Concept art that shows the various types of alcohol coming out of a silhouette head, to show the concept of how to tell if someone is an alcoholic

How to Tell if Someone is an Alcoholic

How to Determine if Someone Has a Drinking Problem

Alcoholism, more formally known as alcohol use disorder, is a very serious brain disease and behavioral disorder. Experts describe it as “a chronic relapsing brain disease characterized by compulsive alcohol use, loss of control over alcohol intake, and a negative emotional state when not using.”

Knowing how to tell if someone is an alcoholic is crucial in being able to help them. If someone you care about is exhibiting troubling behaviors in terms of excessive drinking, you need to recognize them, speak up, and encourage that person to get professional treatment.

It is extremely difficult to overcome alcoholism without help, but treatment with experts at a rehab facility is effective for most people and can lead to successful recovery.

Keep reading to understand if someone is an alcoholic, and how to help them if they are experiencing withdrawal symptoms and seeking effective treatment options.

What is Alcoholism?

A man with his head in his hands shows the concept of how to tell if someone is an alcoholic

Mental and behavioral health experts categorize alcoholism as a mild, moderate, or severe alcohol use disorder.

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the term alcoholism is out of date, but some people still use it to refer to a severe substance use disorder. It is a synonym for alcohol addiction.

What are the Criteria Used to Diagnose an Alcohol Use Disorder?

To diagnose an alcohol use disorder, addiction professionals look for eleven criteria. These behaviors indicate problematic alcohol use, and having just two of them can lead to a diagnosis of a mild substance use disorder. The more behaviors you see in someone else, the more severe their issue with alcohol is:

1. Drinking more or for longer than intended

2. Persistent but failed efforts to quit, stop drinking, or to drink less frequently

3. Spending a lot of time drinking or hungover

4. Craving alcohol consumption and idealizing alcohol use

5. Failing to meet responsibilities because of drinking or binge drinking

6. Experiencing relationship problems because of heavy drinking and continuing to drink in spite of them

7. Giving up other activities to keep drinking alcohol and spend more time drinking

8. Using alcohol in hazardous situations

9. Continuing to drink even when knowing alcohol is causing mental health or physical health problems

10. Experiencing tolerance, or excessive alcohol consumption which means you need more alcohol to get intoxicated

11. Going through alcohol withdrawal symptoms when not drinking

Just two of these signs can signal a mild alcohol use disorder, but the withdrawal symptoms must be persistent.

For instance, if your loved one has a hangover and misses an event as a result, they are not necessarily an alcoholic. But if that behavior happens over and over again, it may indicate an alcohol use disorder.

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How Can You Tell if Someone is Struggling with Alcohol?

A wife try to take alcohol from her husband: a warning sign of alcoholism

The above criteria are used to diagnose alcohol use disorder, but there are other signs and symptoms someone may exhibit that are unique or specific. There may also be early warning signs. The sooner you are aware of a drinking problem in someone you care about, the easier it will be for them to get effective help.

14 Ways to Identify if Drinking Alcohol is Becoming a Problem

Everyone relates to alcohol differently. Some may display early signs and warning signs before an addiction develops, while others may be able to hide their symptoms until alcoholism no longer allows them to. Here are some more clues of a drinking problem in someone you care about:

  • Their social life revolves around drinking. Most of their activities, nights out, and social groups involve alcohol.

  • When drinking is not involved in an activity, they get irritable or don’t want to do it.

  • They get annoyed or defensive when someone points out that they may drink too much.

  • They drink when it’s not socially appropriate, such as in the morning.

  • Drinking is a coping mechanism for negative emotions. For instance, they drink to alleviate stress or to try to manage depression.

  • They can drink a large quantity without seeming to get drunk.

  • Alcohol changes their personality significantly, and for the worse. Yet this doesn’t stop them from drinking.

  • They come up with excuses to drink, like a bad day at work or an argument with their partner.

  • They have a family history of alcoholism.

  • Alcohol has become necessary in order to function in certain situations, for instance when meeting new people at a social gathering.

  • They’ve been hiding alcohol in the home or lying about drinking.

  • You have to make excuses to other people for their drinking or behavior when drunk.

  • More than one person has mentioned that they are worried about your loved one.

  • They’re spending more money on alcohol than they can really afford.

How to Tell if Someone is an Alcoholic? Starting a Conversation

If you know how to tell if someone is an alcoholic, you can help them. The most important thing you can do for someone who you suspect has an alcohol use disorder is to talk about it. It may not be easy to do, since alcoholism often creates resistance and avoidance in a person suffering from it.

But if an alcohol problem and addictions are not directly addressed, they tend to worsen; they don’t get better without real, effective, professional treatment.

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Using Clear Communication About the Effects of Drinking

There are effective ways to talk to someone about their drinking. It is essential that you start this conversation when your loved one is sober and not drinking at all. Focus on how their drinking affects you and how it makes you feel, such as worried or scared.

Use concrete facts when you bring up this issue. Without judgment or emotion, discuss specific behaviors and situations that have been problematic because of their drinking. For example, talk about the times your loved one drove after drinking too much and the risks they took in doing so.

Start When Sober and Avoid the Blame Game

This can be an emotional conversation, but it is important to remain calm. Avoid yelling, criticism, or pleading with them. Be rational and clear, and then offer your assistance in getting help. Provide specific options, such as going with them to the doctor or looking at rehab facilities and treatment options together.

In some cases, such as when a loved one is drinking during pregnancy or posing clear harm to themselves or others, the efforts of an interventionist may be helpful in making the choice for treatment.

Helping a Loved One Find Treatment

A business man drinking holds up a help sign: to show concept of alcoholic needing rehab

Very few people are able to overcome alcoholism without professional help. Impress this fact upon your loved ones when you talk about their problematic drinking behaviors. They are likely to promise to drink less, but if accurate, it is appropriate to point out the fact that they have tried unsuccessfully to cut back. This is an indicator that they need more help than you can provide.

Together you can find a great treatment facility that will help your loved one overcome alcohol addiction. Rehab can be highly effective and provides a safe environment, a period of time for focusing on treatment and wellness, expert and caring staff, and a supportive community of other people with similar experiences.

What Services Does an Effective Alcohol Rehab Provide?

Most treatment facilities offer services and individualized treatment plans that include detox, medical care, behavioral therapies, group therapy and support, family and relationship therapies, alternative and creative therapies, addiction medicine, and wellness care for overall health. Good rehab centers will also focus on relapse prevention and will help your loved one prepare for a sober future back at home with coping strategies and healthy lifestyle changes.

Knowing how to tell if someone is an alcoholic or is developing an alcohol use disorder can be lifesaving. Understand the signs of alcoholism, and don’t be afraid to speak up when you see them in someone you care about. You can make a profound difference in the life of a friend or family member who is struggling by getting them the professional treatment they need.

24 Hour Alcohol Rehab Hotline – Reach Out Now!

Reach Out to Get Alcohol Abuse Treatment Options Today

If someone you know is having five or more drinks on a regular basis, and exhibiting signs of alcohol dependence, as well as ignoring negative consequences, the time could be right to seek help.

To provide help with alcohol or substance abuse, the recovery representatives at Find Addiction Rehabs are here at all times. Reach out for support 7 days a week 24 hours a day.

We will provide options among accredited treatment centers nationwide, as well as offer any resources related to helping your loved one. Make the confidential call now, and get support today!



National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. (n.d.). Alcohol Use Disorder.

Thompson, W. (2018, November 27). What are the DSM-5 Criteria for Alcohol Use Disorder? Medscape.

MedlinePlus. (2018, July 8). Helping a Loved One with a Drinking Problem.

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