Heroin Rehab Center

Heroin is an illegal opioid drug that is highly addictive and usually requires Heroin rehab to break the addiction. The immediate feelings of pleasure that users experience when taking the opiate help explain why it is abused.

Unfortunately, other short-term effects cited by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) are vomiting, nausea, constipation, and intense itching, and long-term use can potentially result in insomnia, liver, and kidney disease, heart-related issues, and depression. Those who inject heroin rather than smoking or snorting it risk viral infections, such as Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B, and HIV.

Keep reading to learn more about heroin rehab, and how we can help find effective programs to help you or your loved one nationwide now!

To show need for a heroin rehab center, a young woman on the floor sitting half way up against the wall passed out

Given heroin’s negative health effects, as well as the recent rise of heroin overdoses in the U.S. (which can be fatal), it is important for those struggling with an addiction to enter heroin treatment centers to break loose of the drug’s hold.

A Closer Look at Heroin Addiction

Heroin use can have devastating physical and psychological side effects, not to mention ripping apart personal relationships and wreaking havoc on one’s career, and a user may continue to use if they develop a dependence or tolerance to the drug.

Tolerance to heroin can develop over time with continued use. When this happens, the user “needs” to take a bigger dose to achieve that desired feeling of euphoria. Dependence can also occur and, when misused, can lead to addiction and even death. Between 2002 and 2015, there was a 6.2-fold increase in the number of Americans who died from heroin overdose.

With heroin, a dependent user feels intense cravings for the drug, meaning they want to use to re-experience the drug’s pleasurable effects. Heroin withdrawal can also lead to strong cravings; users may, therefore, feel the temptation to take another hit of the drug rather than feel the unpleasant signs of withdrawal, which commonly include irritability, anxiety, and dysphoria.

24 Hour Heroin Rehab Hotline – Get Help Now!
(877) 633-0053

Rehab for Heroin Addicts to Reduce Risks of Relapse

Heroin users have a high rate of relapse during withdrawal because they may be tempted to use the drug again to avoid the discomfort of the symptoms. Another risk associated with relapse is overdosing as the user may have lowered their tolerance to the drug by being off of it for a while. Given these risks, heroin recovery programs are often necessary for the individual to truly break free from the compulsion to use the drug.

In addition to helping prevent the chance of future relapses, heroin recovery programs also provide a way for the addict to withdraw more comfortably than they could likely do alone. At accredited heroin treatment centers, addiction specialists continually monitor and manage those who are in recovery to keep them safer than at-home detoxing as the drug leaves their body. This phase of rehab for heroin is called drug detox. It is usually the step that follows admission to the treatment facility.

Detox and Heroin Therapy

What do they give heroin addicts in rehab? During detox, the opioid addict may be given medications to help prevent or at least lessen withdrawal symptoms, such as methadone and buprenorphine. As per NIDA, methadone has a lengthy history of use in opioid dependence in adults and can also reduce opioid cravings. It is most effective when used in conjunction with behavioral treatment.

Following the professional physical detox, rehab for heroin typically continues with individual or group heroin therapy (or a combination of the two) in an inpatient or outpatient program. Exactly what the heroin recovery programs look like differs from one person to another as addiction is a complex disease; heroin treatment centers consider medical history, length and severity of the addiction, co-occurring mental illnesses, and other factors when formulating a custom treatment plan with an individual.

Decreasing Relapse Risks with Effective Therapy

Heroin therapy is behavior-based and typically includes cognitive-behavioral (CBT) and contingency management. CBT helps an individual change their thoughts and actions surrounding drug use to more effectively manage stresses and triggers, whereas contingency management offers motivational incentives or rewards for staying sober. It is important that the person in recovery has the opportunity to learn effective ways to cope with future stress because research indicates that even a brief period of stress can increase risks of opioid relapse.

Therapy sessions also focus on identifying and healing the underlying issue that caused heroin dependence in the first place. The meetings are a place to share personal frustrations and successes along the recovery journey too. The environment is confidential, encouraging, and respectful.

Often life skills training is part of recovery plans to provide a foundation for lasting recovery. Life skills can include personal hygiene, resume writing, job interview practice, and healthy food choices. Following rehab for heroin addicts, aftercare programs provide valuable support for the individual re-entering the community to help them maintain a clean lifestyle.

24 Hour Heroin Recovery Hotline – Get Help Now!
(877) 633-0053

Choosing Heroin Recovery Programs

Finding the right heroin treatment center or program is a major step in getting over the compulsive use of this drug. To find the ideal program for you or a loved one struggling with heroin addiction, reach out to us today.

Feel free to ask us any questions, such as “what do they give heroin addicts in rehab?” and “where do I start?” to understand what goes into heroin recovery programs. While recovery can be difficult and takes work, it is possible and is worth the effort as it entitles a person to live a joyful, healthy, and hopeful life.

If you or someone you know needs help with substance abuse Find Addiction Rehabs is here to help. Call anytime 7 days a week 24 hours a day.