Alcohol Rehab

Gratitude in Action

The Essential Nature of Being Grateful in SobrietyTable of ContentsThe Essential Nature of Being Grateful in SobrietyA Conscious Choice to Embrace a New LifeBeing an Alcoholic: What does it Mean?The Personal Experience of an AlcoholicA Moment of Reflection Can Make a World of DifferenceMore Ways Being an Alcoholic is a Blessing in DisguiseSobriety Has Made […]

The Essential Nature of Being Grateful in Sobriety

Gratitude is the essential quality of any 12-step program of recovery. It is a trait that needs to be maintained by an alcoholic in order to remain sober and happy, no matter what. Listen, I totally get it, when I first got sober I wasn’t exactly ecstatic about the fact that I would never be able to party without the looming consequence of jails, institutions, and death. Total buzz kill, I know.

Almost no one likes to admit that they are alcoholic and cannot just have one drink or go out partying for one night without ruining their entire life and the life of those around them.

Once you understand that we react differently than the average person when indulging in alcohol, it’s as simple as being allergic to peanuts. The only difference is that we MUST have the thing that kills us, whereas people who suffer from a peanut allergy know better than to go near peanuts.

At first, I hated this fact, I wanted nothing more than to try and find every excuse I could to keep experimenting with this phenomenon of craving, hoping that one day I would find the perfect combination that would allow me to be able to use while maintaining a regular life.

But that day never came, the combination never showed itself to me, and I had to admit complete defeat. At first, this was a heavy blow, but after a while, and after working a program and getting involved in a 12-step fellowship, I began to realize how grateful I was to be given this way of life.

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A Conscious Choice to Embrace a New Life

We, as alcoholics, have the choice to live a different lifestyle than the moderate and heavy drinkers, once we choose to stay abstinent of course. We don’t ever have to wake up in the morning and wonder where our car is or feel embarrassed about that person we woke up next to. Alcoholics have the opportunity to grow as human beings and constantly work on themselves.

Through working the 12-step program of the fellowship of our choosing, we get to clear our side of the street from all of the harm we have caused in our past. We get to identify and recognize our destructive habitual behaviors, and then replace them with productive and positive attributes that allow us to be constructive members of society.

Being an Alcoholic: What does it Mean?

Being an alcoholic does not mean that life is over, although it may seem like it at first, we have come to find that we are actually extremely blessed. We have the opportunity to have a second chance, and we have the opportunity to live this life with more meaning and freedom, and usefulness.

We no longer have to look over our shoulders because we owe someone money or because we are in trouble with the law. We are able to look our fellow man in the eye, with no fear, shame, or guilt, because we have chosen to surrender to a program and a Higher Power in order to recover.

I understand that it is easy to lose sight of the simple beauty that this life brings, simply because we as alcoholics tend to focus on the negative aspect of things. But you know the old saying, the glass is either half empty or half full. As alcoholics, we are used to seeing our glass as half empty and we are always looking for the next best thing to make it full.

All of this is really about maintaining an Attitude of Gratitude. When we maintain this attitude, we transform and control our perspective on life. This gratitude can fill our cup to the brim and then some.

The Personal Experience of an Alcoholic

Listen, I know that life gets tough, and even more so when we actually start behaving like competent and responsible human beings. That being said, think about it this way.

I work 50 hours a week at a job that has a pretty hefty commute. I have four sponsees, attend meetings, try to make it to the gym, and have two dogs. Things can get pretty crazy, and I sometimes find myself getting the “F-it’s.”

However, when I stop and think about it, this time a few years ago, I had none of these things. I couldn’t hold a job, and I barely had friends, nevertheless people who trusted me to help them get sober! I definitely wouldn’t have been able to support a dog, or my own car, or apartment, etc. The list goes on. When I truly stop to think about it, I never would have gotten any of these things that I can take for granted without getting sober. And in order to keep these things, I have to remain grateful for them.

When I think of all of the things that I should be grateful for, be it my job, my family, my home, my program, or my Higher Power, my perspective improves, and my whole day follows. That is why gratitude is so important for us as alcoholics.

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A Moment of Reflection Can Make a World of Difference

When taking a step back for a moment to think about all of the blessings that we have in our lives, we suddenly realize that our glasses are indeed half full. We are clean and sober, we have a place to sleep at night, we have people that care about us, and we no longer have to lie or hide anything from anyone anymore.

When and if we do cause any harm because we are not perfect, we can recognize it and right our wrongs. We can make amends to our families and regain the trust of our loved ones and our employers.

More Ways Being an Alcoholic is a Blessing in Disguise

I know what you’re thinking; how could being an alcoholic possibly be a good thing? Believe it or not, there are actually quite a few silver linings to this cloud. In fact, I am grateful to be an alcoholic. If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t have been able to see the world through clear eyes and I wouldn’t have experienced the many blessings that come with sobriety. Here’s why:

Sobriety Has Made Me More Productive

One of the first things people notice when they get sober is that they have more time on their hands. And what do we all crave more of? Time! Getting sober has allowed me to eliminate activities that were time-wasters, such as drinking and hangovers.

Not only do I have more time now, but I also have more energy to put towards productive endeavors. As a result, I am able to get more done both at work and at home.

Sobriety Has Improved My Relationships

If you are like me, then you probably know firsthand how alcohol can damage relationships. It has the power to cause fights, hurt feelings, and even break up families. Since getting sober, my relationships with my family and friends have improved significantly.

I am able to be present for them in a way that I wasn’t before, and I no longer put them through the drama that came with my drinking.

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Sobriety Has Enhanced My Overall Quality of Life

Last but not least, sobriety has improved my quality of life in general. I am happier and healthier than I was before, and I finally have the clarity of mind to pursue my dreams and goals. No longer held back by addiction, I am living my life to the fullest and enjoying every minute of it.

If you are struggling with alcoholism, know that you are not alone. There is light at the end of the tunnel, and sobriety is attainable for anyone who is willing to put in the work. Alcoholism may seem like a curse, but it is actually a blessing in disguise. Through sobriety, you will gain clarity, strength, productivity, meaningful relationships, and an enhanced overall quality of life—all of which are things you deserve. Recover your life today!

7 Tips to Remain Grateful in Recovery

Sobriety requires hard work and dedication, but it can be made easier by practicing gratitude. By taking the time to appreciate the good things in our lives, we are better equipped to deal with the negative aspects. Gratitude has been shown to improve mental and physical health, increase resilience, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote overall well-being. For alcoholics in recovery, gratitude can be a helpful tool in staying sober. Here are some ways to practice gratitude as an alcoholic in recovery:

  • Make a Gratitude List
  • Find yourself a gratitude token (like a little keychain or something, keep this little guy on hand, and when you start slipping into the F-its, pull it out and I bet it will make you smile!)
  • Talk to your Higher Power! Say thank you!

Here are some specific ways you can put your gratitude into action to help other alcoholics:

Chair an AA Meeting

Chairing an AA meeting can feel intimidating as you need to manage a group of people and guide them through the agenda. To be successful, it’s helpful to remember that your primary role is to guide the meeting rather than lead or police a discussion. Keep in mind that attendees have come to the meeting to connect with one another, so it’s important to help create an atmosphere of openness and understanding where each person feels safe and accepted while they share their stories.

Setting ground rules and giving everyone an equal chance to speak are essential elements in making sure all participants feel respected. As the chair, you also need to work towards ending the meeting on time and following any group guidelines that were established in advance. Remember, when done right, chairing an AA meeting can be a very rewarding experience – both for yourself and those who attend.

Be The Speaker at a Meeting

Similar to chairing a meeting, being the speaker at a meeting gives you an opportunity to help others in their quest for sobriety. When you share your story, you offer hope and inspiration to others who are struggling. In addition, speaking at meetings helps you remember your own journey and how far you’ve come since beginning your recovery process. It’s a chance to reflect on how grateful you are for your sobriety—and how grateful you are for the support of AA members along the way.

Offer to Drive Someone Struggling to Meetings

If you know someone who is having difficulty getting to meetings, offer to drive them there yourself. This simple act of kindness can make all the difference in someone’s sobriety journey—and it’s also a great way to show your gratitude for being able to stay sober yourself. By helping others get to meetings, you’re helping them stay on track with their sobriety goals—and that’s something everyone can be grateful for.

Sponsors play an important role in Alcoholics Anonymous because they provide guidance and support for those who are new to recovery or struggling with sobriety. If you’re feeling grateful for your own sobriety and want to give back, consider sponsoring someone else in AA. Sponsorships provide people in early recovery with much-needed support and someone to lean on when times get tough.

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Keeping the Memory of Your Progress Fresh

A grateful alcoholic won’t pick up a drink because they can recognize all of the positive things they have acquired in recovery and want to show their gratitude for them. Gratitude is the act of being thankful. Without maintaining this gratitude, you’re only talking the talk. You have got to walk the walk! Alcoholics Anonymous is a program of action.

We carry the message by helping the newcomer. When we give back what was so freely given to us in the beginning it shows that we are grateful for the help that we have been given in our sobriety. Suiting up and showing up is what we do now. No matter what, we show up because we are truly blessed with the lives that we have and the second chance that God has given us in life.

Freedom From Alcohol is Yours for the Taking

If you have found yourself or a loved one suffering from alcoholism or addiction, you are not alone! If you are ready to change your life and live free of addiction, then Rehabs Of Armerica can help.

We give you the jump start to recovery you need. Our accredited partner facilities offer treatment options for those struggling with alcohol and drugs, no matter where you live in the US. To get more options that will help you get sober, please reach out for a confidential call today!

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