expect When Giving Up Alcohol?

Giving up alcohol can be a difficult challenge, but it is also a rewarding one. There are many benefits to sobriety, including improved physical and mental health, better relationships, and increased productivity.

However, it is important to be aware of the challenges that you may face when you first give up alcohol. These challenges can include:

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

For heavy drinkers, regularly drinking alcohol means that their body will develop a dependence on this substance. When they decide to suddenly stop drinking, or quit “cold turkey,” this can send their body into shock.

This is why most people experience psychological and physical withdrawal symptoms when they stop drinking alcohol. These symptoms can develop within just a few hours after your last drink, and can range from mild to severe and can include anxiety, insomnia, sweating, nausea, hand tremors, and headaches.

More severe withdrawal symptoms like seizures, delirium tremens, and even death can also occur. It is for this reason that it is important to never attempt to stop drinking on your own and to always seek professional treatment when recovering from alcohol dependence.

Alcohol Cravings

It is common to experience cravings for alcohol when you first give up drinking. These cravings can be triggered by stress, boredom, or social situations. No matter what their causing factor may be, cravings can be difficult to deal with.

Finding healthy coping mechanisms and distractions to help resist the temptation to give into these cravings is important for maintaining long-term recovery.

Social Isolation

Alcohol affects many areas of your life, including your work, health, and relationships. When recovering from alcohol dependence, you may start to notice how isolated you have become due to your drinking habits.

Many heavy drinkers tend to isolate themselves from friends and family. Giving up alcohol can be an opportunity to reconnect with these relationships, but it can also be challenging. Remember to take it slow, and give yourself and your loved ones the chance to adjust to these changes.

Risk of Relapse

For many people, relapse is just a part of the recovery process. Stopping your alcohol intake after years of abuse can be difficult, and resisting the urge to use again can feel impossible without the right support.

While relapse is common, this does not mean it is inevitable. With the right help, stopping drinking can be made much easier and more comfortable, improving your chances of long-term recovery.

How Can You Safely Stop Your Alcohol Consumption?

Particularly with severe cases of addiction, suddenly stopping your drinking can have dangerous side effects. Fortunately, there are ways to stop heavy drinking slowly and safely. Some tips to keep in mind when recovering from alcohol abuse include:

  • Seek professional help: Addiction specialists and treatment providers can help you assess your risk for withdrawal symptoms and develop a safe plan to stop drinking.
  • Set a goal: Decide how much and how often you want to drink, or if you want to stop drinking altogether. Find ways to stop drinking heavily, and do research into how you can improve your health habits.
  • Make a plan: Think about what you will do when you feel like drinking. Have a list of activities or people you can turn to for support if you think a relapse may be coming on.
  • Tell your friends and family: Let them know that you are trying to stop drinking and ask for their support. Having a solid support system can help reduce your relapse risk and keep you accountable for your recovery.
  • Get rid of alcohol in your home: Removing any alcoholic drinks or other potential triggers from your environment will make it less tempting to drink, and help you maintain your recovery in the long term.
  • Find healthy ways to cope with stress: Exercise, meditation, and spending time with loved ones can help you manage stress without alcohol.
  • Be patient with yourself: Stopping drinking is a process. Slip-ups are a common occurrence, and are just a normal part of the recovery process. Having a support system and plan in place can help you pick yourself back up and get back on track with your recovery.
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Professional Treatment Options for Alcohol Addiction

There are many professional treatment options available for alcohol addiction. The best option for you will depend on your individual needs and circumstances. Some of the most common professional treatment options for alcohol addiction:

Medical Detox

Detoxification is the process of safely removing alcohol from a person’s system. It is often the first step in alcohol addiction treatment, and one of the most important during the first stages of recovery.

Detox can be done in a hospital or in a residential treatment center under the regular supervision of a licensed clinical health professional. This medical supervision will be important for making sure that any withdrawal symptoms and cravings are being properly managed.

Once you have completed the detox process, you will likely be encouraged to move on to other levels of care for additional support and treatment.

Inpatient and Outpatient Treatment

Inpatient and outpatient addiction treatment are two different types of treatment programs that are commonly used to help people who are struggling with substance abuse. Inpatient treatment is a more intensive treatment modality that will require you to live at a treatment center during your recovery period.

Outpatient treatment is a less intensive type of treatment that will allow you to live at home while attending regular treatment sessions. This is usually more effective as a step-down treatment option, or for those recovering from less severe alcohol use disorders.

Mental Health Treatment

There are many different therapies that can be used to treat addiction. These can help you understand why you started drinking in the first place, and what mental health factors may be preventing you from stopping.

Participating in therapeutic treatments can help you build healthier coping mechanisms and increased self-awareness, which can help prevent relapse and complications in the future. Some of the most common therapies used for treating alcohol abuse include:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT helps people to identify and change the negative thoughts and behaviors that contribute to their addiction.
  • Motivational interviewing (MI): MI is a non-judgmental approach that helps people to explore their own reasons for wanting to change their behavior.
  • Counseling sessions: Individual, group, and family therapy can help to address the impact of addiction on not just yourself, but your relationships and introduce you to other people with similar experiences.

Medication Assisted Treatment

When overcoming an addiction to alcohol, your treatment provider will likely prescribe medication to help manage your withdrawal symptoms and cravings.  Some of the most common medications used to treat alcohol use disorders include:

  • Acamprosate (Campral®): This medicine helps to restore the brain’s chemical balance after chronic alcohol abuse.
  • Disulfiram (Antabuse®): This medication causes adverse reactions when drinking alcohol, including nausea, vomiting, and other uncomfortable symptoms, dissuading those in recovery from abusing this substance.
  • Naltrexone (Vivitrol®): This medicine helps to reduce alcohol cravings, decreasing the user’s risk of relapse.
  • Topiramate (Topamax®): This medication can help to reduce seizures and severe headaches that may occur in those who are going through alcohol withdrawal.

What are the Benefits of Giving Up Alcohol?

For many people, giving up alcohol entirely can seem incomprehensible. But for those in recovery from this substance, they know that even a glass of red wine can be a slippery slope for their recovery.

This is why most people who have overcome an alcohol dependence stop drinking altogether. There are many benefits to completely giving up alcohol. Some of the most common benefits include:

Improved Mental and Physical Health

Long-term alcohol abuse can have several adverse health effects, including liver disease, acid reflux, high blood pressure, increased risk of breast cancer, cardiovascular disease, weight loss and gain, heart disease, and various other issues. Alcohol can also worsen anxiety and depression.

Giving up alcohol can have several health benefits and reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases. These include improved heart health, better sleep, improved liver function, better skin health, more energy, and more. Giving up alcohol can also help to improve your mood and reduce your risk of developing or worsening mental health problems.

Improved Relationships

For many people with a drinking problem, their alcohol abuse can damage their relationships with family and friends. If you are struggling with alcoholism, then this loss of connection and trust in your relationships may be all too familiar.

Giving up alcohol can help to improve your relationships and make you more reliable and trustworthy. As you regain and heal the bonds severed by your addictive habits, this can help you to realize just how much your drinking cost you.

Improved Productivity

Alcohol can impair your judgment and make it difficult to focus. This can lead to issues with your work or school performance, and render you unable to keep up with daily tasks and activities.  Quitting alcohol can help you to be more productive not just in your professional life, but in your personal endeavors and goals as well.

Improved Self-Esteem

Alcohol can make you feel bad about yourself. Leaving your drinking days in the past can help you to feel better about yourself and your life. You will have more time to take care of yourself, your loved ones, and the things you care about.

With this newfound free time and competence, many recovering alcoholics find their self-esteem drastically increasing after they have put down the bottle and focused their efforts on becoming the best version of themselves.

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Are You Still Struggling to Stay Sober? Help is Here!

If you or someone you know needs help with alcohol abuse Rehabs Of Armerica is here to help. Call anytime 7 days a week 24 hours a day. We give you the jumpstart needed in order to experience the recovery you have always wanted through placement at top facilities across the country.

We refer to programs that are successful in that they don’t just treat the addiction but treat the whole person and the reasons that led to drinking and/or using. Give yourself the break you deserve, and start (or renew) your recovery with a confidential call today!

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