Meth Sores

What are Meth Sores?

There are many side effects that a person may develop as a result of abusing meth. One, of which, is the tendency to develop meth sores. When it comes to meth abuse, a person’s skin problems can be very telling of their addictive habits.

Meth sores are wounds that form on the skin and can appear all over a person’s body. These skin sores can be painful and can lead to skin-picking, which may only make them worse.

Of course, these are just one of the various unpleasant effects meth users may experience after long periods of drug abuse. Keep reading to learn more about meth sores, and how you can find an effective treatment for meth addiction today!

What Do Meth Sores Look Like?

For those who abuse this highly addictive drug, their skin sores can take on several appearances. Newly-formed open sores can look very red and irritated, and may have blood or pus forming in their center.

Other meth sores may look like dry skin, irritated skin, or burns. A meth sore that is healing may look like a scab, with a red, brown, or black center. Sores found in the mouth area may look similar in appearance to cold sores.

What Causes Meth Sores?

Meth sores form in several different ways and in various areas of the body. Some of the most common causes of meth sores include:

  • Meth Mites: In many cases, a meth user may hallucinate a crawling sensation on their skin, like imaginary bugs crawling around their body. These may also be referred to as “meth bugs” or “crank bugs,” and can lead to severe picking and itching, leaving open wounds, or sores, on the user’s skin.
  • Meth Pipes: For those who smoke meth, they will be more likely to develop mouth sores from burning themselves with their pipes.
  • Meth Sweat: Methamphetamine is water-soluble, which means that those who abuse this drug can sweat it back out. This can cause skin irritation, and eventually the development of meth sores.
  • Poor Blood Flow: Regular meth use can affect healthy blood flow by restricting blood vessels. This can cause dry and scaly skin patches which, when itched or irritated, can cause sores to form.
  • Weakened Immune System: Abusing meth use can weaken the immune system, making it harder for the user’s body to fight off infections. This can make it difficult for the body to heal sores properly.
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Are Meth Sores Dangerous?

While skin sores on their own are not necessarily a major concern, not taking care of them can have consequences. Picking or itching at an open wound can make these sores worse and may lead to minor infections.

If left untreated, the individual may be at risk of contracting diseases, which can spread into the bloodstream, placing the individual at an increased risk of developing sepsis. This, unfortunately, can often be life-threatening.

The Spread of Crystal Meth Abuse In the US

Unfortunately, with the drug’s easy accessibility and relative affordability, meth use has become increasingly common throughout the US. Meth can come in many different forms, including a liquid, powdered, or oral pill form.

Meth can be smoked, snorted, injected, or orally ingested, although intravenous use is the most common among meth users. When consumed, this drug can have a hallucinogenic and stimulative effect.

Of course, it can also produce several other unpleasant symptoms, as well. In 2021 alone, an estimated 32,537 overdose deaths involving psychostimulants, including methamphetamine and other substances, were recorded.

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Understanding Meth Addiction

As with any form of substance abuse, people often do not begin using meth with the intention of becoming addicted to this substance. In most cases, people will start abusing this drug for reasons such as:

  • Peer Pressure: Social influences can make many people feel pressured into trying a potentially addictive drug. Unfortunately, what was supposed to be “just one time” can quickly spiral into a full-blown dependence.
  • Environmental Factors: Growing up in an unstable environment or being exposed to substance abuse from a young age can make individuals more likely to develop these habits themselves.
  • Mental Health Problems: For those suffering from a mental illness, illicit substances like meth can seem like an easy way to self-medicate the painful thoughts and feelings caused by their condition.

Once methamphetamine abuse starts, the drug’s effect on the brain can make quitting this incredibly difficult without the right support.

With consistent meth use, the brain and body will become dependent on this drug, causing withdrawal symptoms and cravings when a person stops using it.

These can be taxing on the individual, and often lead to relapse, especially during the early stages of recovery. It is for this reason that, if you are struggling with meth addiction – or any other kind of drug use – it is strongly recommended that you get professional help.

You can call the Rehabs Of Armerica 24/7 hotline now to find treatment programs nationwide that will serve all of your recovery needs!

The Side Effects of Meth Abuse

As a highly powerful and addictive stimulant, meth can have a number of both short and long-term effects with this form of substance use, including meth sores.

If you or a loved one is experiencing any of these symptoms, reach out to a Rehabs Of Armerica representative today. We can answer all of your recovery questions and get you started on the path to recovery today!

Short-Term Effects

There are several unpleasant side effects that may occur with the short-term use of meth. The most common of these include:

  • Rapid or abnormal heartbeat
  • High blood pressure
  • Poor judgment
  • Sudden increase in physical activity
  • Increased body temperature
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Loss of appetite

Long-Term Effects

While everyone’s experience with meth abuse and its potential long-term effects will vary, some of the most common behavioral and cognitive symptoms associated with chronic meth use include:

  • Increased anxiety
  • Panic attacks
  • Increased aggression
  • Mood swings
  • Severe depression
  • Confusion and delusion
  • Paranoia and psychosis

Some of the most common physical side effects of long-term meth abuse include:

  • Significant weight loss and malnutrition
  • Poor hygiene
  • Gum decay (also referred to as “meth mouth”)
  • Cognitive dysfunction and brain damage
  • Cardiac arrhythmias
  • Insomnia
  • Poor blood flow
  • Respiratory complications
  • Liver disease and damage
  • Weakened immune system
  • Seizures
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke

Treating Meth Addiction

Those struggling with meth addiction will need to seek out professional help in order to overcome their substance use habits and re-establish a sober, healthy lifestyle.

While everyone’s treatment needs will vary, in most cases, it will be recommended that individuals begin treatment with a medical detox program.

When undergoing a medical detox, individuals will be able to safely withdraw from their meth use with the constant support and supervision of medical professionals.

Once this has been completed, they will be encouraged to continue onto either an inpatient or outpatient treatment program.

Participating in behavioral therapies, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), can also help recovering individuals understand the underlying causes of their addictive habits, and learn better, healthier coping skills.

The type of addiction treatment program that will best serve your recovery process can vary based on your needs and addiction experience.

The Rehabs Of Armerica team can help you understand all of your options, and help you build a treatment plan that can address all of your care needs. Call now!

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FAQs on Meth Sores and More

How Do I Know If Someone is Abusing Meth?

It can be hard to admit when you or a loved one may be struggling with an addiction. But doing so will be the first and most important step in finally getting the help you need to overcome these habits and get sober.

Some of the most common signs that someone is using meth include:

  • Regularly engaging in risky activities.
  • Wanting to stop using meth but being unable to without help.
  • Increase in violent behaviors and mood swings.
  • No longer participating in previously enjoyable hobbies and activities.
  • Running into financial or legal trouble.
  • Constantly looking for or thinking about the next “high.”
  • Having a significant decrease in personal hygiene.
  • Experiencing relationship strain and breakdowns with friends and family.

Can Meth Sores Be Cured?

While highly uncomfortable, most meth sores will eventually heal so long as they are left alone. Picking or itching these sores will only make them worse. Keeping the area clean and using topical ointments may help speed up the healing process.

Overall, the only sure way to treat meth sores is to stop using this substance altogether. The Rehabs Of Armerica team can help you get started on the path to recovery from meth abuse, and its painful side effects, today!

Find Meth Treatment Options Nationwide – Call Us Now!
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Find Help to Stop Using Meth Today!

If you or a loved one is struggling with meth abuse, the Rehabs Of Armerica team is here to help. Our hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to answer all of your recovery questions and find treatment programs nationwide that can serve all of your care needs.

Don’t wait; call now, and let us help you take the first step on your path to sobriety and a happier, healthier you today!

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