Snorting Crack Cocaine
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As drug use becomes more widespread throughout the US, addictive drugs like crack cocaine have become more accessible within the illicit drug market. Not only is crack cocaine highly addictive, but it can cause a number of physical and mental health problems for users.
Many people who are struggling with a crack addiction (as well as concerned loved ones) have wondered: can you snort crack? Keep reading to learn more about the effects and dangers of snorting crack cocaine, and how you can get help to stop using this drug today!
Can You Snort Crack Cocaine?
Cocaine is a drug derived from the coca plant native to South America that is commonly used for its stimulative and euphoria-inducing effects.
While it is possible to snort crack cocaine, this is not a safe practice and is not recommended. This drug is highly addictive and can cause serious health problems both in the short and long term.
Despite this drug’s stimulating and euphoric properties making the use of this drug tempting, even just one time can prove fatal. So why do people take the risk of smoking or even snorting crack despite the dangers that come with it?
Why Do People Snort Crack Cocaine?
The most obvious reason that people snort crack is to get high. Because crack is a powerful stimulant drug, it can cause intense feelings of energy and euphoria when taken.
Many people start using crack in any form because they believe that it will help them deal with their stress, depression, or other problems. Their drug abuse may help them to temporarily leave behind their problems and feel better, if only briefly.
Another reason that someone may start snorting crack is if they are attempting to escape reality and simply do not have a lighter or the necessary paraphernalia to combust their crack.
No matter the form, crack abuse may help to distract them from the realities of their situation and make their lives feel easier to cope with. However, this distraction is only temporary, and their cocaine use will only cause further problems in the long term.
Unfortunately, many people will continue to abuse this drug despite its destructive potential. If you are struggling with crack cocaine use, knowing the dangers behind this drug can help motivate you to get help for your substance abuse.
How Is Crack Cocaine Snorted?
Snorting crack cocaine is an extremely dangerous and addictive practice that can lead to serious health problems and even death. When participating in this method of use, most individuals will use the powdered form of cocaine. This is because the powdered form of cocaine hydrochloride is much more quickly taken into your system than cocaine bicarbonate (aka crack cocaine).
Powder cocaine is also usually easier to chop and turn into fine dust, which may then be snorted more readily. This can produce a fast and intense euphoric high and increased mental alertness for the user, as the drug is able to travel directly to the brain.
Crack, on the other hand, is converted by ‘cooking crack‘ from powdered cocaine through the addition of heat. This turns cocaine into a compound that no longer absorbs as readily into your brain and body, instead, it is processed by your digestive system when snorted. This is why most people choose to snort powder rather than crack cocaine.
However, powdered cocaine is also an addictive form of this drug. For those struggling with either powder coke or crack use, it is strongly encouraged that you seek out professional help for drug addiction treatment.
The Dangers of Snorting Crack Cocaine
There are many health risks that come with snorting crack. For starters, even after just a few uses of this drug, users will be at an increased risk of developing a crack cocaine addiction.
Other adverse side effects of using this drug may include:
- Cardiovascular complications
- High blood pressure
- Congestive heart failure
- Great mental instability
- Severe depression
- Heart attack
- Damage to the nasal septum
- Sore throat
- Digestive system damage
While crack abuse can cause extensive damage to all parts of a person’s body, the main cause of concern with this drug is the effect it has on a person’s heart.
No matter what effect cocaine has on you, this drug is highly dangerous and can lead to sudden death if help is not sought out immediately.
Crack Cocaine Addiction Treatment Options
For those struggling with a substance use disorder, their best option for overcoming their addiction safely and successfully will be to seek out professional addiction treatment programs.
When recovering from crack cocaine abuse, there are several treatment options available. In most cases, this process will start with a medical detox to help manage intense cravings and withdrawal symptoms as the body adjusts to no longer having access to cocaine.
Once this process has been completed, you will likely be encouraged to seek further treatment through an inpatient or outpatient program, counseling services, or through managed medications.
If you are struggling with a co-occurring mental illness, seeking out dual-diagnosis treatment programs will help you recover from both your addiction and its underlying causes. Of course, there is no one-size-fits-all option for the addiction recovery process.
You can speak with a Find Addiction Rehabs representative today to discuss all of your treatment options and find a rehab program that meets all of your recovery needs.
FAQs in Addition to Can You Snort Crack?
Can Snorting Crack Cause an Overdose?
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), a crack overdose can occur even with a person’s first time using this substance.
This is especially true when mixing this drug with other substances, such as alcohol, heroin, and other harmful drugs.
When snorting crack in too high of a dosage or with other harmful substances, the risk of overdose is significantly increased.
Symptoms of a cocaine overdose include high blood pressure, difficulty breathing, high body temperatures, and extreme anxiety.
Can Crack be Laced with Other Substances?
There is always the risk that cocaine in its powder or rock form may be mixed with other substances, such as fentanyl or other dangerous additives.
Many drug dealers will do this in order to increase their profits at the expense of their unknowing customer’s well-being.
Can You Smoke Crack Cocaine?
Smoking crack is typically the preferred method of cocaine use. It is the most addictive form of cocaine use, as smoking this drug provides a faster and more intense high.
However, its euphoric effects will be short-lived and can cause a number of physical and mental health risks in the long term.
No matter how crack is used, this drug is highly dangerous and addictive and one will need professional help to safely and successfully recover from this drug use.
Find Help to Stop Using Crack in Any Form Today!
If you are struggling with an addiction to crack cocaine, you can find help to stop using it today. The Find Addiction Rehabs team is available 24/7 to help you find treatment programs and recovery resources nationwide.
The only person who can make the choice to stop using is you. So make the right decision, and call our recovery team today.
Our compassionate support team will help you take the first step on your path to sobriety, where you can become a happier, healthier, and cocaine-free you!
Charles F. has been an active part of the Florida recovery community for over 5 years. He began as a behavioral health technician at an addiction treatment facility in Ocala, Florida and has since begun training as a Licensed Addiction and Chemical Dependency counselor in Boca Raton. Charles’ passion involves the promotion of recovery and helping spread the hope of recovery to as many readers as possible!