Addiction Recovery

What is the Best Treatment for Drug Addiction?

The Top Treatments for Addiction

Many people ask, “What is the best treatment for drug addiction?” SAMHSA notes that, in 2018, 60.2%of the persons interviewed stated that they used substances over the last month that were abusable. Drug addiction treatment is one of the best ways to deal with breaking dependence on a substance.

However, it may be difficult (possibly even impossible) to convince an individual that they may need treatment. In some cases, many don’t even realize they have a problem. However, even for those who are adamantly clinging to their habits, there is hope.

Drug treatment can be done in several different ways. Some individuals have undertaken their own methods of weaning themselves off the drug. Others have sought out help from friends and family members to help them get their life back on track.

Yet others reach out to support groups. In some cases, family and friends have an intervention to help them realize they have a problem and work with them to develop a solution. Dealing with addiction at a treatment center can have a positive impact on a recovering person.

What Is a Drug Addiction Center?

When we ask the question, “What is a drug addiction center?” the answer we get is rarely what we expect. At its heart, drug addiction centers focus on helping individuals overcome dependence by guiding them towards overcoming their harmful habits and replacing them with more constructive ones. Most drug addiction treatment centers start by ensuring the person is no longer under the influence of the drug.

After this, attendees go through therapy and discussion to help them ascertain why they react the way they do to the drug. Finally, they return to society with new behaviors and habits to help them cope with the temptation of the drug. In the final stage of addiction recovery, the drug has no hold over them, and they can go back to leading productive lives within society.

What Is The Best Treatment for Drug Addiction?

A drug addiction center is a safe location where someone who wants to quit their dependence on a substance can go for rehabilitation. This process doesn’t just include detoxification but a regimen of therapy and group interaction designed to help them break the hold a substance has on their lives. Getting help from a drug addiction center does bring with it a slew of benefits instead of trying to do it yourself. For specifics on the best drug rehabs in America, read this resource and our many other articles to fully educate yourself.

1.         Structure

Programs at drug addiction treatment centers operate on a strict schedule. One of the things that result from using harmful substances is a loss of structure and purpose in the individual’s life. Drug addiction treatment centers allow recovering persons to recreate a structured lifestyle. This structure includes specific times for therapy or group meeting sessions.

At the start, the person may have a hard time reestablishing this regimen, but it gets easier with time. The structure also ensures that they spend less time pining over the substance as there’s always something for them to do.

2.         Emotional and Psychological Support

Drug addiction treatment centers have staff trained in helping others come to terms with their substance use disorder. Psychologists and therapists help to recover persons figure out the triggers for their use and deal with the underlying problems. The emotional support needed to do that comes from the staff and their peers within the facility’s programs.

Psychological support from professionals works hand in hand with this emotional support to help them overcome the mental burdens they have to bear. This approach results in far fewer incidences of relapse since it deals with the problems that cause the disorder, not just the symptoms of the problem.

3.         Isolation from Triggers

According to The Sidney National Drug and Alcohol Research Center, addiction comes from both individual and environmental factors. While it is possible to recover on one’s own, the pressures to fall back into use are far too much for most people to deal with.

Often, individuals coming to drug addiction treatment centers have tried to overcome the problem on their own, only to be drawn back in because of their environment and the triggers it contains. The treatment center allows an individual to isolate themselves from these triggers, leading to less chance of relapse because of environmental factors. This isolation also works with the therapy from individual and group sessions. Recognizing those triggers makes it easier for a recovering person to avoid them.

4.         Monitored Detoxification

Many drug addiction treatment centers begin the process by having the recoveree wean themselves off their chosen substance. Going through the process of detoxification on one’s own can have severe consequences. Because the body has grown so used to the drug, removing it can lead to physiological pushback, resulting in complications and potentially death. Even ‘natural drugs’ thought of as largely benign, such as marijuana, can lead to dependence. Those that mimic opiates, like kratom, can lead to kratom addiction that both the body and mind must break.

Having trained medical staff on hand to help a recoveree deal with their detoxification is ideal for ensuring safety while going through this process. The recoveree will be monitored closely, and their vitals charted as they go through removing the toxic substance from their body. This experience can be harrowing, as anyone who has been through it will attest.

5.         A Focus on Recovery

One of the most common complaints recoverees have when trying to beat addiction on their own is that there are too many demands on them in the real world. These demands, coupled with the need to use the substance, put them in a position to redirect their focus constantly. Before long, the urge to use becomes too strong, and they start treating the substance as a reward.

Within a drug addiction treatment center, there’s little else to focus on but your own well-being. Staff and peers’ guidance can help pivot a recoveree’s thinking away from the substance and towards healthier ways to deal with your needs.

6.         Professional Help For Other Issues

In several cases, recoverees come into a drug addiction treatment center with more than just their substance abuse disorder in tow. Co-occurring mental health issues can exacerbate or build on a person’s dependence, with both problems becoming entangled. Professionals within these addiction treatment centers are trained to deal with co-occurring issues.

Dual diagnosis for these issues can pinpoint mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, and others. Psychologists and therapists within the treatment center can work with the recovering person to give them a better chance of breaking their bad habits and retaining their mental health in the process.

7.         Zero Tolerance

If someone is to leave a substance use disorder behind, they should not be tempted by the presence of a drug. Most drug addiction treatment facilities have a zero-tolerance rule on any substances since it could lead to recoverees falling back into their old habits. In many cases, if an individual is caught with a drug on the premises, they are asked to leave. This policy could mean someone getting kicked out of the facility because they can’t control their urges. While it may seem cruel, it helps all the other individuals who are honest about overcoming their disorder.

8.         Privacy

A difficult part of entering a facility is the shame and stigma associated with a substance use problem. Society does not look kindly on individuals who admit that they have a hard time controlling themselves. Many addiction treatment centers offer anonymity for anyone who decides to use their services. The privacy that these facilities provide also brings with it peace of mind for the recovering person. There’s less pressure on them from the outside world. The recoveree also gets to take back their life by only sharing their recovery story with those they want to.

9.         Aftercare

Going through detoxification is only the start of the journey to recovery. Most facilities develop a comprehensive plan for their attendees to help them overcome their substance use disorder. Usually, these aftercare plans offer individuals a clear path to recovery. While there isn’t any mention of the time each stage takes (to reduce pressure on the recovering person), they can be pretty in-depth.

These aftercare plans usually deal with helping the person transition into regular life and even help them rejoin society. Giving them support through group therapy and one-on-one sessions with psychologists can help them reconnect to others and keep them pushing for complete control of their lives.

Drug Addiction Is Not Just One Person’s Problem

A person that suffers from substance use disorder impacts all the people around them. Choosing to get help is a significant step in the right direction. But what is the best treatment for drug addiction? Family and friends can give some level of support, but many times, it’s a combination of individual and environmental factors that let these issues persist.

If you or someone you love is trying to overcome addiction, they should consider seeking out a drug addiction treatment center. These facilities are geared toward helping recovering persons understand what triggers their cravings and how to deal with those triggers. Choosing a suitable facility is a crucial decision. Consult Rehabs Of Armerica to learn more about addiction centers within your locale. Let’s help you make the right decision, reach out today!

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