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Nebraska Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers

Finding Help in Nebraska for Drinking and Drugs

When looking for Nebraska alcohol and drug rehab centers, it is critical to choose a reputable facility that offers skilled care. This may be tough if you do not know what to look for.

Find Addiction Rehabs has produced this resource to aid you, which includes information on residential treatment, inpatient treatment, detox clinics, and other drug rehab services. We provide comprehensive information about drug rehab in Nebraska so that you can make an informed decision while seeking treatment.

Addiction to drugs or alcohol can have a negative impact on you and your loved ones. Addiction is, thankfully, treatable, and there are various rehab centers in Nebraska ready to assist you in getting started on the road to recovery. Reaching out for help could be a crucial first step toward living a much healthier lifestyle.

Read on to find out about the drug and alcohol abuse situation in Nebraska as well as the recovery options available in the state – so that you can best take care of yourself and your loved ones.

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Drug & Alcohol Addiction In Nebraska

In a given year, approximately 228,000 Nebraskans – 11.82 percent of the state population – use illegal substances, while another 90,000 – 4.66 percent of the state population – abuse alcohol. As a result, drugs and alcohol were responsible for 16.42 percent of all fatalities in Nebraska between 2008 and 2017, about four percentage points higher than the national average of 12.71 percent.

Consumption of Alcohol

Among Nebraska’s four most populous communities, Grand Island had the greatest rate of drug- and alcohol-related deaths during that time period (18%), while Kearney had the lowest rate (15.16%).

This resource was created to assist the many Nebraska people battling with substance misuse and addiction in locating forms of treatment that will put them on the road to recovery. It is also designed to educate the general population in Nebraska about the hazards of substance usage.

If you need assistance locating a rehabilitation center in Nebraska, you can use our directory to get affordable, high-quality care right away. Continue reading to learn how to use the directory and which rehabilitation centers qualify as the highest-rated facilities in the state.

Nebraska Addiction Treatment

The Midwest location of Nebraska makes it an attractive distribution base for drug trafficking organizations. Despite this, the state has lower rates of substance addiction and fatal overdoses than the national average. Every year, though, hundreds of Nebraska people seek treatment for drug addiction.

There were about 1,000 main treatment admissions for stimulant misuse, including methamphetamine, in 2010. Admissions to rehab for marijuana and opiate prescription misuse are close behind.

The majority of Nebraska’s illicit substances, such as heroin and cocaine, are delivered by private and commercial vehicles from Mexico, California, and southern states. When the narcotics arrive at their destination, they are sold in retail quantities in parking lots, restaurants, pubs, hotels, and even private residences.

Nebraska, like many other states, has seen far too many residents fall to methamphetamine addiction. Despite the fact that the consequences of meth consumption are well understood, some Nebraskans continue to experiment with it. Once addicted, meth kills nerves in the brain that release dopamine, producing major behavioral changes and a persistent need for the substance.

Substance Abuse Treatment for Veterans In Nebraska

Substance Abuse Treatment for Veterans

Veterans face particular issues from their service to our country that place them at a higher risk than the general population of acquiring a substance misuse disorder. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic stress syndrome are the main factors contributing to this increased risk, but other factors like unemployment, homelessness, and ongoing pain from injuries also play a role.

Additionally, the issue is cyclical since people with drug use disorders, particularly veterans, are more likely to get PTSD.

Among veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan who receive medical care at a VA facility, one in ten has a substance use disorder or SUD of some kind. Veterans of prior wars have similarly high rates of SUDs, as do service members who have not been involved in major conflicts but still experienced active duty service.

However, there is hope for veterans with substance use disorders since they have access to additional treatment choices for SUDs or SUDs that co-occur with PTSD, and Veterans Administration benefits typically cover the cost of these therapies.

Active duty military members and their family members also have access to TriCare insurance for rehab, which can offset most if not all of the costs of treatment. If you have served, and are in need of assistance with drugs and/or alcohol, we are here to offer assistance!

Additional Resources for Parents and Teachers

The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) funds at least four youth facilities that offer substance misuse and other mental health treatment programs.

Each facility helps adolescents in a specific region treat and rehabilitate persons suffering from substance misuse and mental health concerns, and each has distinct resources for families in the area.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers in Nebraska

Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers

The term “co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders” refers to the frequent coexistence of substance abuse and mental health issues and is often referred to as dual diagnosis.

Nationally, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) reports that in 2017, 18.3 percent of people with a mental health illness also had a substance use disorder, and 45.6% of those with a substance use disorder also had a mental health issue. These are significant statistics and point to the need for effective dual diagnosis treatment that effectively gets at the root of issues.

In Nebraska, some facilities are equipped to deal with dual diagnosis treatment clients, but many others are not familiar with the term, never mind having actual programs in place. Reach out to Find Addiction Rehabs for dual diagnosis treatment center options in both NE and nationwide.

Laws Of Nebraska Drug Abuse

Nebraska categorizes restricted substances into five categories based on how dangerous or addictive the substance might be.

Schedules I, II, and III contain medications that are highly addictive and dangerous. Crimes involving one or more of these controlled substances typically carry the worst penalties. Heroin, marijuana, methamphetamine, cocaine, and several anabolic steroids are examples of these substances.

Some anti-anxiety meds and narcotic prescription pharmaceuticals are included in Schedules IV and V. The majority of these narcotics are highly addictive, but the punishments are not normally as severe as those in Schedules I-III. It should be remembered, however, that possessing any category IV or V substance without a prescription is still a serious crime.

Some perpetrators may face harsher punishments based on the circumstances. If a person distributes a prohibited substance within 1,000 feet of a daycare, school, or recreational facility, they face the next higher penalty than the original term. Violators guilty of providing narcotics to anybody under the age of 18 may also face these penalties.

Marijuana Laws

Possession, sale, or cultivation of marijuana for recreational or medical purposes is banned in Nebraska. The charges for each crime differ depending on the amount of marijuana involved.

Selling marijuana within 1,000 feet of a protected area or to a minor, like other drug offenses in Nebraska, is penalized by the second harsher penalty.

Addiction Treatment Laws In Nebraska

Addiction Treatment Laws In Nebraska

Substance addiction disorders can wreak havoc on family connections and jeopardize the safety of entire communities. Nebraska has implemented various harm reduction strategies to limit the hazards of substance usage, encouraging individuals to protect themselves from the risks of drug use.

Harm reduction regulations vary by state, but might include programs such as methadone treatment clinics or centers to access clean syringes.

Naloxone Access In Nebraska

Opioid drug misuse is an increasing problem in the United States and Nebraska. Many persons who become hooked on opiates later develop a heroin addiction. This means that more people are at danger of dying as a result of an opiate or heroin overdose.

Overdoses from opioids and heroin can be reversed with prompt use of naloxone. Naloxone is a drug that prevents the potentially fatal effects of an opiate or heroin overdose, such as being unable to breathe.

Nebraska is one of 47 states that have active naloxone access legislation. These rules allow doctors to provide naloxone to family members or acquaintances of people who are at risk of an opioid overdose.

A person who is thought to be at high risk of an opioid-related overdose could:

  • Have a high dose of an opioid prescription to treat a medical issue. A person may take too much of their prescribed dosage by accident at times.
  • Enroll in a methadone maintenance program or another form of opioid addiction treatment program. In the case of an overdose, treatment center staff and emergency medical personnel frequently carry naloxone.
  • Have recently been released from an emergency room following an opioid overdose. It is quite likely that the individual will use opioids again.

With the extension of naloxone access in Nebraska, many people who suffer from a life-threatening opioid overdose will have a second chance. However, it is critical to realize that naloxone will not treat an opiate or heroin addiction. A comprehensive substance abuse treatment program is the only method to address addiction.

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Nebraska Drug Courts

When a person is addicted to drugs, their excessive use clouds their judgment, causing them to do things they never thought they’d do. This can entail committing crimes to feed their addiction.

Nebraska recognizes that many repeat drug offenders are ordinary people who are struggling to overcome their addiction. As a result, nearly all of the state’s 12 judicial districts have a drug court in operation to assist non-violent drug offenders in receiving addiction treatment.

In lieu of typical jail time, drug courts provide substance abuse treatment and counseling. They’ve proven successful in reintegrating drug criminals into society as sober, healthy people who are significantly less likely to commit a drug crime again.

Each of Nebraska’s drug courts is designed to meet the requirements of unique populations, whether they are teenagers, adults, or entire families. Drug courts address the underlying root of why a person commits a drug-related crime – addiction. Drug offenders will be less likely to re-offend if they receive the necessary therapy. Over 1,200 people have graduated from drug court since the program’s inception in Nebraska.

What is the Cost of Rehab in Nebraska?

What is the Cost of Rehab

The cost of going to rehab is entirely dependent on the facility you choose and the sort of program you are enrolled in.

Moreover, half of the facilities in NE provide free care to individuals who cannot afford it. Approximately 77% of programs accept private health insurance, nearly 80% accept Medicaid, and almost 40% accept Medicare.

One impediment to receiving treatment for substance misuse and mental health issues is a lack of health insurance or inadequate cash to cover the costs. The ability to pay is not a concern, according to Nebraska’s Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS); people pay what they can afford. State programs provide sliding scale fees, unreimbursed care, and other incentives.

Using Insurance For Addiction Treatment In Nebraska

It is critical to examine how you will pay for treatment. Your therapy may be partially or entirely reimbursed if you have insurance, including Medicaid/Medicare.

To discover more about your plan, contact your insurance provider by dialing the number on your insurance card. You can also contact a drug rehabilitation program directly, or inquire with your healthcare provider about in-network choices.

Insurance Providers

Learn more about some addiction treatment insurance providers:

If You Don’t Have Insurance

If you do not have health insurance, you may choose to consider state-funded options. For people who cannot afford treatment, Nebraska offers state-funded inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation services.

Treatment Center Accreditations in Nebraska

Where to Find the Best Addiction Treatment

Substance addiction treatment centers must, at the very least, be licensed by the state. However, quality substance abuse treatment clinics will also go through the accreditation process. When a treatment center is accredited, it has undertaken a series of evaluations in order to receive approval from the agency that gives the certification. An approved facility assures that the treatment professionals and employees are committed to providing the best possible care.

Several organizations oversee the accreditation of treatment facilities and services. Accreditation is a time-consuming and costly process for a rehabilitation clinic. The agency will investigate a facility’s staff, programs, client care, operations, and policies to ensure they satisfy the agency’s requirements and are in accordance with privacy laws.

For addiction treatment institutions, there are three central certifying bodies:

  • The Substance Use Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment Act of 2018 for Patients and Communities (SUPPORT) certifies that patients’ treatment and care follow nationally accepted requirements for quality and uniform behavioral health care.
  • The Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) will assist you in locating an accredited facility or practitioner as well as evaluating addiction treatment in facilities in the United States and Canada.
  • The Joint Commission Accreditation for Addiction Treatment Providers (Joint Commission) is the largest accrediting body for medical facilities and hospitals and the second-largest substance abuse program.

Medical Drug & Alcohol Detoxification In Nebraska

A man contemplates cold turkey detox from alcohol surrounded by drinks at a bar

A medical detox is frequently the first step towards a successful recovery. Detoxing at home can be both painful and harmful.

When you go through medical detox, you’ll be working closely with a treatment team that will keep an eye on your health during withdrawal. You’ll be fully prepared to enter inpatient or outpatient recovery after your detox.

Inpatient/Residential Treatment In Nebraska

A medical detox is frequently the first step toward a successful recovery. Detoxing at home can be both painful and harmful.

When you go through medical detox, you’ll be working closely with a treatment team that will keep an eye on your health during withdrawal. You’ll be fully prepared to enter inpatient or outpatient recovery after your detox.

Outpatient Addiction Treatment In Nebraska

Many people cannot afford inpatient drug treatment. Fortunately, outpatient treatment can be just as effective.

During outpatient treatment, you will travel to the institution and get services tailored to your specific requirements. You can take part in either an intense outpatient or a partial hospitalization program.

Medication-Assisted Treatment

Medication-assisted treatment, or MAT, combines behavioral counseling and medication to assist you in managing some of the challenges that make recovering from opiate or alcohol addiction difficult.

Finding Aftercare in Nebraska

Finding Aftercare in Nebraska

Although it is a crucial step in the recovery process, substance abuse aftercare treatment is occasionally overlooked. People who try to carry on with their lives without receiving additional care in an aftercare setting greatly increase their risk of relapsing after rehab. A variety of aftercare options are available for recovering addicts, including group therapy, follow-up sessions for ongoing therapy, and sober living facilities. Long-term participation in aftercare programs greatly enhances the success of rehabilitation efforts, according to a study.

Your rehabilitation program will assist you in developing an aftercare plan, which may include:

  • 12-step meetings
  • case management
  • individual therapy
  • group therapy
  • nutrition and exercise plans

Nebraska Sober Living Facilities

Group homes that help to recover addicts move from treatment facilities to living independently while keeping their sobriety are known as sober living houses (also known as recovery residences). People who do not have a supportive and joyful environment to live in after leaving a rehabilitation institution may benefit greatly from these homes.

Because these facilities frequently have a zero-tolerance drug and alcohol policy, residents can stay for a few months to several years in a sober living home as long as they abide by the house rules and don’t relapse. Additionally, residents are required to complete tasks, participate in mutual support organizations, and pay an equal portion of the rent.

By selecting the appropriate criteria in our tool above, you can find one of the many sober living facilities in our database. To find a certified recovery residence close to you and learn more about sober living homes, you can also read our sober living home guide.

12-Step Addiction Meetings in Nebraska

12-Step Addiction Meetings

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) pioneered the 12-step method for alcoholic recovery, and today there are several 12-step organizations for different addictions and disorders, with Narcotics Anonymous (NA) being just one instance.

Factors that Contribute to Addiction in Nebraska

When seeking to comprehend drug addiction concerns in a certain place, researchers and policymakers look at “key indicators.” Key indicators can offer profound insight into which substances represent the greatest risks and which populations are most affected by substance abuse when paired with usage information. The following discussion examines key indicators of problems with substance abuse in Nebraska as well as current, verifiable facts.

Mental Illness in Nebraska

As was said before in this article, there is a significant connection between substance use issues and mental health disorders. Co-occurring drug use and mental health disorders, also referred to as a “dual diagnosis,” are when a person experiences both of these issues at the same time. As a result, we may be able to gauge the level of substance use by looking at how common mental health issues are in a certain state.

Compared to the national average of 4.6 percent, the percentage of Nebraska people 18 and older who experienced a serious mental illness during 2017 and 2018 was 4.4%. In Nebraska, 6.8% of adults reported having a major depressive episode in the year prior, which is somewhat less than the 7.1% prevalence rate nationwide.

Nebraska’s Rate of Opioid Prescriptions

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In America, the misuse of prescription medications, particularly the abuse of opioids, has reached pandemic proportions. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention studied the variation in opioid prescriptions across states and discovered a direct correlation between an increased level of opioid prescriptions and a higher risk of dependence and abuse, even though it is difficult to estimate how many people use these drugs as prescribed and how many abuse them.

In the United States, doctors prescribed 191 million opioids in 2017. As a result, one in every four individuals who start long-term opioid medication develops an addiction.

Due to the growth of the opioid epidemic and the recognition of the role that excessive opioid prescriptions have played in this pandemic, the opioid prescribing rate in the United States has been steadily dropping for several years after peaking in 2012. In the United States, the rate of opioid prescriptions decreased from 78.1 per 100 residents in 2013 to 58.7 per 100 residents in 2017, a decrease of 24.84 percent.

During that time, Nebraska continuously had lower opioid prescribing rates than the country as a whole, with a reduction of 20.62 percent from 71.3 prescriptions for every 100 residents in 2013 to 56.6 prescriptions for every 100 residents in 2017.

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Find Nebraska Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers Now

Nebraska’s numerous treatment alternatives provide a ray of hope to people suffering from addiction. From inpatient and outpatient treatment to medical detox and Halfway Houses, obtaining the help you or a loved one needs in Nebraska is easier than ever before – no matter what type of addiction you have or how much money you have.

Many Nebraska facilities provide financing and accept most types of health insurance, including Medicare and Medicaid. Recovery professionals at Find Addiction Rehabs have helped many, throughout the country to locate the best drug treatment facility in and out of their states despite the numerous treatment alternatives usually covered.

We know that finding the right treatment center for your condition is critical to overcoming an addiction. Whether you choose a treatment center in Nebraska or travel out of state, it’s critical to complete your homework so you or your loved one understands all of their alternatives. If you’re ready to get help, get in touch with Find Addiction Rehabs now!