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Residents and visitors alike enjoy South Carolina’s breathtaking natural diversity and rich cultural history. However, due to the hold of substance or alcohol misuse, far too many individuals, families, and communities are unable to appreciate these advantages. Fortunately, South Carolina alcohol and drug rehab centers are attempting to improve this tragic reality.
These potentially life-changing programs provide an individual with the opportunity to develop a more balanced, sober life. With our comprehensive guide to substance treatment resources in the Palmetto State, we will look at the current state of addiction and resources for assistance, traveling for treatment, and other aspects of getting the best possible care for yourself or your loved one.
In a given year, around 607,000 South Carolinians – 11.94 percent of the state population – used illegal substances, while another 226,000 – 4.45 percent of the state population – abuse alcohol. As a result, drugs and alcohol were responsible for 14.13 percent of all deaths in South Carolina between 2008 and 2017, approximately one-and-a-half percentage points higher than the national average of 12.71 percent. Greenville had the greatest percentage of drug- and alcohol-related deaths among South Carolina’s five most populous cities during that time period, at 16.27 percent, while Sumter had the lowest rate, at 12.34 percent.
This guide was developed to assist the many South Carolina residents who are battling substance misuse and addiction in locating various treatment options that will put them on the road to recovery. It also aims to educate the general public on the hazards of substance usage in South Carolina.
Many years ago, South Carolina was thought to be a state populated solely by drug users. It recently transitioned from a distribution state to a source state. It serves as a conduit for the illegal trafficking of cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamine, and heroin between Florida and the state of New York, as well as other northeast states. According to a South Carolina Treatment Episode Data Set, alcohol combined with another substance is the leading cause of drug treatment admissions, accounting for 23.6 percent of all drug rehab admissions in the state.
Despite a decrease in the amount of cocaine seized in the state of South Carolina, cocaine and crack cocaine remain one of the state’s most serious drug concerns. State officials are putting in a lot of effort to stop the cocaine problem. There are numerous therapy alternatives available for all situations and budgets. This is something that one of our counselors can assist you with.
South Carolina is seeing an increase in the number of methamphetamine labs. Seizures at meth labs increased by 231% between 2007 and 2009. During the same time span, meth lab seizures increased by only 76% across the country.
The high frequency of meth lab seizures in South Carolina has been related to “smurfing,” or the purchasing of pseudoephedrine in bulk (PSE). PSE is a common chemical in many cold and allergy medications, yet it may also be used to make methamphetamine.
If you or a loved one is in need of substance abuse treatment, we can assist you in locating the best rehab facility for you. Call us today to find out about treatment options that are right for you.
Though South Carolina has not been hit as hard by the opioid epidemic as other states, it has still wrecked the lives of many citizens and their families.
Opioid substances such as heroin, prescription opioid medications, and synthetic opioids such as fentanyl are to blame for this problem. Potent and lethal fentanyl analogs have also been found in South Carolina, including:
Between 2014 and 2017, 5.4 percent of teenagers aged 12-17 in South Carolina reported using marijuana in the previous month, which was lower than the national average of 6.8 percent. In terms of alcohol consumption, 8.1 percent of teenagers aged 12-17 in South Carolina used it in the previous month, which is lower than the national average of 10.1 percent. Furthermore, an alarming 12.1% of people admitted to South Carolina alcohol and drug rehab centers in 2017 aged 12-17. Some treatment centers offer adolescent-specific treatment programs to help youngsters overcome the hurdles of overcoming substance addiction.
On its website, the South Carolina Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services (DAODAS) offers substance abuse prevention information, extensive statistics, and publications for adolescents and their families.
Outpatient and inpatient detox treatments are available in South Carolina. Inpatient detox programs are frequently offered at the same facility as inpatient addiction treatment services that follow detox, making the transition from detox to rehabilitation easier. This gradual transition reduces stress and shields a person from extraneous factors that could lead to a relapse.
An inpatient medically supervised detoxification program keeps a person under constant medical supervision as their body adjusts to sobriety. To alleviate withdrawal symptoms and cravings, a variety of drugs may be employed.
Withdrawal symptoms can be unpleasant, harmful, and, in the case of certain medications, fatal. Alcohol, benzodiazepines, and opioids can all trigger significant withdrawal symptoms. A medically supervised drug and alcohol detox allows a person to detox safely in preparation for the next stage of therapy.
The initial days and weeks of treatment can be physically and mentally taxing. Inpatient treatment in a residential setting can help with the early phases of recovery. Living on-site at a treatment facility allows a person to have easier access to treatment professionals and recovery services that promote sobriety.
Inpatient addiction treatment centers in South Carolina that are of high quality provide clients with a treatment plan that is tailored to their specific needs. Medically supervised detoxification, drug and alcohol rehab, and aftercare may be provided. This integrated approach improves stability and the likelihood of recovery success.
Inpatient drug rehab provides a person with more time to work on issues related to their addiction than outpatient treatment. The most effective therapy tackles any family, job, educational, or societal issues that contributed to or were exacerbated by addiction. This individualized approach helps to ensure that each individual is equipped to face life’s difficulties. Various therapies offer sober life skills, coping mechanisms, and methods to avoid relapse.
Residential treatment is a suitable alternative for severe addictions (those with a high tolerance and likely to experience pronounced withdrawal effects) polydrug addiction, and dual diagnosis treatment because of its intensive structure; nonetheless, individuals from all walks of life may find hope in this sort of treatment.
Outpatient addiction treatment programs allow people to get help while still living at home. Though this style may appear enticing at first, it can be dangerous for those in early recovery.
Outpatient drug rehab may make it easier for a person to leave the program if they feel too overwhelmed by stress, cravings, or the treatment process itself. When a person returns home from treatment each day, they may be exposed to people, places, or situations that provoke relapse thoughts. Inpatient addiction treatment programs provide better safeguards against these dangers.
When utilized to help a person transition from an inpatient addiction treatment program to an independent life following treatment, the outpatient treatment programs produce good results. Traditional outpatient and intensive outpatient programs, when used as a step-down level of therapy, assist recently recovered patients in strengthening their sobriety.
When a person exits therapy, their recovery should not come to a stop. Aftercare and alumni support programs are available at many South Carolina alcohol and drug rehab centers. These services encourage and support people as they overcome the difficulties they confront during their rehabilitation. Options for aftercare may include:
Aftercare services give people the tools they need to avoid relapse and have a successful life in recovery.
Many people find that seeking out specific addiction treatment programs that match their needs and preferences improves their chances of success in treatment. Holistic programs that emphasize whole-body health, LGBTQIA-friendly programs, programs tailored for professionals and executives, and religious and 12-step programs are all options for specialized South Carolina alcohol and drug rehab centers. In addition to this, some of the most popular specialized addiction treatment programs are included below:
In some circumstances, drugs may be administered to assist people to maintain their sobriety. Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) combines drugs with behavioral therapies and counseling in order to achieve long-term recovery.
Interacting with peers during therapy can improve a person’s experience significantly. Some people feel more at ease and able to concentrate on their recovery in a gender-specific treatment program. Gender-specific treatment programs make this possible.
Many people start taking drugs or alcohol as a result of mental health concerns. Prolonged substance misuse might aggravate or induce these symptoms to arise for the first time.
A dual diagnosis occurs when a person has co-occurring substance use and mental health illnesses. Dual diagnosis therapy programs identify and address the ways in which each of these illnesses affects the other. This integrated therapy strategy increases a person’s chances of success, stability, and overall health. These programs provide care for people suffering from anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other mental illnesses.
Inpatient drug treatment institutions in South Carolina can offer drug prevention and education programs to their clients and the surrounding community. Drug education and prevention programs will assist local communities in understanding the hazards of illicit drug abuse, while also giving beneficial information and methods for dealing with addiction.
Staff in detox programs will be properly qualified to guide addicts through a safe withdrawal process. This can be accomplished in a variety of methods, but withdrawal symptoms will differ for each addict. After completing the detox procedure, an addict will be ready to enter a drug recovery program. Addicts are helped through the withdrawal process using medications and holistic techniques.
Sober living homes (also referred to as recovery residences) are group homes that assist recovering addicts in transitioning from treatment institutions to independent living while maintaining their sobriety. These houses can be very helpful for people who don’t have a supportive and happy environment to live in after leaving a rehabilitation facility.
Residents at sober living homes can stay for a few months to several years if they follow house rules and avoid relapse, as these facilities often have a zero-tolerance drug and alcohol policy. Residents are also expected to accomplish tasks, join mutual support groups, and contribute an equal amount of the expense of renting the home.
When it comes to therapy, many people are unsure how they will pay for it. The good news is that many health insurance policies provide coverage for the procedure. Insurance providers in South Carolina may include:
If a person still cannot afford therapy, they can look into a variety of choices on their own, including:
Some treatment facilities may assist a person and their family to find extra possibilities for making treatment more affordable.
Substance misuse and mental health problems frequently coexist – the formal phrase is “co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders.” According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), 45.6 percent of people with a substance use disorder had a mental health issue in 2017, while 18.3 percent of persons with a mental health disorder had a substance use disorder. In 2017, 35.9% of adolescents with a substance use disorder also had a major depressive episode, and 10.7% of adolescents with a major depressive episode also had a substance use disorder.
If you or someone you care about is suffering from a mental health problem, such as depression, PTSD, eating disorders, or severe anxiety, there are numerous options available to assist you.
According to, there are a few methods to get immediate help:
Suicide Prevention: The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number is 800-273-8255. You can also start an online live conversation that is completely private.
Veterans Crisis Line: To speak with someone right away, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 and press “1.” You can also get assistance through a private online chat or by texting 838255.
Here are two additional ways to find a provider of mental health treatment in South Carolina:
South Carolina Department of Mental Health: The DMH website is dedicated to assisting the general public with mental health difficulties and includes a section with more information regarding teenage mental health initiatives.
South Carolina National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): The South Carolina chapter of NAMI provides information about mental health options around the state, and the organization has sections dedicated to adolescent families and veterans’ families.
South Carolina is a state rich in history, with awe-inspiring Southern plantations and American Revolution relics. It’s also known for its more than 180 miles of white sand beaches (most notably at Myrtle Beach, a popular East Coast vacation), coastal Charleston’s pastel-colored buildings, and scenic mountains, including the state’s highest point, Sassafras Mountain.
The Palmetto State’s unique charm and diversity attract people from all walks of life, whether they like the interior museum and art scene or outdoor activities like kayaking and treetop ziplining. There are also plenty of options to whet the appetites of foodies, ranging from Upstate farm-to-table restaurants to cafes serving fresh seafood straight from the coast. In addition, the state is one of the top peach-producing states in the country.
But South Carolina is much more than just fun, beaches, and peaches. Many of these adventures go unvisited for those South Carolinians with drug and alcohol addiction issues. The good news is that there are numerous South Carolina alcohol and drug rehab centers available to combat the state’s drug and alcohol problem, and the best part is that they incorporate adventure therapy into their programs, allowing you to experience South Carolina while receiving treatment.
Making sure a person has access to highly qualified addiction specialists who provide evidence-based therapy boosts the chances of long-term recovery success. Traveling to an out-of-state treatment facility might sometimes make it easier for a person to find the right combination of therapy they require.
Many people feel that once enrolled, solitude and distance make it easier to focus on their rehabilitation. Choosing an out-of-state program also removes a person from potential relapse triggers in their home or neighborhood.
In South Carolina, the possession and distribution of illegal narcotics carry varying degrees of punishment. The first offense of possessing a controlled dangerous substance (CDS) is a misdemeanor punishable by jail time and a fine. Subsequent violations carry more serious penalties, based on the type of substance and the amount involved.
Drugs are classified into five schedules. Schedule I drugs, for example, have a high potential for abuse and cannot be utilized for medical purposes. However, if a substance is categorized in schedule V, it has a limited potential for misuse and may have an established medical use.
In South Carolina, both medical and recreational marijuana is outlawed. The state, on the other hand, has approved a medical cannabidiol (CBD) law that enables cannabis extracts to be used to treat severe epileptic diseases.
To be approved as medical cannabidiol (CBD), a product must contain no more than 15% CBD and no more than nine-tenths of one percent THC.
In South Carolina, the following conditions qualify for medical CBD:
While both possessing and selling marijuana carry serious penalties, selling usually carries a harsher penalty.
Over the last several decades, South Carolina has implemented a wide range of harm reduction measures. Harm reduction legislation, such as methadone clinics, prescription drug monitoring programs, and other substance abuse services, assist drug users. Each program provides information about addiction and treatment, as well as encouragement to live a healthy lifestyle.
With a rise in the number of people addicted to pain relievers in South Carolina, more people are seeking help from methadone clinics. Methadone is used to alleviate withdrawal symptoms and pain in those who are addicted to heroin or opioids.
Having access to methadone aids in the reduction of cravings and urges produced by opiate addiction. To continue receiving methadone, a person must demonstrate that they are abusing opioids. A urine sample and other medical examinations can help determine this.
It is critical to understand that methadone is only one component of a holistic treatment regimen. When methadone is taken in conjunction with other treatment therapies, you have the best chance of success.
In 2008, the South Carolina Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) was established. The program, which is managed by the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control’s Bureau of Drug Control, collects data on schedule II-IV restricted substances.
Before issuing a prescription or administering drugs, medical practitioners and pharmacists can view the data. States that have operating PDMPs can share information with other states to help lessen the prescription drug addiction pandemic.
The South Carolina PDMP also has the following advantages:
The South Carolina Department of Corrections includes a division dedicated to assisting drug offenders in overcoming substance dependency. Female offenders, adult male offenders, young male offenders, pre-lapse, and a variety of additional services are served.
In general, many programs cover themes such as:
South Carolina’s Department of Corrections assists drug offenders in recovering from addiction by emphasizing vital skills such as self-improvement, conflict resolution, relapse avoidance, and employability preparation.
Each program employs the Therapeutic Community Model treatment method, which emphasizes the whole person and lifestyle modifications rather than the drug alone. Offenders will participate in a structured treatment program for about six to nine months. Individuals who successfully complete the program will have the tools they need to maintain long-term sobriety.
As part of the Government Accountability and Reform Act of 1993, the South Carolina Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services (DAODAS) was established. Today, the department offers general public prevention, intervention, and treatment services.
Every year, more than 50,000 South Carolina residents benefit from the Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services’ prevention, intervention, and treatment services (DAODAS).
The department’s preventive services educate community members, notably middle and high school students, about the hazards of drugs. Services that aid in the prevention of drug usage include:
DAODAS intervention services assist persons who are most vulnerable to substance abuse and addiction. People may be referred by a school, the criminal justice system, the workplace, or other systems. Programs are chosen based on a person’s circumstances and might range from:
DAODAS offers treatment services to people who are currently addicted to an illegal substance. Public services are often less expensive, but specific treatment programs may have waiting lists. Private services, on the other hand, are more adaptable and typically accept many types of insurance.
Rehabilitation and recovery services may include: Day Treatment, Detoxification Services, Halfway Houses, Intensive Outpatient Treatment, Inpatient Treatment, Residential Treatment as well as Women and Children Customized Services
Deciding on a treatment center takes time and research. Explore all of your options, including facilities both in state and out of state, to fully consider the range of choices out there. If you’re ready to get started on your journey to lifelong sobriety, contact an addiction rehab specialist today.
Are you looking for a high-quality South Carolina alcohol and drug rehab center for yourself or a loved one? Long-term drug rehab, drug detox, and short-term drug rehab programs are available in South Carolina. There are substance abuse treatment resources available whether you live in Columbia, Charleston, North Charleston, or Mount Pleasant.
Finding the right treatment program in South Carolina is critical since no one type of drug rehab in South Carolina is right for everyone. Find Addiction Rehabs has a plethora of information on executive exclusive programs and will assist you in locating the center that is suitable for you.
We can recommend alcohol addiction treatment programs that meet your needs and budget. A qualified counselor will do a confidential examination to recommend the best drug treatment alternatives. We have assisted thousands of people in the United States with their alcohol and drug rehab needs. The expert team at Find Addiction Rehabs takes a one-of-a-kind and personalized strategy.
The initial counselors you speak with are assigned to you until you or a loved one is enrolled in a program. This counselor will be available to you at all times. When you contact Find Addiction Rehabs, you instantly become our most important client.
Edward lives and works in South Florida and has been a part of its recovery community for many years. With a B.A. in English Literature from the University of Massachusetts, he works to help Find Addiction Rehabs as both a writer and marketer. Edward loves to share his passion for the field through writing about addiction topics, effective treatment for addiction, and behavioral health as a whole. Alongside personal experience, Edward has deep connections to the mental health treatment industry, having worked as a medical office manager for a psychiatric consortium for many years.