Jon Jones UFC Champion Decides to Enter Drug Rehabilitation

6 years ago

Former UFC Champion Now on the Road to Recovery Recently, light heavyweight UFC champion, Jon Jones, announced that he’s ending…

Overcoming Insomnia Naturally

6 years ago

Insomnia and Substance Use DisordersTable of ContentsInsomnia and Substance Use DisordersInsomnia and WithdrawalCreate a Steady PatternPre-Sleep RelaxationDiet and Caffeine Intake…

How Bad Did Your Adolescent Binge Drinking Mess Up Your Brain?

6 years ago

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but for all those kiddies and early 20 somethings out there…

Avoid Making These Mistakes in Sobriety

6 years ago

Common Mishaps in RecoveryTable of ContentsCommon Mishaps in RecoveryNot Asking for HelpSobriety Sabotage Surrounding Yourself with TemptationNot Coping with FailureNot…

Getting Sober in a Sick, Unhealthy Marriage

6 years ago

So many people feel trapped in unhealthy marriages, and there are a lot of reasons why this can happen. It…

Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome

6 years ago

Why do Withdrawals Linger for Some People?Table of ContentsWhy do Withdrawals Linger for Some People?Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome, or PAWSPost…

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