Drug addiction is a big problem, and it’s something that our culture has an enormous amount of trouble addressing. It doesn’t help those stereotypes about persons suffering from substance abuse disorder tend to be negative: we see them as people who are morally inferior, who make poor choices, and who waste their lives away on drugs. We Level Up – California removes the stigma and focuses on getting you better by asking the right questions.
What if we were to look at addiction from a different angle? Suppose we imagined their experience not as a failure but as the product of a disease that rewires their brain in unhealthy ways. In that case, we might view the situation more compassionately—not to absolve persons of responsibility for their actions, but so that we can more effectively address the problem.
This is why rehabilitation is such an important thing. With the right support and tools, many people who struggle with addiction can find hope and turn their lives around. A study by the National Institute of Health concluded that more than half of alcoholics seeking treatment could end up living without abusing alcohol.
For other addictive substances, the rates are even higher: up to three-quarters of people who seek treatment for cocaine addiction recover entirely. Treatment in an inpatient setting really does begin the road to lasting recovery for many, many people who suffer with a substance use disorder.
We Level Up’s operation in California is one of the best that one can seek treatment at in the state. A fundamental, underlying truth about how we as an organization frame addiction treatment is that it is impossible to effectively rehabilitate while viewing the treatment as a sort of one-size-fits-all product.
The truth is that every client that walks through our doors is a unique person with unique factors and experiences that led them along the pathway to needing to be helped. Given this, we firmly believe customized, tailored treatment is the best way to ensure results.
This ethos is not unfounded either. We’ve been in this business for over 15 years and have over 10,000 success stories of helping people be freed from addiction’s stranglehold. We offer all the most cutting-edge, proven treatments for addiction.
As necessary, we employ all effective evidence-based treatments like dual diagnosis, medication-assisted treatment, psychotherapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and more. We also utilize the support of peer groups. This can be indispensable for some persons in long-term recovery. Also, at We Level Up, we believe in the practice of holistic therapeutic treatments and habit development.
Beyond just the treatments, our commitment to ensuring the highest possible level of care, our core team of medical and mental health professionals is critical. The most well-thought-out plan in the world will be only a fraction as effective as it could be if orchestrated by persons not ideally placed or experienced to do so.
This is why at We Level Up; our team consists of persons who are all qualified and certified to be fit to practice. Each of them brings a wealth of experience in their respective fields that we absolutely attribute to the high level of satisfaction experienced by the hundreds of clients who have taken the time to issue five-star testimonials after their treatment.
Recovery is a big step. The journey itself is not an easy one. Don’t leave that experience up to chance. We Level Up have been helping people through the process of recovery for a long time, and our results truly speak for themselves. If you’re curious about more or want to get started with a consultation, give us a call! Our expert team is standing by to assist you.
*All calls to the phone number in this Listing are answered by Find Addiction Rehabs and its recovery representative team